Easy Calamari Recipe (2024)

Calamari is probably one of the easiest and quickest appetizers to prepare. Every time we order calamari in restaurants, I am always surprised on how fast the servers get back to us with the order already with them — still hot and crunchy on the outside, while very soft in the inside. That is how…

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By: Vanjo Merano 6 Comments Updated: 9/2/18

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Calamari is probably one of the easiest and quickest appetizers to prepare. Every time we order calamari in restaurants, I am always surprised on how fast the servers get back to us with the order already with them — still hot and crunchy on the outside, while very soft in the inside. That is how a perfect calamari should be, in my opinion. I personally like the calamari fritti of Lou Malnati’s and the spicy calamari of Olive Garden is also a good one. The good news is you do not need to dine-in any restaurant to enjoy a perfectly delicious calamari appetizer. You can always make this in your home kitchen, but make sure to open the windows and vent, or else your place will smell appetizing too.

Easy Calamari Recipe (1)

Most of us have had calamari, at least once or several times. For the benefit of those who are not familiar to this yummy appetizer, calamari refers to a squid dish. This is usually made from squid rings. The squid is dipped in a batter or dredged in a breading of some sort (depending on the recipe) and deep fried until the texture of the breading becomes crisp. This Easy Calamari Recipe will help you understand better on what a basic calamari is all about. This dish can have different names around the world; in particular, this is known as “calamares” in the Philippines, and there are hundreds of good calamares recipes that you can try. Calamari also refer to whole small squids that are cooked the same way. While the squid is the life of a calamari dish, the batter/breading and the dip plays an important role in making your calamari more enjoyable to eat.

Going back to this Easy Calamari Recipe, I am showing you a very basic way to make calamari. This recipe involves squid rings which you can get in the frozen seafood section of your favorite supermarket, already available in ring form. You can also use fresh squid. If using fresh squid, clean it thoroughly and remove the skin and all the things inside it. Slice the squid crosswise with your desired thickness to create the rings.

Do you know how calamari in restaurants get their soft texture? Well, not all squids are soft, but there is a way to ensure that the squid that you will be enjoying will be soft the moment it reaches your mouth. My technique is to marinade the squid or squid rings in fresh milk for at least 3 hours (marinating overnight works best for me). The lactic acid found in milk reacts with the squid making it less tougher overtime. This is the reason why you see the squid swimming in milk in this cooking video. This technique will also work for Inihaw na Pusit (Grilled Squid), as long as you do not over cook your squid.

Here is a previous recipe that I posted, which is the Filipino version of calamari.

Try this Easy Calamari Recipe. Let me know what you think.

Did you make this? If you snap a photo, please be sure tag us on Instagram at @panlasangpinoy or hashtag #panlasangpinoy so we can see your creations!

Easy Calamari Recipe (2)

Easy Calamari Recipe

Prep: 10 minutes minutes

Cook: 10 minutes minutes

Total: 20 minutes minutes

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  • 1 lb. calamari rings soaked in milk for 3 hours
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes
  • Lemon wedges
  • 2 cups cooking oil
  • Cooking Procedure


  • Combine the flour, salt, garlic powder, and parsley flakes. Mix well and set aside.

  • Heat the cooking oil in a wok or a deep cooking pot.

  • Drain the milk of the calamari. Dredge the calamari rings one-at-a-time on the flour mixture. Make sure that the calamari ring is completely coated with the mixture.

  • Deep fry the coated calamari rings on hot oil for 2 minutes or until the calamari turns light brown.

  • Strain the calamari from the wok or cooking pot using a skimmer or strainer. Let the excess oil drip.

  • Transfer the fried calamari in a serving plate.

  • Serve with lemon wedges.

  • Share and enjoy!

Nutrition Information

Serving: 4g

© copyright: Vanjo Merano

Watch the video on How to Cook Calamari

Easy Calamari Recipe (2024)


How is calamari supposed to be cooked? ›

As mentioned above, boil it for 30 to 45 minutes. To make it super delicious, coat boiled calamari in olive oil and season with salt and pepper before adding it to a high-temperature grill. I also like to use lemon juice, dried oregano, Italian seasoning, fresh parsley and garlic.

Why do you soak calamari in milk? ›

The squid is tenderised by overnight soaking in milk.

What is the best tenderizer for calamari? ›

The secret is in marinating the calamari in milk overnight!

Dairy products like yoghurt and milk are the best natural tenderisers. Cut your squid into rings and place with the tentacles in a large mixing bowl. Cover with milk and then cling film and place in the fridge for 12 to 24 hours.

Why is my fried calamari tough? ›

For maximum tenderness, use smaller squid. The larger the squid, the tougher it will be.

What kind of oil do you use for calamari? ›

What's the Best Oil to Fry Calamari In? Any high-smoke-point oil — like vegetable, canola, or peanut oil — will work for frying calamari. I recommend an oil with a very mild flavor so that the delicate calamari flavor shines through.

Should I rinse calamari before cooking? ›

4 Rinse squid body and tentacles before cooking. Slice body crosswise into rings for salads and soups.

What sauce do you eat calamari with? ›

There are few dishes more emblematic of casual American dining than fried calamari. These crispy, succulent strips of squid are easy finger food, perfect for sharing family-style with a side of marinara sauce for dipping.

How do you soften calamari before cooking? ›

Here is one of the biggest tips for today's fried calamari recipe: tenderize your squid rings by soaking them in salted milk and refrigerate for 30 minutes. This will help tenderize the calamari while taming the fishy smell! It also helps the flour coating to stick to the meat of the squid.

Why does my breading fall off my calamari? ›

Place the plate into the refrigerator and let the food sit for at least 60 minutes. This helps the coating to harden a bit, which will keep it on the food.

How to prevent calamari from being tough? ›

Sautéed or Stir Fried Calamari

Heat oil in a large skillet over high heat. Once the oil is hot, add calamari, and sauté for 30 seconds – 2 minutes or until hot and tender. To further avoid tough or overcooked calamari, sauté or stir fry any additional ingredients or sauces either before or after cooking the calamari.

What makes calamari soft? ›

I also soak my calamari in a water, baking soda, and salt bath for 15 minutes before frying to help ensure a more tender texture. Some people prefer to soak in milk as the lactic acid helps to tenderize the calamari. If you choose to do this, use enough milk to cover the calamari. This will also yield a thicker batter.

Does baking soda tenderize squid? ›

Tenderizing cephalopods like squid, octopus, or cuttle fish can be done in many ways. Some soak them in milk, others use baking soda.

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