Easy Healthy Fried Bread Recipe with Baking Powder - My Natural Family (2024)

Rebecca Baron 10 Comments

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This Easy Healthy Fried Bread Recipe with Baking Powder really is easy because it's made with baking powder instead of yeast so you don't have to wait for it to rise. That saves a lot of time.

If you want to know how to make Navajo Tacos which uses this recipe to make the fry bread for the tacos, it is right here - Healthy Navajo Tacos Recipe.

I think that one of my favorite parts of summer is being outside at the local fairs and farmer's markets. They often have Navajo tacos and they are so good. I used to think they were sooo much work until I developed this recipe. One of the ways this recipe simplifies things is that you really don't need all the tons of oil they use at the fairs.

Easy Healthy Fried Bread Recipe with Baking Powder - My Natural Family (1)

I put just enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan, but you are welcome to put more if you want. The other thing about this recipe that is a lot simpler than the traditional Navajo taco recipe is that the dough doesn't use yeast, so it doesn't have to rise, which is much easier and cuts way down on the preptime.

My kids LOVE to roll out their own dough and then I put it in the oil and take it out and then my kids start fighting over who gets the first fry bread. They eat them almost as fast as I can make them, which is saying a lot because they don't take very long to fry up.

As for flours, I've tried it with regular white flour, spelt flour and einkorn flour. They all work well, but all these flours need different amounts of liquid. Regular white flour usually needs 1 cup of milk, depending on the altitude and the brand of flour, etc.

Spelt flour usually needs a little less liquid and einkorn flour needs a lot less liquid, like maybe a full ¼ cup less. I'm not sure because I don't measure. I just keep adding milk until the dough comes together at a good consistency. You know it's ready when you can knead it easily and it doesn't stick to your hands.

I haven't used whole wheat flour myself on this Recipe. I usually use einkorn flour. It's so light, easy to work with, and delicious. But if you want to do whole wheat flour, you will probably need more liquid. Also, let the dough rest for 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes to give it time for the flour to soak up the liquid so the tacos aren't dry and gritty.

Alternately, you could put your dry ingredients in a food processor and let it run on the dough setting and slowly add milk until it pulls together and comes away from the side into a ball. It's actually pretty cool and fun that way. I hope you have fun making my Fry Bread.

Easy Healthy Fried Bread Recipe with Baking Powder - My Natural Family (2)



Easy Healthy Fried Bread Recipe with Baking Powder - My Natural Family (3)

Easy Healthy Fried Bread Recipe with Baking Powder

★★★★★5 from 2 reviews

  • Author: Rebecca Baron
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 8 1x
  • Category: Main Course
  • Cuisine: Clean Eating


This Clean Eating navajo taco fry bread recipe is super easy because it doesn't have to rise and pulls together in a few minutes. You can even get away with only putting a little oil in the bottom of a pan. My kids totally love this stuff!



  • 2 Cups white einkorn flour *
  • 1 Tbl baking powder
  • 1 tsp Real Salt *
  • 1 Cup whole milk
  • 2 Tbl oil for frying (I like avocado oil because it has a high smoke point)


  1. In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  2. Stir in milk, and mix until the dough comes together. The amount of milk is an approximation. Just add a little at a time until it comes together. With the einkorn, you will need a lot less milk, like maybe ¼ cup less.
  3. Add more flour if necessary to be able to handle the dough. On a floured surface, knead the dough until smooth, at least 5 minutes. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes.
  4. Heat oil in a large, deep heavy skillet to 365 degrees F (180 degrees C). Oil should be anywhere from just coating the bottom of the pan to 1 ½ inches deep.
  5. Break off ¾ cup sized pieces of dough, and shape into round discs ¼ inch in thickness, making a thinner depressed area in the center. Fry breads in the hot oil until golden on both sides, turning only once. Drain on paper towels.

Keywords: clean eating, easy, no-rise

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Reader Interactions


  1. Lena

    Does the brand of avocado oil matter? I bought some and it’s tinted green and had a weird nutty flavour and turned my bread a greenish hue. Very. Strange. My first time buying and using avocado oil


    • Rebecca Baron

      I suppose it is possible. I mostly use the brand at Costco. I believe it is the Chosen brand and haven't had any issues.


  2. Tayvia

    Can I use regular white flour instead of einkorn flour?


    • Rebecca Baron

      Sure. You just won't need quite as much flour. Just slowly add it until you get the right consistency.


  3. Sue Molack

    I can't use dairy, can I sub a nut milk for the cow's milk?


    • Rebecca

      Yes. It should work fine. I haven't tried it myself, but will please come back and comment and let me know if it works, so other people will know?


  4. Maria

    This sounds way faster than fry bread with yeast in it.


  5. Nancy Skipper

    So the dough is almost like making biscuits without the shortening, and flattened then fried?


    • Rebecca

      Pretty much. I've actually heard of people use canned biscuits and frying them to make fry bread. Never thought of it as biscuits, but I guess it pretty much is.


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Easy Healthy Fried Bread Recipe with Baking Powder - My Natural Family (2024)


Why does my fry bread come out hard? ›

Don't over-knead—Be careful not to knead the dough too much because the bread will be hard and tough. More flour—The dough is sticky but easy to work with; keep your hands and work surface well-floured. Dough thickness—Adjust the thickness of the dough for your use.

How do you fry bread without absorbing oil? ›

Get it really hot, put the bread in carefully and turn almost immediately to get the oil distributed evenly. Then brown each side. Beat an egg and pour onto a dinner size plate, drop the bread in flat and then turn to coat the other side. Then fry as normal, not much oil is absorbed this way.

Is fry bread healthy? ›

Health Problems

Fry bread can be eaten alone or as part of a meal, or can be dessert topped with butter, cinnamon and sugar or perhaps honey. Fry bread is tempting to most people because of the grease/lard/shortening ingredient and therein lies the problem. Not only is fry bread high in fat, it is also caloric.

What is Indian fry bread made of? ›

Indian frybread is a simple dough made from flour, baking powder, salt, and some type of fat in the form of lard or oil. The dough is shaped into a large thin circle, then deep fried in oil.

Why isn't my bread crispy? ›

Bread right out of the oven produces a lot of heat and steam. When the hot air hits the cold air, the water vapor condenses, or “sweats.” If you cover your bread with a towel or bowl, you can trap that water in your bread, resulting in a softer crust.

Why is my fry bread dough so sticky? ›

Your dough can become sticky when you add too much water or the flour isn't suitable for the type of dough you are making. Over proofing or fermenting the dough can also result in the gluten structure weakening causing sticky dough.

What is the best oil for deep frying bread? ›

The refined oils that are most often used for deep frying include safflower and soybean oil, the latter of which is often labeled as vegetable oil. Decker says the most stable picks are high in a fat called oleic acid, and recommends using peanut or canola oil.

Can you use self-rising flour instead of all-purpose flour for frying? ›

Typically, store-bought self-rising flour contains a lower protein content than generic all-purpose flour, giving baked goods a tender crumb. (You might notice a very small difference when using this homemade substitute in quick breads and cakes, but it typically won't be noticeable in fried foods.)

What is a substitute for oil in homemade bread? ›

  1. Melted Butter.
  2. Avocado.
  3. Unsweetened Applesauce.
  4. Greek Yogurt.
  5. Shortening.
  6. Coconut Oil.
  7. Bacon Grease.
  8. Nut Butters.
Nov 3, 2023

What is Navajo fry bread made of? ›

Our Navajo-inspired fry bread is easy to make. Simply combine 1 cup of flour with 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1/8 teaspoon salt and 1/3 cup hot water. When the dough comes together into a large ball, cover it and let it sit for 30 minutes.

Why do Native Americans eat fry bread? ›

Indigenous chef Sean Sherman calls it "everything that isn't Native American food", writing that it represents "perseverance and pain, ingenuity and resilience". Frybread became a symbol of resilience as it was developed out of necessity using government-provided flour, sugar, and lard.

What is Arizona fry bread? ›

Fry bread—also known as Indian fry bread or Navajo tacos—is made from flour, salt, baking powder and warm water. Plus shortening, in which to fry the dough. These staples were all American Indian tribes had access to when fry bread was first created (more on that later).

What Native American tribe made fry bread? ›

The Navajo created frybread in 1864 when the U.S. government initiated the reservation system and food commodities for the tribes after disrupting their way of life.

What is another name for fry bread? ›

Fried dough is also known as fry dough, fry bread (bannock), fried bread, doughboys, elephant ears, beaver tails, scones, pizza fritte, frying saucers, and buñuelos (in the case of smaller pieces).

How do you keep bread from hardening? ›

foil. Storing bread in either plastic, cloth, or foil helps retain the loaf's moisture. This moisture retention is a plus when it comes to the bread's crumb (interior) — but a minus if you're talking crunchy-crispy crust, since wrapping bread will inevitably soften its crust as well as its crumb.

What causes crispy bread to become soft or soggy? ›

If that moisture reaches the surface and hits cool air – e.g., typical room temperature – it condenses on the outer crust, making it soggy. If it hits warm air (your still-warm oven), it evaporates – leaving the crust crisp.

Why is my bread hard and not soft? ›

Put a bowl of water in your oven next to the bread. Also, every now and then spray bread with water. Most likely, your crust is developing too early because it is too dry in there. Your crust needs to stay soft and moist to continue to expand before it is ready.

Why is my bread not soft and fluffy? ›

Overworking the dough can cause the gluten strands to break down, resulting in a tough and dense bread. To ensure a light and fluffy texture, knead the dough just until it becomes smooth and elastic. This usually takes about 7-10 minutes by hand or 5 minutes in a stand mixer.

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