Food Friday - Juicing Recipe! • Flavilicious Fitness (2024)

Juicing is an incredible nutritional resource for anyone who wants to achieve optimal health and might be the MOST IMPORTANT dietary habit. In summary:

  • Juicing delivers a ton of vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes
    with minimal time and minimal calories
  • It will boost your immune system
  • Helps to correct hormonal imbalances
  • Prevents nutritional deficiencies that can slow muscle growth
  • Heals your digestive system
  • And gives you an enormous amount of energy
  • Juicing is also one of the best ways I know to lose body fat & still get a maximum dose of nutrition in your diet every day

Having said all that, if you’re not doing it correctly, you will be wasting money, wasting nutritious whole foods and undermining your own goals.

There aren’t a lot of ways to go wrong with juicing, but there are four really common mistakes that can completely undermine everything juicing can do for you. I’m going to explain what those four mistakes are, why they will have such a negative impact on your fitness goals and how to avoid them.

Juicing Mistake # 1: Using Too Much Fruit

Fresh fruit is good. It’s loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that your body needs. But it’s also loaded with sugar. When you eat whole, fresh fruits, the absorption of those sugars is slowed by all of the fiber the fruit contains, which helps prevent huge spikes of insulin into your bloodstream.But with juicing, most or all of that fiber is removed. If you’re using a blender and drinking the pulp as well as the juice, you’ll still be getting some fiber to slow that absorption, but not nearly as much as you would by eating the whole fruit. If you’re using a juicer, then you are not getting any fiber at all.

A huge part of the benefit of juicing is giving those nutrients a straight shot into your bloodstream, muscles and organs. However, when you’re drinking fruit juices, all of that sugar hits your bloodstream incredibly quickly and all at once.Most people will even get the same kind of shakes and adrenalin-like rush that you normally get with caffeine; the sugar hit is that big. This causes a dramatic spike in insulin release and when insulin is present in the bloodstream, your body is triggered to store fat. Repeating this over and over can also begin to cause insulin sensitivity issues.

The proper way to use fruit in juicing is to limit yourself to using half of a low glycemic fruit like an apple or pear to sweeten up some of the more bitter or tasteless vegetable juices. If you do want to drink a fruit juice, try to stick with berries such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. They’re loaded with antioxidants and rather low on the glycemic scale but they will still give you a sweet treat and a really good energy boost.

Juicing Mistake #2: Not Getting a Wide Enough Variety of Ingredients

One of the reasons that juicing is so great is that most of us don’t get nearly enough fresh vegetables in our diets. You should be eating between 12-20 servings of fresh vegetablesper dayfor optimal health. That’s per day! But how many people have the time or the appetite to do that, even if they love vegetables?

The other thing is that even those of us who do eat severalservingsof vegetables every day tend to stick with four, five or six favorites. Those favorites might be great for you, but they are giving you a very limited variety of nutrients.Dark, leafy greens provide a completely different nutrient variety than do dark, red vegetables. Orange veggies have antioxidants that purple veggies don’t. Don’t make the same mistake with juicing that people make with whole vegetables, rotating through the same few vegetables day in and day out. You want to get a wide variety of vegetables of all colors in your juices and that’s really easy to do with just a handful of recipes because most recipes have a good mixture of vegetables from different families. This is how you get that antioxidant blast that’s going to propel your nutrition and your body to the next level.

Juicing Mistake #3: Being Inconsistent

Friends, you can make the same mistake with juicing that you do with regular foods. Juicing one day here and one day there is no better than eating healthy on the weekdays and pigging out on junk all weekend. In order to get the benefits of juicing, you have to be consistent. That doesn’t have to mean juicing three times a day every day, although you certainly can.What it does mean is that you have to do it on a regular basis. Don’t forget, you’re supposed to be eating a minimum of 16 servings of vegetables per day. Your body is going to use up today’s nutrients from juicing today, which means you will need more tomorrow. Whether you decide to juice first thing in the morning and again after your workouts or just in the mornings or after workouts and again as a pick-me-up in the late afternoon, you need to stick to that plan. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself juicing only haphazardly and not getting anywhere near the benefits from it that you could.

Juicing Mistake #4: Going on a Juicing “Diet”

Juicing isnota weight-loss diet. Yes, you can lose a great deal of weight through juicing and faster than you would believe, but not by replacing most or all of your food with juice. Going on a juice cleanse for a few days or a week can do wonders for your weight loss efforts, but only because it will help reset your metabolism, get your hormones back in line and clean out your digestive system. It is a short-term tool for both health and getting your body ready to burn some serious fat, but it isshort-term. If you try to lose body fat by consuming nothing but juice or even by getting by on nothing but a ton of juice and a few servings of protein, you’re going to get results that are exactly the opposite of what you’re hoping for.

First, you are going to be starving. All of that fiber you’re not getting, all of that chewing you aren’t doing and all of those calories you’re not providing are going to have you running for a ten-meat pizza within a week or so. Any fat you lost in the meantime is going to come right back on, and the truth is that most of the weight you lose will be lean muscle mass and water. It’s very doubtful that you will be getting enough protein on a juice “diet,” so your body will very quickly begin catabolizing (cannibalizing, really) the protein in your muscles. What you will end up with by the time you fall off this diet is fatigue, malnourishment and a lot less muscle.

All of the things that juicing doesas a supplement to your dietare going to help you lose body fat. Your digestive system will start

working correctly. Your hormone levels, especially cortisol, insulin and testosterone, will be corrected. Your immune system will get a huge boost, reducing inflammation. You will have an incredible amount of energy, which means you will work out better, longer and more consistently. You don’t need to go on a juice “diet,” you just need to juice.

After a couple years of juicing, I can testify that it’s one of the most powerful, effective and pleasant things that you can do for your muscle-building and fat-loss goals and your overall health. But you have to use juicing in the right way and avoid these four common mistakes.

Once you’ve been juicing properly for just two or three weeks, you’ll be amazed at the changes in how you feel both physically and mentally, how you’re performing in the gym (and the bedroom, guys) and how your body looks.It is one of the single most important changes that I’ve made in the last couple years. I’ve seen it bring dramatic results in men and women that I know and clients that I coach and mentor. I cannot recommend juicing strongly enough, but I also have to tell you just how importantit is to do it properly. It’s a tool and tools only work when you use them in the right way, for the right job.

==>Click here to learn how to Juice Easily & Properly

On this next page you’ll see how Vince teamed up with the #1 juicing expert in the world who has close to 900,000 Facebook Likes, proving people are clearly enjoying and experiencing the benefits of his advice and now you can too…

==>Here’s your complete guide to Juicing

Food Friday - Juicing Recipe!  • Flavilicious Fitness (2024)


What is the best combination of fruits and vegetables to juice? ›

Here are some ideas of what goes together:
  • Cucumber: carrots and celery.
  • Spinach: tomatoes, celery and carrots.
  • Lettuce: parsnips, carrots, spinach, sprouts.
  • Papaya: pineapple, orange and cucumbers.
  • Various melons: strawberries.
  • Grapes: apples, melon, peach and cranberries.

What foods are good for juicing? ›

The 12 Best Vegetables to Juice
  • Kale. Kale is a versatile leafy green with a mild flavor that pairs well with other fruits and veggies in juices. ...
  • Carrots. Due to their slightly sweet flavor and impressive nutrient profile, carrots are a perfect choice for juicing. ...
  • Beets. ...
  • Cabbage. ...
  • Spinach. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Parsley. ...
  • Cucumbers.
Jul 14, 2023

Is juicing healthy for you? ›

Juicing can play a role in a balanced diet. For instance, it can help you get fruits and vegetables if you don't enjoy eating them. Juicing also can give the digestive system a rest from digesting fiber. This may help some people who have certain health conditions or who receive certain medical treatments.

What not to mix when juicing? ›

For instance, mixing starchy vegetables like carrots with high-sugar fruits can cause fermentation in the stomach, leading to bloating and gas. It's generally better to juice fruits and vegetables separately or to pair them wisely.

What veggies should not be juiced together? ›

What Foods Should Not Be Juiced Together? There are no known edible vegetables or fruits that cannot be juiced together. In fact, “when apple mash is mixed with other vegetables,” the resulting juice has increased nutrients and minerals.

What juicing is good for belly fat? ›

Weight loss drinks: Vegetable juices to shed belly fat quickly
  • 1/5. ​Carrot Juice​ This low-calorie root vegetable is high in fibre and aids digestion, all of which contribute to weight loss.
  • 2/5. ​Bottle Gourd Juice​ ...
  • 3/5. ​Spinach Juice​ ...
  • 4/5. ​Beetroot Juice​ ...
  • 5/5. ​Cabbage Juice​
Sep 22, 2023

What is the trick to juicing? ›

Juicing 101: Tips for Juicing at Home
  1. Pick your produce wisely. ...
  2. Prep in advance. ...
  3. Juice for the whole family. ...
  4. Add subtle sweetness with fruit. ...
  5. Make the clean-up part of your routine. ...
  6. Opt for fresh fruits and veggies. ...
  7. Use the pulp! ...
  8. Drink!
Nov 18, 2020

Does juicing shrink your stomach? ›

For more ways food and drink can cause wrinkles, check out the 20 Foods That Age You 20 Years. Although juicing doesn't actually shrink the stomach, it does temporarily eliminate the possibility to eat for comfort.

Can too much juicing be harmful? ›

This can be especially harmful to older adults, children, and people with weakened immune systems. If you drink too much juice with spinach and beets in it, for example, the high levels of oxalate, a naturally occurring substance, could increase your risk for kidney problems such as kidney stones.

Does juicing detox your body? ›

The bottom line is that there is no scientific evidence that a juice diet or cleanse removes toxins from your body.

Should I peel my cucumber before juicing? ›

You don't even have to peel them. English or Japanese cucumber skins are thin, tender, and contain many nutrients! Just chop off the ends of the cucumber before you work with it.

Do I need to peel a beet before juicing? ›

To juice a beet: Finely grate one bunch beets (no need to peel) on a surface lined with cheesecloth on top of wax paper. The more finely grated, the more juice you will get.

What is the best fruit to juice? ›

Some top fruits for juicing include:
  • Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons.
  • Berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries.
  • Tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, papaya.
  • Melons such as honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon.
  • Apples, pears, grapes, cherries.

What are the best fruit combinations for juice? ›

Stay hydrated with these easy, refreshing, & nutrient-dense fresh juice combinations:
  • Watermelon+ Raspberries.
  • Apple + Blueberries.
  • Pineapple + Ginger.
  • Orange + Carrot.
  • Pear + Cucumber.
  • Papaya + Nectarine.
  • Cantaloupe + Kiwi.
  • Grapefruit + Mandarin Orange.

Is it good to mix fruits and vegetables when juicing? ›

Combining produce properly results in beverages that are flavorful as well as good for you. Some of the best fruits and veggies to juice together include citrus fruits, leafy greens, carrots, beets, berries, melons, pineapple, grapes, and apples. These all blend beautifully into sweet-tart combinations.

What fruits and vegetables blend well together? ›

25 Best Fruit and Vegetable Combinations for Smoothies
  • Bananas + Spinach. Creamy bananas perfectly mask the taste of leafy spinach. ...
  • Pineapple + Kale. ...
  • Peaches + Carrots. ...
  • Kiwi + Celery. ...
  • Apple + Cucumber. ...
  • Watermelon + Cucumber. ...
  • Dragonfruit + Fennel. ...
  • Grapes + Bok Choy.

What fruits and vegetables mix well together? ›

  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. Fruit & Vegetable Pairings.
  • Apples and Bell Peppers.
  • Snap Peas and Cantaloupe.
  • Peaches and Cherry Tomatoes.
  • Peaches. Cherry Tomatoes.
  • Persimmons and Carrots.
  • Blood Oranges and Cauliflower.
  • Grapes and Baby Okra.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.