Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (2024)

Recipes DIYs

By Samira @ Alphafoodie

published November 11, 2019


updated July 19, 2022

4.90 from 143 votes

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This recipe for healthy, vegan ginger turmeric energy shots is the perfect daily boost for your immune system. From anti-inflammatory properties and digestive aid to staving off a cold. Plus, it takes just 4 ingredients, a juicer, and 10 minutes of your time!

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (2)

A few months ago I shared my recipe for my blended Ginger Turmeric energy shots and you all LOVED it! Since then, I’ve managed to invest in a juicer and have been adjusting recipes to be juicer-friendly. Finally, I’m ready to share my juicer recipe for these healthy Ginger Turmeric immune-boosting energy shots. Plus the benefits of ginger and turmeric.

I am obsessed with these energy shots. With just four ingredients and 10 minutes of your time, you can quickly whip up a week’s worth of daily shots. A perfect way to start the day for a health and energy boost. These shots have so many health benefits, I could write multiple blog posts on the wonder of these ingredients.

If you’re reading this and wondering why these immune-boosting shots are a good idea. It’s all in the ingredients! Ginger, turmeric, lemon & pepper!

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (3)

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Table of Contents

  • So, What Are the Benefits of Turmeric?
  • And What About the Benefits of Ginger?
  • What Do the Shots Taste Like?
  • How to Make Ginger Turmeric Immune-boosting Energy Shots
  • Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (juicer recipe) Recipe

So, What Are the Benefits of Turmeric?

Turmeric: This bright orange root is well known for its dried, powdered form. Often added to Indian cuisine with curry powders and having been used medicinally for thousands of years. More recently turmeric is used to make interesting Lattes and Golden Milk.

However, it’s also a little powerhouse of health. I’ve included a list of the top turmeric benefits in the Golden Milk recipe post. To sum things up a little bit more in a concise way here about the benefits of turmeric and curcumin.

Turmeric is such a fantastic ingredient including increasing the antioxidant capacity of the body. This protects your body from free radicals and possibly slows the aging process.

Curcumin is also known to help reverse the heart disease process. This is because it helps regulate blood pressure and clotting. It also could help prevent the growth of cancerous cells.

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (4)

I also love the fact that Turmeric is a natural source of anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation, even at low levels, is the cause of so many health issues. I praise a natural anti-inflammatory ingredient- especially for chronic inflammation.

There have even been studies showing it improves brain function ( lowering the risk of various brain diseases). It can also reduce symptoms of depression and even help treat arthritis. Not to mention its ability to reduce congestion.

Now, there are curcumin supplements and turmeric supplements available. But why go that route when you can get the benefits directly from the source?

I also have some other recipes for turmeric on my blog. For a winter warming recipe, I have Tumeric and Ginger Spiced Pumpkin Soup. As well as using its natural color for these Easy Rainbow Vegan Falafels 5-ways &All-Natural Rainbow Pasta. It can even be used for this .

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (5)

And What About the Benefits of Ginger?

If the above isn’t enough to sell you on these ginger Turmeric shots, then how about the benefits of ginger?

Ginger belongs to a family of plants/food closely related to turmeric. It has been used for all kinds of medicinal uses throughout history.

Similar to turmeric, ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It is also known to improve brain function, heart health, and lower blood sugar.

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (6)

However, the benefits of Ginger also surpass Turmeric in many ways. For example, Ginger has been used a lot to aid the digestion of food. According to studies, Ginger speeds up the emptying of the stomach too. Therefore, it has been used as an antidote for bloating, indigestion, and stomach pain.

It also has been known to work well to reduce nausea, reduce LDL cholesterol levels and help fight colds/the flu.

Amazingly, there have also been studies that show Ginger to be as effective as Ibuprofen at reducing period pains! And the Gingerol within Ginger works hard to fight infections. I even remember a friend telling me how they use ginger on their skin to soothe burns!

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (7)

So, both ingredients are chock-a-block full of immune-boosting benefits with amazing side effects!

Oh, and if you’re wondering why the black pepper and turmeric?

This ingredient is needed to help absorb the curcumin within the turmeric as well as help digestion and fight free radicals.

What Do the Shots Taste Like?

Okay, I’m not going to lie, these shots aren’t exactly winning awards for the best flavor ever. Ginger and turmeric are both strong flavors which means some people may struggle with the taste.

Luckily these are designed to be taken as shots so they’re down the throat in seconds! Plus – some people love the flavor, so you never know.

How to Make Ginger Turmeric Immune-boosting Energy Shots

To make these energy shots, the process is super simple!

Simply wash your fresh turmeric and ginger and then juice the ingredients individually into different containers.

Note* I don’t peel the skin from turmeric or ginger. However, when I wash them I use a small vegetable brush (you can also use a toothbrush), to properly clean them.

I juiced the turmeric first then the ginger and finally, the lemons.Mix all the juices up at the end. Add the black pepper and Voila! (Full recipe with quantities below.)

Note* When juicing the lemon I peeled the lemon before putting it through the juicer.

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (8)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (9)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (10)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (11)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (12)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (13)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (14)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (15)

These immune-boosting shots can then be poured into little individual portion glass vials and stored in the fridge. I make a week’s worth in one go. However, it’s important to mention that some of the nutritional value will deplete over time.

This means the benefits of ginger and turmeric may be reduced slightly. To take full advantage of the optimal nutrition then you can also make single-serve portions each morning.

The juice can also be poured into an ice-cube tray and frozen for up to six months. You can then pop a couple of juice cubes into your morning smoothie to reduce the taste. Alternatively, you can take a couple out of the freezer in the morning and leave them to defrost then drink them as a shot.

For other DIY recipes, feel free to check out my posts forHomemade Oat Milk, Coconut Milk, or DIY Vegan Nutella. There are also my recipes for Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupsand many others on the blog!

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (16)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (17)
Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (18)

If you give this ginger turmeric immune-boosting shots recipe a go, then please let me know your thoughts/questions in the comments below. Also, I love it when you tag me in your creations @AlphaFoodie.

Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (19)



Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (juicer recipe)

4.90 from 143 votes

By: Samira

This recipe for healthy, vegan Ginger Turmeric shots is the perfect daily boost for your immune system. From anti-inflammatory properties and digestive aid to staving off a cold. Plus, it takes just 4 ingredients, a juicer and 10 minutes of your time!

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes minutes

Servings: 10 servings of 50 ml


  • 9 oz ginger
  • 9 oz turmeric
  • 3 medium lemons
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper


  • Wash the turmeric and ginger well (I use organic ginger and turmeric). I don't peel the skin off but I wash it well with a vegetable brush.

  • Juice the turmeric.

  • Juice the ginger.

  • Juice the lemon (I peeled the skin and put the lemon through the juicer) but you can juice separately if you prefer.

  • Mix everything and add the black pepper. This is needed to help get all the benefits from the turmeric.

  • Store in little glass vials and keep refrigerated for up to 7 days.


  • I drink this first thing in the morning.
  • The recommended daily dose is between 60 and 80 ml. I have various glass vials. Some are 50ml. Some go up to 100ml.
  • The leftover pulp could be dried to be ground into powder, which then could be used as a booster for other juices or smoothies.
  • Tip = For a special cold/flu busting juice then you can also add some orange juice to this shot (around 1 orange per daily shot).

Course: DIYs

Cuisine: juice

Freezer friendly: 6 Months

Shelf life: 1 Week


Serving: 1serving of 50ml, Calories: 17kcal, Carbohydrates: 1g, Protein: 0.1g, Fat: 0.1g, Saturated Fat: 0.01g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.01g, Monounsaturated Fat: 0.001g, Sodium: 7mg, Potassium: 22mg, Fiber: 0.1g, Sugar: 1g, Vitamin A: 2IU, Vitamin C: 8mg, Calcium: 1mg, Iron: 0.02mg

Nutrition information is automatically calculated, so should only be used as an approximation.

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Ginger Turmeric Immune-Boosting Energy Shots (Juicer Recipe) (2024)
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