Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas (2024)

0 I A I MOM, A IK ANtA I Extension of Bus Service Is Refused fey LEON HATCH LITTLE HOCK fAf" -Thr Ar- knhsas Supreme Cnurl todn.v ri 1 fused lo permit Inter City Tnm- Sit Co. In extend Us present limited operation between Little Mock ntid Fort Smith. 'Three of tin Feven iusllccs Jls- Sellled to thp decision In 1956 the MfFFoiiri Pacific Transportation Midwest Bits Lines, disconliruK-d its service between Riissellvillp sinrt Kurt Smith over Highwnys 7 and 22 nnd reduced tin- number nf its MUls between Korl Smith and Rock over Hiyhwnys (i.j. inter City held pci-mil for service bolwci-n hittle Dock nnd Port Smith but not tor Service between the two rilii'S It npplicd to fhe Public Si-j'vii-o Commission for mitlmnly tn Insll- lilte through service. Missouri PnrHli- Cmu-n Conch which nl.so Little Hock and Furl resisted.

In 2-1 deciMiin the rniiviils slon granted Inter City's n-nurs 1 that the restrictions on Us npei-a- tlon bo lifted. On nppenl. the Clrrm 1 affirmed commission order permittinR Intc.r C'ity service between Fort Smith and i I I Hock by wny of Dardanelle south the Arknns.is River, but said was insufficient evidence to support the application for alter nate service by wny of Clarksvilln north of tbe river sides nppc.ilecl the Su- rcmc Court. Speaking for the Supreme majority, Associate Justice George Smith held that Jnlri Cii.v -bad nol established the need for any additional service The original application of Inter City was ordered drnltd Chief Justice Carleton Jlarrl? and Justice Minor Milhvee would have affirmed the judgment of circuit Court. 'Associate Justice .1.

Moll would hnve I'Mnstnled the decision of the commission. The Supreme court affirmed sentences Imposed gainst two defendants in Pouisett Circuit Court for burglary ann ginnd larceny James Gcuise Reaves was sen tcnccri 'to 20 ycnrs imprisonmoni and Lonme N.il lo 15 vcars. They were convicted of burglammg the Ben Powell Chevrolet Co at Tru man of propeity worth num- than $1,000 on Apul 21, 1S157 affirmed was a 2-year sett- tencc for stealing hoi so im posed against Monroe Lindsey In Little River Circuit Court. The court upheld divorce gi Jill cd Dr. V.

Fox agtimst Mr? Lena Fox in Mississippi Chancery Court, Chiokasavvba Dibtrict. MM Fox, who filed an earlier seeking a divorce and a property settlement, had appealed. The Supreme Court held thr.l a bondsman is responsible for court appearance of a defendant even though the latter is in jail in another state, Clay Circuit Court forfeited a bond of $5,000 executed by Hussell James nnd Earl Bell when their client, James A. (Dock) Bowling, did not appear to answer a chargo of possessing stolen goods. court held the fad ihat Bawling at tbe time was in Jiail al rtennoll, on burglaiy and grand larceny charges did not relievo the bondsmen ''The Supreme Court agreed in i decision written by Chief Justice Harris, "A bondsman," Harris 'may well consider, when executing 1 bail, many factors that might prevent the return of the principal (such as) the general tor and reputation of the defendant, the seriousness of the charge against him nnd the possibility of (he principal becoming involved Jn further trouble, us hctppcjned in this Two Arkonsons on Boprd Submarine WASHINGTON CAP) TWO arc in the crew of the atomic submuniK Seawolf which will today after 60 days of submerged almost r'jwjce the previous underwater fjpord, They are Wallace Diuinu Good' son of Mr.

and 'Mrs. C. 1 Episcopal Church Group in Session WHICH ONE'S THE LEMMON? These Beauties, sporting, vintage 1929 bathing cos- tumes are drawing crowds to the beach at San Diego filming scenes for the f-irec Like It Hot." Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis masquerade as and ''Josephine 1 what producer Billy Wilder calls "a-combination of 'Searface' and 'Char- Joy's Aunt. 1 They're assisted by an unmascjuerading doll, Marilyn Monroe. Oh, yes, Lem- jnon is the lovely standing in center, in case you couldn't tell.

by ED LA VANWAY Qpodlcti of Blcvins, and Claudio Ollear, son of Mrs. Thomas uyllear of Hot Springs. The Seawolf is scheduled tp today at New L-pndon, Conn. Chapter XXVI Lane faced head on into blind- inn sandstorm fur a couple of minutes, trying to fight his horse toward the herd, and then a driving rain struck him He got Unhorse to stand still, and dismounted lo put on his slicker, tho mustang lurniiiK tall to the wiud, at tills moment a flash al lightning showed Lane three rid crs who weren't on the Four-Arrow payroll. They were nnd had evidently come up from the road, Liine rlidn'l have time to wonclar j.boul their individual identities, but he knew they were enemies Their actions prove it A streak of gunflamo shot oui and Lnnc felt the hoi spin of slug near his jaw.

He flung him buck from his horse, dropping his slicker, and pulled his pistol. A crash of thunder reverberated across the heavens directly overhead. More streaks of gun- flame shone there in Ihu rain Lime relumed Ihe fire, When the next bolt of lightning oatno, Lane was looking at a retiring- horse. The saddle was empty and heavily ornamented with tuJ- Ye'rclugo's kakiTio olhe.r men, then, wore Cordny nn'J Rudnick, nnd they had shot to kill because they thought tone had them and they meant to stampede Lane's herd Filled with desire lo. amply two more baddies, Lane stood braced agfiinsl the His own rse.

was walking away now, hetided for the sholtor ot the bosqup. Trotting fonvaVrl, Lime a the cold-jawed brute nnd swung astride him, Lano reloaded his gun, rain streaming from his hands, and spurred toward the place he had seen gunpowder blaze He tried to locale the spot where Verdugo's horse had reared put found no evidence that had brought Vprdugo clown. Soaking wet, svHh the roar nnd crash of the storm in his- cars and the weight of thrusting against his body. Lane headed for the place where he hud dropped his slicker. Before he could pick up the garment, he hoard sound that chilled his blood.

The whole summer'? work was wasted, or most it. The herd running', Iho pounding hoofs and clocking horns loud the lull between peajs of llumdor, Lane's horse almost jumped onl from under him, and he founci himself teanng along foyr pthv-r vJders. Gelling his mount under control and realising Ihcps was slill a chance to put the herd ItHo a mill, he yelled, "Turn Use your guns. HP pvot against ihe lead steers. Jhe' ejj plosion of his ,41 sounding with (he gijns of his erf as tried (o swing the paru'pked critters toward tin.

west. The lead steers swerved, Balls of lightning wov? playing on (he tips of their horns. Tho same thing happened tho pars oi Lane's hors.e. Thp baijds were all now, a.nd soms were hilling at the doubled ropes. Jt lowJjcd as though Ihe would mill, but the mod, 'beefs made biH' civcle and the Four Arrow h'ajids were ublt, to hold Thti eyt northeast jinci then lined out wa'teM for the cr.aeH- yotmed.

He wouJ4 sorvjg ojf ro 9 selves ajfauigl the iegs and jpve. Jo fee Swinging" jerking JJQSSP-, heard him. His voice filled no ears but his own because (he Ions- horns ran full tilt into the uiv I'crbrush smashing saplings and sounding, as they wore uprooting half Ihe timber in the bottom. It was a sickening sound to Lune, He reined up the creek, two riders looming beside him, nnd found a solid place to cross over emerging a few minutes later onto tho sullied, rolling land to the unst. The longhorns hnd up niter smashing through the bosnuc, and were running every way, Lane shouted a( (he.

men nearby, "Pick up a bunch and slay with them," and ivhen the range brightened again with lightning, lie himself lined out.after'a bunch of about 200 head, It took him an hour to run the critters down and get them into a mill. It look him' twice that long to chouse them back, across the creek and oi)lo the flats, where he found Four Arrow hands holding gather of -about two thirds of the herd, Cutting his bunch in with these cattle, Lane rode baek to help bring up other bunches as riders 1 appeared with them, When there was daylight, Lane nnd Webster rode through the gather, finding many of Ihe steers with broken and dangling horns. None was crippled, -Nope would have to bo destroyed. Lane lold the dark complexioncd man, "We'll bring bacK a saw nnd do some dehorning." They found no steers with broken legs or necKs, and none of (he hantfs re- cloved injury during the brush popping. Lane was relieved Nineteen of the critters; had gecl down, and hands were busy with ropes nnd a 4 l.c horns, Arkansans Told They Lack Pride By MfAMt StiAOH, fla.

Episcopal Church, which Ha8 ftitt Into past setbacks Ifi trying la hold a nonscgregfeted genaral vcntion in the South, had ofle ing without a hitch today. the thrce-rflillion-member" nomination is rrtdotittg In the Sollth for the first time iri 33 It's 59th triennial general veniion opened Sunday night with stirring mass worship Service, and an appeal frorft its presiding bishop for Christians to their convictions in dealing With crucial modern issues, "Let us live in no ivory ut irrelevance, but with the help of God let's try face roallstl- tally the problems of our day from the point of eternity," said the Rt. Rev. Henry Knox Sherrill, Bishop Sherrill, who has hcade.H the church for 11 years slid Who also Is a president of the World Council of Churches, listed racial tension among Various grftva lions which he said the church must meet head on The Christian solution, he said. has nothing "lo do with popular appeal, with contemporary compromise but with the will of God in sn far as wo can know it." There were several Negro delegates among the 16,000 churcfe people who moved in stately pro cession into Miami Beach's 6iR new Exhibition Hall Sunday The Rt.

Rev. Henry Lottftit, bishop of South Florida, lold -this reporter that the Miami Beach Convention Bureau had given ay- surnnec that all delegates would be accommodated "without discrimination." The church's last convention three years ago originally had been scheduled in Houston, Toy. but it was decided that the noiy segregated facilities insisted on by the church could not be obtained there. As a result the convention was held in Honolulu. LITTLE ROCK national Tal estate lender said today Arkansas' greatesl need is "for the' people to Wave a revival of and feeling about their state," 'H.

Walter Graves of Philadelphia, president of the National real cslalc leader said loday declared greater opportunity here in Arkansas than in any other stale Jn Iho union "''At'the' same, time," he added, "1 liavc seen the utter lack ot pride on the part of Arkansas residents." Graves addressed the 34th annual convention of the Arkansas Heal Eslale which ended a 2-day here. Commenting on his first visit to said, "You this state hind, natural resources, water supply, available labor and beautiful countryside, yet, who knows it ejc- cept the people living here in Graves described the doveloo- mc'it of the Arkansas River as of the most important improvements that the state could hope to "achieve, "The people of the state Ret behind the river project 100 per cent," he assorted. "You have no idea how much growth it will mean from both an industrial and cconomicn! standpoint. Why, wjth- In a tow years the center of Ar. kapsas could be an industrial sector unrivaled anywhere in the na.

Arkansas, Graves have everything in snaking them out. The creek was rising, "Uine said to Webster, "We' better help them, Ken, bo. fore some of them drow," Lane ordered two vaqueros loose herd the beef, "Stay with them while the rest of us go (To Be Cpntlnyed) (Distributed by NEA Service, Pilot Plans Space Trip in Balloon By STEVE LOWELL ALAMQGOHDO, NVM young' jet pilot plans leisurely journey to the- Tuesday. He wants to see if he can help man lake- the- vital slop over that high threshold into space. Lt.

Cliflin McClurc make the jaunt in a capsule which looks like a giant version of one of those prescribes. This soalo'd metal container is a replica of the co*ckpit in-which man eventually may soar into-space in a rocket, McClure, 25; of Anderson, S.Ci, will wedge-himself into the midst of a myriad of instruments for a ride to about 100,000 20 a 'day-night stay, He hopes, by this solitary feat, lo further the Air Force's careful study of hosv nature treats man close to the edge of space. Ho hopes lo learn more about what man needs to have with him and know in order to survive lion." Craves said the real estate industry could help the stale's vcloprpont by mging an "overhaul" of the tax laws and by helping sell outside irduslry on the advantages of localins in Arkansas, "A stale, by its lax Jaws, should make it attractive for industry lo locate snid, "That boundaries," he something which ypu con help by legislation." He said the tax situation might have been a ''possible cause for tho recent recession." Graves said tho recession wns mild in Arkansas because of its diversification of industry. PISH for a hew idea in shoo design, Albahese of Rome comes Up striking "fish line. Prescotf News Mrs, Oates Entertains Bridge Cmb Lovely arrangements of Autumn blossoms decorated the home of Mrs.

Bill Dates on Wednesday afternoon when entertained the '47 Bridge Club with a dessert- bridge. For ihe dessert course the tables were centered with vases ot lillipot zenniai. Mrs. Bob Reynolds won the high score award. Guests were Mrs.

W. Jordan, Mrs. D. L. McRac Jr.

and M'rs. Tom Bemis. Other members were Mrs. Vcrnon Buchanan, Mrs. E.

H. Ward, Mrs. E. A. DcLamar, Mrs.

Glenn Hairston, Mrs. Bob Yarbrough, Mrs. 0. W. Watklns, Jim Nelson and Mrs.

Earl Eppler. and James Wylie Duke. Rev. and Mrs. J.

H. Robertson returned Thursday from Van Buren where they attended funeral services for Mrs. Robertson's mother Mrs. Drew Preston. Mr.

and Charlie Pye Mr. and Mrs. Watson Ward Ronnie spent Wednesday Thursday in Little Rock as and and and the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vick and Mr.

and Mrs. Jim Miner and attended the Arkansas Livestock Show. MVs. L. C.

Dill and Mrs. Brad Hamilton have been recent visitors in San Antonio, Texas. Cub Scout Den 2 Meets Cub Scout Den 2 began the school season activities when the first meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon in the home of Den Mother Mrs. Wallace Purtle. William Clay led the scout pledge and law that was repeated in unison.

Larry Callicott led in prayer and served refreshments to Jim Fail-child, Jim Jean and Jim Davis, Larry Callicott, George Clay, Jerry Cotlingham and eventually in space He'll be nearing the eternal darkness of outer space, the region of intense, a i a i the region where man's comfortable feeling of gravity is the region where who knows? That is ness of outer space, the region of intense i a i on, the region comfortable el ing of gravity is gone, the region where what -he who knows? That is hopes to learn more about, This will be the third trip of Hit- Man High scries. In June 1957, Capl. Joe Kittinger, formerly of the Air Force Missile Development Center near Alamogordo and now of Wright Air Development Center in Ohio, made the first apconsion, to feet. Jn August 1957, Maj David Simons, now a lieutenant colonel, made the second trip, Simons rose, to 102,000 feet and stayed 32 hours. Air Center in Ohio, made the first ascension, to 90,000 feet.

In August 1957, Maj. David Simons, now a lieutenant colonel, made, the second trip. Simons rose feet and stayed 32 hours. If the weather is right, the 200- foot diameter, helium filled, plastic balloon will rise early Tuep-' dpy, McClurc will radio his observations, and other scientific data be telemetered automatically to the ground crow, The prevailing west wind will him over west Texas or Oklahoma, where he is expected to Mrs. L.

L. Mitchell, Mrs. Lester Steed and Mrs. J. H.

Wilson were Thursday visitors in Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loe have returned from Odessa, Tex. where they were the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. James Loe and family. Mrs. Mettle Robinson spent last Ridieuled Town May Incorporate (population- io.ooo) is" talking abblil incorporation" and thinking of a HarHe chafige at Ihs sarne" time, P'resideht fed Valh of lite Charttber of Corhitierce says cfj fnedisris have fhad'e the town a constant butt of their jokes, One of the names tthder Consideration, Vain reports, is ArpegS Ihe well-known perftirne, That ought to slow down Ihs jokesters, says Valh. For awhile, al least.

week in El Dorado as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eirnwood son and family. Mrs. Gerald Daniel of.

Longview, Texas has becii the guest of Mrs, Virgil Daniel Sr. M'r, and Mrs. Jackie Bolls of Little Rock announce the arrival of a daughter on Sept. 30. Grand parents are Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Bolls of Prescott and Mr. and Mrs, Ardell Clark of Hope, Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W.

AdardJ, of Everett, Mass, announce the birth of a daughter, Virginia, who arrived on Sept, 25, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hart of Pine Bluff are the maternal grand parents and Mr, and Mrs. W. T.

Hart of Prescott are the maternal great grand parents. WHAT LIES, AHEAD? What's the-outlook for our economy? After the recession, what? Will there jobs, more opportunities What does America's growth mean to you If there ever was a time for opti-0 free copy of a new illustrated booklet, "Your Great Future In A Growing America" drop a post card to: The Advertising Council, Box 30, Midtown Station, New York 18, N.Y. Published us ajiullio ierviee'me'oop- eralio-n with The AdvertiHing Council. DIAL 7-4431 FREE DELIVERY Red Hot Wednesdoy-Thursdoy Specials SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED EXTRA SPECIAL Ib GUARANTEED FRESH COUNTRY 31 oo 4 LB. CARTON 10 LB, SACK RED SUN VALLEY COLORED to im.

Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.