How to Get Big Monkeys BTD6: Unlocking the Colossal Guardians (2024)

In the strategy game Bloons Tower Defense 6 (BTD6), players aim to defend their territory against waves of invading Bloons by strategically placing and upgrading monkey towers. Among the various types of monkey towers available, the “Big Monkeys” stand out as powerful and effective units capable of dealing significant damage and providing valuable support.

Obtaining Big Monkeys in BTD6 requires careful planning and resource management. Players must first unlock the Tier 4 upgrades for specific monkey towers, which can be achieved by upgrading them through the normal upgrade paths. Once a monkey tower reaches Tier 4, it can be further upgraded to its Tier 5 “Big Monkey” form by fulfilling specific requirements, such as sacrificing other monkey towers or spending large sums of in-game currency.

Big Monkeys offer several advantages in BTD6. They possess superior stats, including increased damage output, range, and attack speed, enabling them to efficiently eliminate Bloons. Additionally, Big Monkeys often have unique abilities that provide strategic advantages, such as crowd control, damage reflection, or lead popping capabilities. By incorporating Big Monkeys into their defense, players can significantly enhance their chances of success in even the most challenging game modes.

Table of Contents

How to Get Big Monkeys in BTD6

Getting Big Monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense 6 (BTD6) requires a combination of strategy, resource management, and knowledge of the game’s mechanics. Here are 12 key aspects to consider:

  • Unlock Tier 4 Upgrades
  • Sacrifice Other Monkeys
  • Spend In-Game Currency
  • Use Monkey Knowledge
  • Choose the Right Heroes
  • Utilize Power-Ups
  • Plan Tower Placement
  • Prioritize Damage Output
  • Consider Crowd Control
  • Don’t Neglect Support Towers
  • Experiment with Different Strategies
  • Practice and Improve

By understanding these aspects and implementing them effectively, players can consistently obtain Big Monkeys in BTD6, bolstering their defenses and increasing their chances of victory. For instance, utilizing the Monkey Knowledge system can provide permanent upgrades that make it easier to unlock and afford Big Monkeys. Additionally, using Power-Ups at strategic moments can provide a temporary boost, allowing players to quickly deploy Big Monkeys to counter overwhelming Bloon waves.

Unlock Tier 4 Upgrades

Unveiling the path to formidable Big Monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense 6 lies in the mastery of Tier 4 upgrades. These upgrades serve as stepping stones, transforming ordinary monkey towers into potent forces capable of evolving into colossal guardians.

  • Gateway to Tier 5: Tier 4 upgrades are the essential foundation for ascending to the coveted Tier 5, where Big Monkeys reside. By unlocking these upgrades, players empower their monkeys with enhanced capabilities, preparing them for the challenges ahead.
  • Stat Boost Bonanza: Embracing Tier 4 upgrades bestows monkeys with a surge of power, boosting their damage, range, and attack speed. These enhancements significantly amplify their Bloon-popping prowess, laying the groundwork for even greater triumphs.
  • Diverse Abilities Unlocked: Tier 4 upgrades unveil a spectrum of unique abilities, each tailored to specific strategies. From crowd control wizards to lead-annihilating specialists, these abilities add versatility and depth to players’ defensive arsenals.
  • Strategic Prerequisites: While Tier 4 upgrades are crucial, they demand careful planning and resource allocation. Players must weigh the costs and benefits, prioritizing upgrades that align with their overall strategy and the challenges posed by each map and game mode.

By grasping the significance of Tier 4 upgrades and incorporating them into their Bloons Tower Defense 6 gameplay, players unlock the gateway to formidable Big Monkeys, setting the stage for epic battles and triumphant victories.

Sacrifice Other Monkeys

In the world of Bloons Tower Defense 6 (BTD6), the path to acquiring mighty Big Monkeys is paved with strategic choices and sacrifices. One such choice is the act of sacrificing other monkeys to fuel the transformation of a Tier 4 monkey into its formidable Tier 5 counterpart.

The act of sacrificing monkeys in BTD6 is a calculated move that requires careful consideration. Players must weigh the immediate benefits of gaining a Big Monkey against the potential loss of valuable support or damage-dealing capabilities. However, when executed wisely, sacrificing monkeys can be a pivotal step towards securing victory.

For instance, sacrificing a Tier 4 Dart Monkey to upgrade a Sniper Monkey to its Tier 5 Elite Defender can significantly enhance the team’s damage output and lead-popping capabilities. Similarly, sacrificing a Tier 4 Bomb Shooter to create a Tier 5 Blooncineration can provide massive area-of-effect damage, decimating hordes of Bloons.

While sacrificing monkeys may seem counterintuitive, it is a fundamental aspect of mastering BTD6. By understanding the strategic value of this mechanic and implementing it effectively, players can optimize their defenses and achieve greater success in their battles against the relentless Bloon hordes.

Spend In-Game Currency

In the vibrant world of Bloons Tower Defense 6, in-game currency reigns supreme as the lifeblood of strategic conquest. It empowers players to invest in an arsenal of formidable defensive towers, each brimming with the potential to evolve into colossal Big Monkeys the ultimate guardians against the relentless Bloon hordes.

Amassing in-game currency is a delicate dance, a balancing act between saving for future upgrades and seizing the moment to bolster defenses. Wisely allocating these precious resources can tip the scales of victory in favor of the vigilant strategist.

Consider the indomitable Sun Avatar, a Tier 5 Super Monkey that scorches Bloons with its radiant fury. To harness its immense power, players must diligently save and judiciously spend their in-game currency. By carefully managing their resources, they can transform a humble Tier 4 Sun Monkey into this beacon of fiery destruction.

The strategic significance of in-game currency goes beyond the acquisition of Big Monkeys. It fuels every aspect of tower defense, from upgrading existing towers to unlocking new ones. By understanding the intricate relationship between spending in-game currency and achieving Big Monkey dominance, players gain a profound advantage in their battles against the relentless waves of Bloons.

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Use Monkey Knowledge

In the vibrant realm of Bloons Tower Defense 6, Monkey Knowledge emerges as a beacon of strategic empowerment, illuminating the path to acquiring formidable Big Monkeys. This invaluable resource transcends the boundaries of in-game currency and Tier 4 upgrades, granting players access to a vast repository of potent enhancements.

  • Unlock Hidden Potential: Monkey Knowledge unlocks a treasure trove of hidden abilities and upgrades, empowering players to unleash the full potential of their monkey towers. By investing in the right knowledge points, players can transform ordinary monkeys into extraordinary forces, paving the way for the creation of mighty Big Monkeys.
  • Tailor-Made Strategies: Monkey Knowledge provides a customizable approach to tower defense, allowing players to tailor their strategies to specific maps, game modes, and personal preferences. With a diverse range of knowledge points to choose from, players can fine-tune their defenses to maximize the effectiveness of their Big Monkeys.
  • Enhance Big Monkey Capabilities: Monkey Knowledge offers a direct path to enhancing the capabilities of Big Monkeys. By investing in knowledge points that boost damage, range, or special abilities, players can amplify the power of their colossal guardians, making them even more formidable against the relentless Bloon hordes.
  • Synergize with Other Mechanics: Monkey Knowledge fosters synergy with other game mechanics, creating a dynamic and interconnected web of strategic possibilities. Players can combine the effects of Monkey Knowledge with hero abilities, power-ups, and tower upgrades to unlock devastating combinations and maximize the effectiveness of their Big Monkeys.

By harnessing the power of Monkey Knowledge, players gain a profound advantage in their quest to acquire and optimize Big Monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense 6. This invaluable resource empowers them to customize their strategies, unlock hidden potential, and forge an unstoppable defense against the encroaching Bloon hordes.

Choose the Right Heroes

In the thrilling world of Bloons Tower Defense 6, selecting the right heroes is a strategic decision that can significantly enhance your chances of acquiring and unleashing the power of Big Monkeys. Heroes possess unique abilities and synergies that complement the strengths of Big Monkeys, making them formidable allies in the battle against the relentless Bloon hordes.

  • Damage Boosters: Heroes like Obyn Greenfoot and Benjamin provide global damage buffs to all monkeys, including Big Monkeys. By placing these heroes strategically, you can amplify the damage output of your Big Monkeys, allowing them to eliminate Bloons more efficiently.
  • Crowd Control Specialists: Heroes such as Gwendolin and Pat Fusty excel at crowd control, slowing down or stunning Bloons. This can be invaluable for protecting your Big Monkeys from overwhelming Bloon rushes, giving them more time to unleash their full potential.
  • Support and Utility: Heroes like Ezili and Adora offer support abilities that can enhance the effectiveness of your Big Monkeys. For instance, Ezili’s totem can de-fortify Bloons, making them more vulnerable to the attacks of your Big Monkeys.
  • Hero Synergies: Combining certain heroes can create powerful synergies that further boost the capabilities of your Big Monkeys. For example, pairing Obyn Greenfoot with Etienne provides a substantial damage bonus to all monkeys, making your Big Monkeys even more devastating.

By carefully considering the roles and synergies of different heroes, you can assemble a team that complements the strengths of your Big Monkeys and maximizes their effectiveness in combat. Remember, choosing the right heroes is a crucial aspect of mastering Bloons Tower Defense 6 and achieving victory against the relentless Bloon hordes.

Utilize Power-Ups

In the heart-pounding world of Bloons Tower Defense 6, power-ups emerge as game-changing tools in the pursuit of formidable Big Monkeys. These fleeting yet potent enhancements offer a strategic advantage, empowering players to accelerate their progress, bolster their defenses, and unleash the full potential of their mighty towers.

  • Time Warp: This invaluable power-up slows down all Bloons on the screen, granting your Big Monkeys ample time to rain down destruction and eliminate even the most formidable Bloon rushes.
  • Monkey Boost: Unleash the fury of your Big Monkeys with this electrifying power-up, which significantly increases their attack speed and damage output, allowing them to decimate waves of Bloons with unrivaled efficiency.
  • Tech Bot: Summon a robotic companion with the Tech Bot power-up, granting your Big Monkeys an aura of increased range and power, extending their reach and amplifying their destructive capabilities.
  • Super Monkey Storm: Call upon the might of the Super Monkey Storm power-up to unleash a whirlwind of Super Monkeys, overwhelming the battlefield with relentless firepower and dispatching Bloons with ease.

By strategically deploying these power-ups in conjunction with your Big Monkeys, you can create an unstoppable force that will crush the Bloon hordes and propel you towards victory. Remember, utilizing power-ups is an integral part of maximizing the effectiveness of your Big Monkeys and achieving the ultimate goal of Bloons Tower Defense 6.

Plan Tower Placement

In the ever-evolving battle against the relentless Bloon hordes, meticulous tower placement stands as a cornerstone of success in Bloons Tower Defense 6. Whether your aspirations lie in unlocking the colossal might of Big Monkeys or simply fortifying your defenses, a well-planned tower layout is the key to victory.

  • Strategic Positioning: Place your Big Monkeys in strategic locations to maximize their range and damage output. Consider the trajectory of Bloons, choke points, and the potential for crossfire to optimize the effectiveness of your mighty guardians.
  • Defensive Synergy: Arrange your towers to complement each other’s abilities. For example, placing a Bomb Shooter near a Sniper Monkey can create a devastating combination of explosive power and precise targeting.
  • Tiered Defense: Utilize a mix of tower tiers to create a multi-layered defense. Big Monkeys form the backbone of your defense, but lower-tier towers can provide essential support, such as slowing down Bloons or generating extra income.
  • Map Awareness: Study the layout of each map and adjust your tower placement accordingly. Obstacles, paths, and special features can influence the effectiveness of your Big Monkeys, so plan accordingly.
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By mastering the art of tower placement, you transform your Big Monkeys into an unstoppable force, capable of crushing the Bloon hordes and securing victory in even the most challenging battles. Remember, strategic planning is the key to unlocking the true potential of your Big Monkeys and achieving Bloons Tower Defense 6 dominance.

Prioritize Damage Output

In the vibrant world of Bloons Tower Defense 6, prioritizing damage output is an essential aspect of unlocking the mighty potential of Big Monkeys. These colossal guardians form the backbone of any formidable defense, and maximizing their destructive capabilities is paramount to achieving victory.

Big Monkeys possess inherent strengths, but to unleash their true fury, players must carefully consider their damage output. This involves investing in upgrades that enhance their attack power, attack speed, and critical strike chance. By focusing on damage output, Big Monkeys can eliminate Bloons with greater efficiency, reducing the risk of leaks and securing the integrity of your defenses.

Prioritizing damage output not only strengthens individual Big Monkeys but also amplifies the overall effectiveness of your defense. By concentrating on key Bloons, such as fortified or lead Bloons, Big Monkeys can create a ripple effect, weakening or even eliminating entire waves. This strategic approach allows players to allocate their resources more efficiently, maximizing the impact of each Big Monkey.

Consider Crowd Control

In the vibrant realm of Bloons Tower Defense 6, crowd control emerges as a crucial strategy for unlocking the full potential of formidable Big Monkeys. By effectively managing the flow of Bloons, players can create advantageous situations, maximize damage output, and secure victory against the relentless Bloon hordes.

Big Monkeys, with their immense power and diverse abilities, play a pivotal role in crowd control. Their area-of-effect attacks, such as the Sun Avatar’s Sunbeam or the Blooncineration’s Blooncinerate, can decimate large groups of Bloons, effectively slowing down or even eliminating entire waves. By strategically placing Big Monkeys in choke points or areas with high Bloon traffic, players can create defensive strongholds that effectively neutralize the enemy’s advance.

Moreover, crowd control synergizes exceptionally well with other aspects of “how to get big monkeys btd6.” For instance, combining Big Monkeys with towers that slow down Bloons, such as the Ice Monkey or the Bloonchipper, further amplifies their effectiveness. This combination allows Big Monkeys to unleash their full destructive potential, eliminating Bloons before they can pose a significant threat.

Don’t Neglect Support Towers

In the ever-evolving battle against the Bloon hordes, support towers often take a backseat to the flashy allure of Big Monkeys. However, overlooking the significance of support towers can severely hinder your progress in Bloons Tower Defense 6. Support towers play a crucial role in amplifying the effectiveness of your Big Monkeys, transforming them into unstoppable juggernauts.

One of the primary ways support towers contribute to Big Monkey prowess is through utility upgrades. These upgrades, such as the Village’s Monkey Village or the Engineer’s Overclock, provide a diverse range of buffs and enhancements. From increasing attack speed and damage output to generating extra income or providing defensive capabilities, support towers can tailor their abilities to complement the strengths of your Big Monkeys.

Furthermore, support towers excel at controlling the flow of Bloons. By strategically placing towers like the Ice Monkey or the Bloonchipper, you can slow down, freeze, or even push back Bloons, creating more time for your Big Monkeys to unleash their devastating attacks. This crowd control aspect is particularly valuable against large waves or fortified Bloons, where every second counts.

In conclusion, neglecting support towers is a grave mistake that can compromise the effectiveness of your Big Monkeys and ultimately your chances of victory in Bloons Tower Defense 6. By embracing the power of support towers, you gain a well-rounded defense capable of withstanding even the most formidable Bloon onslaught.

Experiment with Different Strategies

Embarking on a journey to harness the might of Big Monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense 6 demands a spirit of experimentation and strategic flexibility. By venturing beyond conventional approaches and embracing diverse tactics, players unlock the true potential of these colossal guardians.

Consider the versatile nature of Big Monkeys. Their distinct abilities and upgrade paths cater to a plethora of strategic possibilities. Experimenting with different combinations of Big Monkeys, support towers, and hero units allows players to tailor their defenses to specific map layouts and Bloon compositions. For instance, deploying a Sun Avatar alongside an Alchemist and a Village can create a potent synergy, maximizing damage output while providing defensive buffs.

Moreover, experimenting with different strategies fosters a deeper understanding of the game’s mechanics and encourages innovative problem-solving. By actively testing various approaches, players develop a comprehensive arsenal of tactics, enabling them to adapt to the ever-changing challenges of Bloons Tower Defense 6. This experimentation process not only enhances the enjoyment of the game but also elevates players’ overall skill level.

In conclusion, embracing experimentation as an integral part of “how to get big monkeys btd6” unlocks a world of strategic possibilities, empowering players to forge formidable defenses and conquer the relentless Bloon hordes. By continuously refining their strategies and adapting to new challenges, players ascend to the ranks of master strategists, ensuring their dominance in the vibrant world of Bloons Tower Defense 6.

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Practice and Improve

In the ever-evolving world of Bloons Tower Defense 6, the path to unlocking the mighty potential of Big Monkeys is paved with practice and unwavering dedication. Mastering the art of Big Monkey acquisition requires a commitment to honing your skills and refining your strategies through consistent gameplay.

Consider the intricate mechanics and strategic depth of Bloons Tower Defense 6. Each map presents unique challenges, demanding adaptability and a thorough understanding of tower placement, hero synergies, and power-up utilization. By actively engaging in practice mode, experimenting with different strategies, and analyzing your performance, you develop a deeper comprehension of the game’s intricacies.

Moreover, practice fosters the development of muscle memory and quick decision-making skills. As you repeatedly engage in battles, you become more comfortable with the controls, tower upgrades, and hero abilities. This heightened familiarity allows you to respond swiftly and effectively to the ever-changing Bloon onslaught, maximizing the impact of your Big Monkeys and securing victory.

FAQs on “How to Get Big Monkeys BTD6”

Prepare to unlock the secrets of acquiring formidable Big Monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense 6! Dive into a treasure trove of frequently asked questions, where we unravel the intricacies of this captivating gameplay element.

Question 1: What’s the secret to unlocking Big Monkeys?

Unlocking Big Monkeys requires a blend of strategy and resource management. Focus on upgrading towers to Tier 4, then explore options to sacrifice monkeys or invest in-game currency to reach the coveted Tier 5, where these mighty guardians reside.

Question 2: How can I enhance the power of my Big Monkeys?

Maximize the potential of your Big Monkeys by harnessing Monkey Knowledge points. These invaluable resources grant access to hidden abilities and upgrades, amplifying damage, range, and special capabilities.

Question 3: Is there a trick to acquiring Big Monkeys quickly?

While there’s no instant formula, planning and strategy go a long way. Prioritize unlocking Tier 4 upgrades for various monkey towers, and keep an eye out for opportunities to sacrifice weaker monkeys or utilize in-game currency to expedite the process.

Question 4: How do I choose the right heroes to support my Big Monkeys?

Selecting the right heroes is crucial. Consider heroes like Obyn Greenfoot for damage boosts, Gwendolin for crowd control, and Ezili for de-fortifying Bloons. Experiment with different combinations to find synergies that complement your Big Monkeys’ strengths.

Question 5: What’s the best strategy for tower placement?

Plan your tower placement wisely to maximize effectiveness. Position Big Monkeys strategically to cover key areas, utilize support towers to enhance their range or damage, and consider map layouts to optimize your defenses.

Question 6: Are there any hidden tips for unlocking Big Monkeys?

Explore the power of Monkey Knowledge points. They unlock hidden abilities and upgrades, granting your Big Monkeys a significant edge in battle. Experiment with different strategies and don’t be afraid to sacrifice weaker monkeys to reach Tier 5 faster.

Embark on your Bloons Tower Defense 6 journey with these FAQs as your guide, and witness the unstoppable force of your Big Monkeys conquer the Bloon hordes!

Ready to delve deeper into the world of BTD6? Discover the art of “Bloons Tower Defense 6 Strategies” to elevate your gameplay to new heights.

Monkey-Sized Tips for Big Monkey Might

Prepare to unleash the colossal power of Big Monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense 6 with these monkey-sized tips. Get ready to conquer the Bloon hordes and emerge victorious!

Tip 1: Master Tier Magic: Unlock Tier 4 upgrades for various monkey towers, setting the stage for their transformation into mighty Tier 5 Big Monkeys. Prioritize upgrades that align with your strategy and the challenges of each map.

Tip 2: Embrace the Power of Knowledge: Monkey Knowledge points are your secret weapon. Invest in upgrades that enhance your Big Monkeys’ damage, abilities, and range. Experiment with different combinations to find synergies that suit your playstyle.

Tip 3: Plan Your Monkey Metropolis: Strategically place your Big Monkeys and support towers to maximize their effectiveness. Utilize choke points and consider the trajectory of Bloons to optimize your defenses and keep the Bloons at bay.

Tip 4: Sacrifice for Greatness: Don’t hesitate to sacrifice weaker monkeys to fuel the evolution of your Big Monkeys. This strategic move can expedite the process of acquiring these powerful guardians.

Tip 5: Choose Heroic Allies: Select heroes that complement the strengths of your Big Monkeys. Obyn Greenfoot boosts damage, Gwendolin excels in crowd control, and Ezili weakens Bloons. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect team.

Tip 6: Master the Art of Crowd Control: Big Monkeys shine when paired with towers that slow down or stun Bloons. Utilize Ice Monkeys, Bloonchippers, and other crowd control towers to give your Big Monkeys ample time to unleash their destructive force.

Tip 7: Utilize the Power of Support: Support towers enhance the capabilities of your Big Monkeys. Consider Villages for buffs, Engineers for Overclocking, and Alchemists for powerful potions. Use these towers to maximize the impact of your Big Monkeys.

Tip 8: Practice Makes Perfect: Engage in practice mode to refine your strategies and master the mechanics of Bloons Tower Defense 6. Experiment with different combinations and approaches to find what works best for you.

With these tips as your guide, you’re well on your way to harnessing the mighty power of Big Monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense 6. Prepare to unleash a storm of monkey magic and conquer the Bloons like never before!

Monkey-Powered Conclusion

The journey to mastering Big Monkeys in Bloons Tower Defense 6 has been an exhilarating adventure. We’ve delved into the secrets of unlocking these colossal guardians, from strategic tower placement to the power of support towers. Remember, the key to success lies in experimentation, practice, and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics.

As you continue your Bloons Tower Defense 6 odyssey, embrace the challenge of mastering Big Monkeys. Experiment with different strategies, discover hidden synergies, and conquer the Bloon hordes with unstoppable monkey might. The world of BTD6 awaits your strategic genius, where the power of Big Monkeys reigns supreme. Go forth and conquer!

How to Get Big Monkeys BTD6: Unlocking the Colossal Guardians (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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