MATLAB not indexing table with correct data type, how to specify da... (2024)

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Kealan el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 17:55

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Editada: dpb hace alrededor de 9 horas

Respuesta aceptada: Voss

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I wrote a script that takes in an excel table using the "readtable" command.

inputTable = readtable(completeTableFilePath,'Sheet',sheetChoiceFileName,'TextType','string');

This, to my knowledge, should import all the cells of the excel file as strings. One part of the excel file is a column that has hex numbers (they cold be just "92" or "13C" etc...).

I had a really long excel table (around 300 lines) that had this column of hex numbers. I tried the program with a smaller table, maybe only 8 lines, and now it is having issues, particularly in the hex column.

The code:

% I just added these for testing (the idName)

idName = upper(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'});


if upper(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'}) ~= "TBD"

if upper(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'}) ~= recurringID

recurringID = upper(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'});

messageIDDecimal = hex2dec(recurringID);



As I said, I changed nothing about this between runs, it works perfectly with the large table and it does not work with the smaller table. When I try to run it with the smaller table (which is just the larger table with a lot of the rows chopped off) I get idName as a "double" data type.

I figured I could fix this, by instead of relying on MATLAB to have the correct data type (which it should anyways because I specified so earlier!) I force the data type of strings using string(...).

% idName for testing

idName = upper(string(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'}));


if upper(string(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'})) ~= "TBD"

if upper(string(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'})) ~= recurringID

recurringID = upper(string(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'}));

messageIDDecimal = hex2dec(recurringID);



I ran the above code on the smaller table and got the error: <missing> string element not supported; error on line with the hex2dec. idName shows up as <missing>.

I changed the code again to show the raw table indexing:

% idName for testing

idName = upper(string(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'}));


idTest = inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'};


if upper(string(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'})) ~= "TBD"

if upper(string(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'})) ~= recurringID

recurringID = upper(string(inputTable{currentRowNumber,'ID'}));

messageIDDecimal = hex2dec(recurringID);



idTest was coming up as the double data type, until the final go. idName was <missing> and idTest was "NaN". To my knowledge, "NaN" is "Not a Number". It is giving an error because it's trying to input a hex number as a regular double data type. I cannot find a way to fix this. I already specified that the table is to be imported as strings. I cannot cast to this, because its not just holding the data, but being the wrong type. It is throwing an error and not holding the data at all.

There is nothing I can do, unless there is some way to make MATLAB only import as a specific data type. I am having a lot of issues, because MATLAB assumes data types. Maybe coming from C just has me think differently. I can see how it can be useful, but the fact that there is no way around it (that I know of), makes it not useful.

I ran the script with "idName" and "idTest" on the larget excel table. It properly imported them as strings. I was able to index and both idTest and idName showed as strings, even the hex numbers that only had the regular 0-9 numbers. So it is not the code. It is just MATLAB sometimes deciding to import as strings and sometimes to not.

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Stephen23 el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 18:24

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@Kealan: please upload a sample data file by clicking the paperclip button.

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Voss el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 18:35

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  • test.csv

Setting 'TextType' is for specifying whether the data readtable imports as text should be returned as string arrays or character vectors. It does not set the imported data type in general, as you have found. For instance, if readtable determines that some data is numeric, then 'TextType' has no effect on that data since it is not text.

To specify imported data types you can use detectImportOptions and setvartype.


% the file's contents



% the problem

T = readtable('test.csv')

T = 2x1 table

ID ___ 92 NaN

opts = detectImportOptions('test.csv'); % default import options for the file

opts = setvartype(opts,'ID','string'); % set 'ID' variable to be of type 'string'

T = readtable('test.csv',opts) % readtable with the new options

T = 2x1 table

ID ____ "92" "2A"

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Kealan el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 18:48

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What is the significance/purpose of using the "detectImportOptions" function? what does opts be equal to after that line is run?

Is there any way I can blanket apply that to a whole table, or would I need to set every column individually?

Voss el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 19:04

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Editada: Voss el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 19:07

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  • test.csv

"What is the significance/purpose of using the "detectImportOptions" function? what does opts be equal to after that line is run?"

detectImportOptions returns a structure containing information about the default way readtable will read and interpret the file.

"Is there any way I can blanket apply that to a whole table, or would I need to set every column individually?"

See the setvartype line below for how you can apply a type to all variables in the whole table at once.

T = readtable('test.csv') % for reference, first read this file with the default options

T = 2x4 table

ID name tooth_size life ___ _________ __________ ____ 92 {'baba' } {'xl' } 2 NaN {'booey'} {'xxxl'} 9

opts = detectImportOptions('test.csv') % default import options structure

opts =

DelimitedTextImportOptions with properties: Format Properties: Delimiter: {','} Whitespace: '\b\t ' LineEnding: {'\n' '\r' '\r\n'} CommentStyle: {} ConsecutiveDelimitersRule: 'split' LeadingDelimitersRule: 'keep' TrailingDelimitersRule: 'ignore' EmptyLineRule: 'skip' Encoding: 'UTF-8' Replacement Properties: MissingRule: 'fill' ImportErrorRule: 'fill' ExtraColumnsRule: 'addvars' Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype VariableNames: {'ID', 'name', 'tooth_size' ... and 1 more} VariableTypes: {'double', 'char', 'char' ... and 1 more} SelectedVariableNames: {'ID', 'name', 'tooth_size' ... and 1 more} VariableOptions: [1-by-4] Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts VariableNamingRule: 'modify' Location Properties: DataLines: [2 Inf] VariableNamesLine: 1 RowNamesColumn: 0 VariableUnitsLine: 0 VariableDescriptionsLine: 0 To display a preview of the table, use preview

opts.VariableTypes % check the default imported variable types - they are the same as in the table above

ans = 1x4 cell array

{'double'} {'char'} {'char'} {'double'}

opts = setvartype(opts,opts.VariableNames,'string') % now set all variables to be imported as strings

opts =

DelimitedTextImportOptions with properties: Format Properties: Delimiter: {','} Whitespace: '\b\t ' LineEnding: {'\n' '\r' '\r\n'} CommentStyle: {} ConsecutiveDelimitersRule: 'split' LeadingDelimitersRule: 'keep' TrailingDelimitersRule: 'ignore' EmptyLineRule: 'skip' Encoding: 'UTF-8' Replacement Properties: MissingRule: 'fill' ImportErrorRule: 'fill' ExtraColumnsRule: 'addvars' Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype VariableNames: {'ID', 'name', 'tooth_size' ... and 1 more} VariableTypes: {'string', 'string', 'string' ... and 1 more} SelectedVariableNames: {'ID', 'name', 'tooth_size' ... and 1 more} VariableOptions: [1-by-4] Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts VariableNamingRule: 'modify' Location Properties: DataLines: [2 Inf] VariableNamesLine: 1 RowNamesColumn: 0 VariableUnitsLine: 0 VariableDescriptionsLine: 0 To display a preview of the table, use preview

opts.VariableTypes % check the new imported variable types

ans = 1x4 cell array

{'string'} {'string'} {'string'} {'string'}

T = readtable('test.csv',opts) % import with new options - now all variables are string arrays

T = 2x4 table

ID name tooth_size life ____ _______ __________ ____ "92" "baba" "xl" "2" "2A" "booey" "xxxl" "9"

Kealan el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 19:15

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Editada: Kealan el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 19:15

That is very cool. I will have to see about doing that. This will be awesome. This adds a lot of certainty to the code, with all the columns of data. I will try it later and mark this as an answer when it works (which I believe it really will anyways).

Thank you a lot!

Voss el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 19:19

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You're welcome!

Kealan el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 20:10

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Editada: Kealan el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 20:24

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Wait, how would I change multiple rows to differnent data types? I do not think I can do something like this:

% a solution

opts = detectImportOptions('test.csv'); % default import options for the file

opts = setvartype(opts,'ID','string'); % set 'ID' variable to be of type 'string'

opts = setvartype(opts,'Factor','string');

opts = setvartype(opts,'Unit','string');


T = readtable('test.csv',opts) % readtable with the new options

could I define arrays or something like that?

Also, I used the command:

opts = detectImportOptions(completeTableFilePath);


I got the output:

opts =

SpreadsheetImportOptions with properties:

Sheet Properties:

Sheet: ''

Replacement Properties:

MissingRule: 'fill'

ImportErrorRule: 'fill'

Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype

VariableNames: {}

VariableTypes: {}

SelectedVariableNames: {}

VariableOptions: Show all 0 VariableOptions

Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts

VariableNamingRule: 'modify'

Range Properties:

DataRange: 'A1' (Start Cell)

VariableNamesRange: ''

RowNamesRange: ''

VariableUnitsRange: ''

VariableDescriptionsRange: ''

To display a preview of the table, use preview

It seems to be missing variable import properties. I do not know if that would affect anything.

Voss el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 20:26

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  • Enlazar

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Editada: Voss el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 20:30

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"how would I change multiple rows to differnent data types?"

Do you mean multiple columns (aka table variables)?

If so, you can do them one at a time like that, or you can do them all at once:

opts = detectImportOptions('test.csv'); % default import options for the file

opts = setvartype(opts,["ID","Factor","Unit"],'string'); % set ID, Factor, and Unit variables to be of type 'string'

T = readtable('test.csv',opts) % readtable with the new options

"Also ... It seems to be missing variable import properties. I do not know if that would affect anything."

Seems like it's not detecting any variables/columns. Upload the file using the paperclip button and I can take a look.

Steven Lord el 19 de Jun. de 2024 a las 21:00

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Wait, how would I change multiple rows to differnent data types?

A variable (represented as a column) in a table array can only contain data of one type. You can't "mix and match" inside the same table variable.

Each variable in a table array can be a different type from the other variables.

So the following is a valid table, with the LastName variable being a string array, Height and Weight being double, and Smoker being logical.

load patients

T = table(LastName, Height, Weight, Smoker);

T.LastName = string(T.LastName);


LastName Height Weight Smoker __________ ______ ______ ______ "Smith" 71 176 true "Johnson" 69 163 false "Williams" 64 131 false "Jones" 67 133 false "Brown" 64 119 false "Davis" 68 142 false "Miller" 64 142 true "Wilson" 68 180 false

If you wanted to flip this around to make a table with one variable per patient, you would not be able to do so and keep the first row of that new table a string array, the second and third rows double, and the fourth row logical. If you tried with a function like rows2vars, in this case it is technically able to make it work because MATLAB can convert doubles and logicals into a string and so turn each variable into a string array. But if T had contained another variable that wasn't able to be converted into a string, it wouldn't have worked.

T2 = rows2vars(T(1:5, :))

T2 = 4x6 table

OriginalVariableNames Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 _____________________ _______ _________ __________ _______ _______ {'LastName'} "Smith" "Johnson" "Williams" "Jones" "Brown" {'Height' } "71" "69" "64" "67" "64" {'Weight' } "176" "163" "131" "133" "119" {'Smoker' } "true" "false" "false" "false" "false"

Kealan el 20 de Jun. de 2024 a las 12:18

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So if I need to set multiple columns to multiple different data types, I cannot do those in the same line, but I can do one line per data type, like below:

opts = detectImportOptions('test.csv');

opts = setvartype(opts,["ID","Factor","Unit"],'string');

opts = setvartype(opts,["Length","Numbers","Value"],'double');

T = readtable('test.csv',opts)

Also, concerning the file, I think it is because I need the properties of a specific sheet. The excel file has multiple sheets in it. So, it seems when I do "detectImportOptions" and maybe "setvartype" I need to specify filepath and the sheet. Do you know the proper format for this?

MATLAB specifies the detectImportOptions function to follow the format:

opts = detectImportOptions(filename)


opts = detectImportOptions(filename,name,value)

MATLAB specifies the readtable function to follow the format:

T = readtable(filename,name,value)


T = readtable(filename,opts,name,value)

My MATLAB code that works to open the specific sheet properly is:

inputTable = readtable(completeTableFilePath,'Sheet',sheetChoiceFileName,'TextType','string');

So, I believe I should maybe use:

opts = detectImportOptions(completeTableFilePath,'Sheet',sheetChoiceFileName);

opts = opts = setvartype(opts,["ID","Factor","Unit"],'string');

opts = setvartype(opts,["Length","Numbers","Value"],'double');

T = readtable(completeTableFilePath,opts,'Sheet',sheetChoiceFileName,'TextType','string');

Sorry, but I cannot share the file, it has some important info to me. Thank you for the help so far!

Kealan el 20 de Jun. de 2024 a las 12:23

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@Steven Lord

Hey, I'm sorry about that. I misspoke. I meant multiple columns as different data types. I did read what you said, and it is interesting. I did have a little trouble following though. I am new to MATLAB.

Kealan el 20 de Jun. de 2024 a las 12:40

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So, I was able to get it to work. I had to use:

opts = detectImportOptions(completeTableFilePath,'Sheet',sheetChoiceFileName);

opts = setvartype(opts,'ID','string');

% ... a list of the same type of thing as above with different names and

% data types

opts = setvartype(opts,'Unit','string');

inputTable = readtable(completeTableFilePath,opts,'Sheet',sheetChoiceFileName);

I had to get rid of the 'TextType', 'string' option. It said invalid parameter or something of the like, but if I can force the data type now, then I do not need to worry about that.

This works great!! Thank you all who were involved!!

dpb el 20 de Jun. de 2024 a las 18:16

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",,,I cannot do those in the same line, but I can do one line per data type"

Yes, per setvartype documentation, the type argument must be a scalar. A seemingly useful enhancement would be to let both selection and type be cellstr or string arrays with a 1:1 correspondence.

There's also a feature vartype with a table that allows you to index by the current type and convertvars will let you then change by that indexing method. Keep poking at the doc and don't stop reading at the first line; study it in depth; there's a lot hidden in the bowels a cursory glance won't tell you.

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dpb el 20 de Jun. de 2024 a las 19:02

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  • Enlazar

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Editada: dpb hace alrededor de 6 horas

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  • test.csv

There are even more alternatives available with setvaropts including identifying the column(s) as hex. This adds the limitation that have to use an integer type, but that can then be cast to a double.

c=[[{'ID1'};{'0x92'};{'0x2A'}], [{'ID2'};{'92'};{'2A'}]];



type test.csv




opt =

DelimitedTextImportOptions with properties: Format Properties: Delimiter: {','} Whitespace: '\b\t ' LineEnding: {'\n' '\r' '\r\n'} CommentStyle: {} ConsecutiveDelimitersRule: 'split' LeadingDelimitersRule: 'keep' TrailingDelimitersRule: 'ignore' EmptyLineRule: 'skip' Encoding: 'UTF-8' Replacement Properties: MissingRule: 'fill' ImportErrorRule: 'fill' ExtraColumnsRule: 'addvars' Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype VariableNames: {'ID1', 'ID2'} VariableTypes: {'auto', 'int32'} SelectedVariableNames: {'ID1', 'ID2'} VariableOptions: [1-by-2] Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts VariableNamingRule: 'modify' Location Properties: DataLines: [2 Inf] VariableNamesLine: 1 RowNamesColumn: 0 VariableUnitsLine: 0 VariableDescriptionsLine: 0 To display a preview of the table, use preview


tT = 2x2 table

ID1 ID2 ___ ___ 146 146 42 42

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MATLAB not indexing table with correct data type, how to specify da... (2024)
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