News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)

YORK BONDS New York, Jan. the New ora stock are today's closing prices of bonds 11-(AP)-Following exchange: United States Government Bonds In Dollars and Thirty-Seconds of Dollars.) United States Bonds Sales (In 81,000.) I. nat 64 Liberty 32-47 High. Low. Nate.

44 Liberty first st: 101.16 101.15 101.10 204 Liberty third 103.12 103.10 103.10 Liberty third 100.21 100.20 100.21 81 reg .100.10 Liberty fourth 100.16 100.10 101 Treasury 47-52 103.30 103.28 103.30 5 116 115.29 Treasury 46-56 me. 115.29 04 Treasury 43-47 .107.28 107.28 107.28 102.31 102.31 102.31 Foreign Government. State and Municipal Cinne. Alp Mont -Stl 7a 55 94 Graz 88 54 Antioquia Antioquia 78 45 48 A 95 Gt Con El Jap Argentine 68 57 A Gt Greece Con 7s El 64 50 Arg 68 58 .100 Haiti Argentine 6s 68 62 8 1g 59 Jun 995 Arg 6 fg 65 59 Oct 99 Heidelby 7 50 Argen 69 1961 Feb 99 Hung Hung Munic Munic 46 Argen 68 1961 May 99 It Cr Cons Te 78 46 Arg 6s 1960 May 99 3 Ital Pub 47 Arg 6s 1960 Oct 99 Util 78 Arg 65 1960 Sept Italy 78 1951 Argentine 58 1945 Jan Japan 'Ster Loan 54 Australia 5g 55 9814 Low 4s 31 Australia 58 57 98 Aust Prov 50 Austria Gtd 78 ...104 Lyons Aus HE Pow Bavaria 45 97 Marseilles 68 34 Belgium 86 41 109 14, Mex Tr 68 69 34 Belgium 45 114 Mex 99 58 asst asst 45 larg 33 7s 55 Mex Belgium Belgium 7s 04 gid 4s asst Belgium ctis 56 105 Mex 10 gld 4s 49 asst sm Belgium 68 55 Mex 10 gid 4s asst 1rg Bergen 88 45 113 99 Miag Milan 78 56 war Berlin 50 Citly 52 Berlin City Elec 51 98 Montecat A 78 37 war Berlin El Elev 56 95 New 68 54 Netherindg Bogota 88 45 South Wales 5g 57 Bolivia 88 47 New Nord South Wales 5s 58 Bolivia 7s 58 94 Ry 8 1 50 Bordeaux 6s 34 Norway Norway 6 52 Brazil 88 41 68 44 Brazil 57 68 43 107 Norway Brazil Ry El 78 97 Orien Norway Dev Ltd 65 6s 29 Oslo British British 37 City 68 65 Budapest 6s 27-62 106 85 Oslo Par-Lyons City Med 46 A 55 Peru 7s 58 Buenos Bulgaria 68 Buenos 78 1967 90 Poland Caldas 78 Par-Lyons Med 68 for 79 Aires 68 Can 46 Par Orl 78 notes 29 .102 Paulista Ry 7s Copenhagen 58 1982 Panama 53 42 Canada 6g 52 108 Canada 36 Pernambuco 78 47 Carlsbad 88 54 1011 Peru 8g 44 San Loan Cauca Val 46 Peru 56 99 Peru 40 Chile Mtg Bk Chile 963 Poland 88 50 Chile 88 41 ct 61 98 Poland 68 40 Mtg Bk Chile 1091 Prague 58 Chile 66 75 42 1011 Queensld 79 61 925 5 Rhinelbe 41 Chile 6s 60 925 1s 46 war Chin Gov Ry 5s 61 Rhinelbe 46 Ex- War 7s Chris (Oslo) 6s 54. 1011 Rhine 18 ct.

50 25 Main Colombia 6s 61 Rio Rhine de Westph 88 68 32 Comp Az Jan 47 Bara Rome 52 Copenhag 44 Rotterdam 08 Cordoba City 7s 57 965 Salvador 64 Costa Rica 78 51 95 88 48 Cuba 53 .102 Fe Arg 78 42 Santa Cuba 59 Sao Paulo Cty 8s 62 (1904) 44 1007 Sao Paulo St 89 50 Cundinamarca 7s 46 Sao Paulo 89 Czecho 86 51 109 St 36 Czecho 88 Sao Paulo St 78 56 02 .109 Sax Pub Czecho 46 .1061 Wks 7s 45 anish Mun 8 A Sax Pub Wks 51 Innish Seine Mun 78 42 8 Serbs Denmark 69 42 .106 Siemens Cta Slov 89 62 Hal 78 35 Dom Rep st 100. Slem Hal Rep etfs Siem Hal 618 51 etf: 50 pd Dresd 8 78 reta 45 Sielsta 51 1 Duke Price Pow 68 66 Soissons 46 Indies 1g 6s 62 105 6s 36 Indies 69 47 69 39. Sweden Deutsche Bank 6s Swiss Con 88 40 El Pow Crp Ger 50 96 Swiss 46 Est Ry ext. a 78. 101 El 79 55 Toho Pow Fiat 79 1946 war .104 El 65.

29 Toho Flat 75 46 Ex-WAr 94 Tokyo City 61 Finland a fg 7s 50 Tokyo City 58 52 Finland 56 El Lt 6s 28 Tokyo Finland. 6s 45 96 Trondjhem 57 Fram I Dev 42 Tyrol Hy El Pow 65 France 8s 45 .110 El Pow 7s Ujijawa France 41 Copenh 69 87 France 78 49 Un Etl Burbach 7s. 51 French Nat 49 101 Un St1 Wke 51 A war Un Ger Agr Bk 78 50 Stl Wks 51 A Ex-war Ger Cr Bk 68 Un StI Agr 60 92 Wks 45 61 war. Ger ext Loan 76 49 Upper Aust 78 Ger Gen El 7s 45 102 Uruguay 88 46 Uruguay Ger Ag Bk 69 60 rets 68 60 Ger Gen El Ex-war .100 Westph El Pow Good Hope 7s otf 100 Yokohama 6g 61 Railway and Miscellaneous: Close. Am Agr Chem Chi Un Sta Am Rep Cor db 68 102 Ch Ind 62 105 Am Smelting 68 108 Chile Cop 5s 47 Am Smelting 5s Cinn Gas El 59 Am Smelting 58 .102 St rfg 68 Am Sugar Ref 68 C.C gen 4s Am Tel Tel Cleve Un Term 59 :107 Am col 58 46 Cleve Un Term 64s .109 65 60 106 Colorado Indus 58.

col 48 99 Colo So rig 97 Am Am Typ Fdrs 68 40 Colo So rig 1st 48 100 Am El 66 92 Commerl Cable 48 Elec 5g Con Coal of Md 5s 80 Wrting Pap 68 47 Con Gas NY 45 Anacon Cop 78 38 122 Container Corp 68 46 100 Anacon Cop 68 53 92 Contl Bag AT SE gen 48 98 Crown WIll 68 51 .108 adj 48 Cuba Cane Sug db 89 Allis Chalmerg 58 Cub Sug evt db 79 92 L-L col Cuba North Rys 97 Dan 1st 4g Cuba ctf 69 86 991 Refin deb 58 103 Cuba 5s 98 Ydkin 1st 48 891 Columbia 56 Baldwin Loco 5s Cub-Am Sug col 88 1st 5s Cub Dom Sug 000 rig 55 .104 Del Hud 7s 0 68 2000 Del Hud rig 48 cvt .100 Imp 58 0 gold 4s PLEA dy 97 Den Rio Gr con 0 5g Div Wes gn 5s 0 48 dv 901 Dery Corp 78 55 Barnsdall 6g war Det Ed 1st rf 6s 1081 Barnsdall 68 Ex-war 011 Det Edie col 55 33 103 Pa 56 60 .110 Det Edis rig 5.8 40 101 Steel con 68 A Det Edis 6g 49 A 106 Steel con Duquesne Lt 100 Steel rf g58 104 Det Tunnel 1018 Steel 5g 36 .102 Dodge Br db 69 ret 89 City 1st 5s Dom 9 Ltd 58 92 Edi gen 68 .103 Dom I Ltd 5g etfs 99 Edi gen 58 A 1061 Duluth I R. 5g Bklyn Man Trans 68 East Cuba Sug 104 Sb con 59 Elkhorn Coal 78 war 91 Un El 1st 58 94 Erie rf imp 58 67 991 db .259 Erie 1st con pr In 48 90 Gas 1st 58 107 Erie gen lien 4g 861 Sus Ir 1at 5g 32 Erie evt A 88 Nat. Ry 1957 Erie cvt 48 89 Prod co*ke 45 Erie Genes Pet 38 Erie Jer 1st 69 Pet 5s 091 Fed Lt lat 69 st. 42 Camaguey Sug 100 Lt Trac DR Nat Ry 30 Fed stpd. 49 99 Nor deb Florida Cst 58 88 Nor 100 Florida Cst 449 100 Pac Fonda Ju G1 31 Pac deb As Ft Sm Lt.

Trac Canada South 0g 69 ex at Ohio 6s 108 Galveston IT 5s 99 of Georgia 68 102 Gen Asph 69 39 14 of Ga 107 Gen Motor Accept 10314 of Ga con 55 10644 Gen Petrol 58. 40 102 1, New Eng 49 8837 Goodrich Pac 58 Goodyr 5S Pac 18 gtd 06 Gr Tk Ry Can 79 Chesapeake Corp Gr Tk Ry Can 68 Ohio ref 101 Great Falls Pow 59 0 gen 4 8 .103 Gt North Ry TA A evt 30 100 001 Gt North Ry 1154 rig A 108 Gt North gen 76 102 Gulf Sta St1 42 .100 gen 48 Hav Elec 48 111 dv 98 5 Hockg 1st en 111 5s 51 Hoe It de Co 98 Erie 1st 58 Hudson Conl 58 A 62 Gt Western 48 Hud Man rig 58. A I let 58 66 107 Hud Man adj ine 5s 103 Mil Mil Pug Sd etis Hum Oil Ret St 6. Hum Oil 58 37 St crt 58 71 Illinola Bell Tel St 55 105 evt 58 etf Illinois Cent St deb 48. 34 Ill Cent rig 48 55 St db 49 31 etf rig 106 63 87 113 111 Steel deb W.

2037 sto 103 Ind Limestone 8 65 99 64 gen 48 98 Indiana Steel 58 gen 8. Inland Stl RI Railwy 5s 86 Interb Transit 52 0714 16 rfg Interb Trans 6s 72 Tr rig 58 75 14 Everett, Hollowell, Davis Co. Certified Public Accountants Auditors, Accountants. Industrial Engineers 4th Floor Piedmont Bldg. Phone 1613-2100 GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY Interb Trig 59 sta Int Agrie col 5s Int Gt Nor adj 66 Int 1st 68 Int Gt 59 56 Int Mer Mar 8 6s Int Paper rig 68 A Int Paper cyt 58 A Int Rys 47 Int Rys Cent Am 58 Int I 8 52 Jamestwn 48 Pow Lt 06 Southern 59 Southern 18t 1st 48 Kansas Gas 101 68 Kayser 47 Keith 6s A Kinn Co cyt Kresge Found 64 Lac Gas of St Lac Gas St 1st 5g gid 48 31 MS gen 3 9 Lehigh Val Coal 59 33 Lehigh Val of Val of Leh Har Ter 59 Lex East Ry 59 Liggett Myers Te Mace Liggett 102 Liquid Carbonic Myers 5g 69 98 Loew's Ine 6s ww 81 93 Loew's Inc 68 ex- war Long Isl deb 58 37 .101 Long Isl gen 48 38 Loriilard Co 87 99 Louis Nash is Nash 79 95 Louis rig 8 95 Lou Gas El 58 99 Manati Sug 42 Manhat Ry con 48 Market St Ry 75 McCrory St 41 89 Mich Cent deb 48 29 1001 Midland Ry 59 Midvale Stl evt 56 43 Mil 1st 42 58 61 MI1 El Ry Lt Mil Sparta is Marie Marle 69 08 9 Marie 92 Marie con 58 CA Marle gtd 55 95 let con 18 Tex pl 6s C.

95 Tex 100 Tex pl 5g A nw 1021 Tex A adj 58 let 4s 103 Mo Pac 58 77 Mo Pac rig 58 65 A Mo Pac gen 48 97 Mob Oh 102 gen 4 99 Montana Pow 6s A 102 Morris do 1st Morris Essex Nassau Murray El Body con 48 stp 102 Nat Dairy Prod 6g National Tube 5g New Eng 5g 103 Eng 1 gen 109 Pub Sv 58 ctf 52 A Pub Sv 58 55 Tex Mex 99 Tex 5s rf imp 55 107 HR rf imp deb 4g 34 113 con 4 99 rig Chic St 68 St A St ..107 St deb 48 105 Conn Rys' 55 107 Edison rig Edison 58 44 P. col 5S 48 evt 69 48 col tr 69 40 ..105 .100 deb. 48 55 96 deb 48 56 104 deb 48 57 99 deb 54 0 1st rig 48 0 gen 4s 107 Ry Inc 68 65 State Rys Steam 68 .104 rig 5s Tel rig 68 .108 Tel gen 102 N. Trap Rock 68 46 101 NY Boat Nag Falls Pow 69 105 77 Pow 58 55 A .100 Norfolk South 58 A 97 Nort West gen 6 105 Nort West con 48 99 Nor Nor Am Ed 5g 57 1021 Cent stp 74 104 Nor 68 116 Nor Pac Pac pr lien 48 971 Nor Pac gen 38 71 97 Nor States Pow 55 97 Pub Sve 8 116 Ohio 110 Pub Sve 78 118 Ohio Ontario Coal Corp 68 94 Old Ore Sh Line 55 48 Transit rig Ore Wash F. Otis Steel 68 Pac Gas Elec 5s .103 Pac 1 be 37 Close Pac 104 Pan Am rig Tr 58 52 68 1934 .104 Pan Am 68.

1940 96 Paramnt Bivay Pathe Ex 78 37 war. 102 Penn Dix 68 A 41 81 Penn Oh Det 77 9814 Penn 78 30 105 Penn gold Penn gen 55 68 113 Penn 5s 64 Penn gen Penn 45 48 stp 104 Phila Co 58 98 Phila Elec 67 Phila Co. ba Pub 59 65 981 105 Pillsbury Fl Mills 68 105 59 B. 75 Portland Gen El 55 .102 Ry Lt A Ry Lt 1st 68 Pressed St Car Ser El 59 .105 995 Pub Ser El 64 Pub 65. 44.

1043 Pub Sve 56 1071 Punta Aleg Sug 7s 104 106 Rdg Reading Jersey gen Cent col 103 Rem Arms 98 901 Rep Ir St 6 68 A 98 58 103 Rio Gr West 1st 46 Rio Gr col tr 48 49 945 881 Rob Co 19 47 Rog Brown Iron 15 98 14 Rand war 95 Rem St Isl 1st 4s 9014 St I gen 59 St I rig 48 102 991 St I div St Pac 58 St 6a 100 8 adj ine 65 69 100 St St St In 1035 St 1n 48 A st Term St con 48 San An Pub Sve 88 109 A A Pass 1st 48 Schuleo Co Inc etf Schulco 103 Seab A con 66 96 1 Seab gold 48 stp A adj 5s 81 Seab Seab A 1. rig 48 Sea Shell A11 Un Fla 59 47 Ry 69 947 Sierra Pow 58 Silesian Am col 79 98 Simms Pet 69 Sine oil col 19 .101 Sine Con Off 6 98 1 Sine Cr Oil pur 68 100 Sine Pipe Lines 5g 91 1 Skelly Oil. 61 39 95 Smith Corp 103 So Car Ga 8 So Bell .107 Sou Pee col 54 Sou PAC evt 45 20 Sou Pac col tr 49 So Pae 128 Ore La 103 South By gen 648 South Ry gen 68 South By con 59 South Ey gen 48 Bell Tel 08 Standard Mill 08 100 St Ofl J. deb 104 st Oil 51 Stevens Hotel 6s 101 Tenn Cop Chem 69 41 .103 14 Tenn El Pw rig 68 A 102 Ter A St rig 94 Tex Pac Gs Tex Ter Third Ave 1st Me .100 Third Ave adjes 07 Third Ave rig 68 Toledo Edi 1st Toledo Trae 1001 Un Lt. .103 Un Lt 32 Union Oll Cal 68 .1021 Un Oil Cal 58 31 .102 Un Oil Cal 58 99 44 Un Pac 6g 1001 Un Pae 44s 67 .100 Un Pac 1s.

48 Un 98 05 Pac rig 48 United Drug 65 Rub 80 Rub 55 Steel 109 91 105 .107 .105 .105 .105 102 101 100 104 128 1069 .100 99 104 104 101 69 100 .101 99 102 102 941 99 100 104 .108 102 102 95 59 104 99 991 .104 87 108 07 105 973 117 88 81 80 80 53 9114 941 54 8 101 94 83 961 79 94 105 1001. 17 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE: Sober Reflection GEE WHISKERS! CAN'T SANDY AN' TH' KIDS WERE HE GET OVER MR. CRAZY 'BOUT HIM SAID FOR ME TO CIRCULATION WALSH, MANAGER TH' A 816 GUY. AWAY AN' HE MADE AN AT COURSE TH' ('LL CORNER GO- TO- MORROWRIGHT 0 TH' REFLECTOR. LIKE HE IS, TAKIN' TIME TOO AWFUL FUSS OVER THEM.

GANG O' HOODLUMS'LL BUT THAT COMIN' TO SEE TO LOOK ME UP. HE ANY GUY THAT GOES THERE- BE ME SURE HAD ME BIG WITH DOGS AN' KIDS FEEL LOTS YESTERDAY FOR A SCARED ALL RIGHT, B'LIEVE ME- IS BETTER IF I HADN'T LOST BIG AN TOUGH HE'S LOOKIN'- Sc GEE ANOTHER COUPLE MY WISH SURE BUT GEE- HE'S SWELL O' DAYS AN' WE'RE GOIN' GOIN' I 'TO KNEW HAPPEN WHAT'S WHEN HUH GET TO KNOW TO BE BUSTED AT HIM THIS HAROLD GRAM Universal 68 Utalt Lt. Trac 58. Utah Pow Lt 58 101 Vertientes Sug 7s 100: Va Virginia Ry 5s 108 1st 5s 1071 Va con 5S Wabash rfg 105 Wabash 56 76 Walworth Co 95 Walworth Co 6g Warn Sug 78 41 105 Wash Term Penn Pow 58 62 .106 Va CI Ck 6s 50 59 Western Elec 5s 103 West Md 5 5 77 102 West Maryland 49 86 West Pac 1st: 59 100 Western Union 112 West Union col tr 5s 38 104 West Union 5g 1951 .104 West Westghse Union Est 102 El Mfg 58 105 West Shore let 48 Wh con 4 93 Wheel Stl 48 101 White Sew 65 ex- war 103 Wick-Spenc St crt 78 30 Wilkesb 1st 55 Willys Overl 102 Wilsos Co 1st 65 Winch Ar metf .106 Wig Cen gen 45 89 Wis Cen 4s div 92 Wh Eagle war Youngstown 08 Total sales $12,458,000 Previous day 14,212,000 Week ago 14,894,000 Year ago 15,764,000 January 1 to date 102.270.000 Same year ago 136.001.000 Same year ago 136,001.000 Same two years ago 111,378,000 Fenner and Benne Cotton Letter. (Special to Dally News) FENNER AND BEANE.

Keech'n Cotton Letter. (Spectal to Dally News) New Orleans, Jan. Cotton was easy at the start but recovered its loss around the middle of the session and held steady the remainder of day. A statement from weather reau in its weekly review to the effect that cold nights of the past week had probably been fatal to many weevil caused the early easIness. Figures of the cotton textile association for December were tunde public sooner than expected and turn ed out to be unfavorable.

They show a substantial Increase over ber in sales, shipments, orders, unfilled orders and production. Stocks increased but unfilled orders exceeded stocks and sales exceed produc tion nearly ten per cent. Sales were 200,000,000 yards larger than in cember indicating on: their face that there was no cause for the movement to reduce production. Sales also exceeded production for the month 35,000,000 yards, Cables from London by stated unions that the leaders of the labor wages and will fight increasing plans for reducing Cables from Manchester, working time. on other hand say no labor trouble is anticipated.

The market appears and gotten over its fears of curtallment is likely to do better. New York, Jan. cables were slightly worse. than Liverpool due and we responded by opening 6 of 10 the points down. The only feature ported to day have was the statement cotton been issued by the statistics textile institute giving cloth on production, for December.

The figures ders were all above expectations unfilled sales and the were in steadiness some measure responsible for and activity. however, did Scattered not develop realizing any great of the market which, and local trade buying. were readily absorbed by selling point above to 7. point under Were Closing prices day. yesterIts some fresh price factor Until appearance, no extended market makes bullish movement seems likely.

We remain for the long B. F. KEECH AND CO. pull. New York Coffee.

New York, Jan. futures opened today at -Coffee of 2 to a decline of 5 points. an advance A little slightly easier reported on talk of selling was freight tone in the cost and in market, but declines brought well trade sustained, buying and March prices were fairly 13.37 up to 13.43 and ranging from The general market closing at 13.39. points higher, to 2 points closed net Esti- 2 mated sales 24,000 lower. tations: January 13.34: March Closing quobags.

May 13.30; July 13.20; 13.39; 13.10: December 13.02. September Santos coffee dull, Rio Spot 48, to 22. Tv. Clark's Cotton Letter. (Special to Daily News) New York, opened 10 to 12 Jan.

-Cottor bles with the pointy down on selling but trade south demand and local traders for March and around 19c ings and prices rallied absorbed offer. May with early sellers covering moderately ernoon. Advance in the afttile report figures on the texbut had little were effect. regarded as bullish sent up bearish messages New Orleans mand and 011 spot demarket looks a crop trading outlook. The new awaiting developments, proposition NO.

F. CLARK AND CO. New York. Jan. Oil.

Cottonseed cottonseed oli market unsettled today, closing at net and of 7 to 20 points scattered losses selling and outside under liquidation. local enced by the decline influirregularity In lard and the was also of cotton. Some of the tions of bearish promoted by expectation report due Thursday. December Sales consump. 301 barrels.

Prime summer yellow crude 8,50: prime closed 10.00: March spot 10.15; 10.00: January July 10.60; August May 10.37: 10.68. New York Dry New York, Jan. Goods. Inquiry for gray veloped today. Prices were deA little more business wax noted irregular.

finished goods, In ries, draperies, and especially fancy goode. wash fatsilk was Raw done on new printed silks. was Further business 1 were unchanged. Rayon orders Burlaps were knit coming goods forward trade. steadily More from the reported on coats business spring and dresses.

Liverpool, Liverpool Jan. Cotton. spot good business done: barely steady. American prices middling 11.03; strict middling strict good middling 10.78: strict 10.58: 10.68: low middling 10.58: strict middling ordinary 10.28: good ordinary good Sales 10,000 bales 9.98. American.

Receipts including 12,000 7,500 American 5,000, Futures closed bales and steady. January 10.19; qulet 10.15; May 10.99; July 10.00: March 9.63. October ton 19 Charlotte, cente. Jan. Charlotte Cotton.

cotKansas City Wheat. closed: Kansas City, Jan. May July -(AP) 1.193. -Wheatl Reg. Pat.

Off Copyright, 1925, by The Chicago YOUTH IS ARRESTED FOR AUTO FATALITY Harold Kirkpatrick Is Alleged Driver of Car That Killed One and Injured Another (Special to Dally Newel Kinston, Jan. 11-Ronnid West, 10. was instantly killed and W. A. Rice seriously injured shortly after midnight last night when an automobile struck them a8 they were walking on the Central highway a mile from here.

Harold Kirkpatrick, 17, alleged driver of the car, was arrested at his rural home. Authorities will try to prove the driver did not stop. Information gathered by the coroner indicated that West and Rice were walking 011 the wrong side the road. The car which struck them cut around another machine and driver did not have time to stop, it was gathered. When the car was identified as the property of Kilpatrick's father officers went to Sand Hill, several miles from here, and atrested the youth.

West's body was hurled into a ditch. Rice, who suffered a broken shoulder and other Injuries, was thrown some distance. The car sustained damage from the impact. Young West's home was in Craven county. Four Men Draw Sentences For Larceny At Concord (Special to Dally News) Concord, Jan.

Boss Jacob Hurlong, Roy. Cooper, Burgess and Ben Upright, who were found guilty of larceny in Superior court Tuesday, each drew sentences of eight months at hard labor on the highways of the state. Robert Roseboro, pleading guilty to assault with a deadly weapon, also drew a sentence of eight months at hard labor. Several defendants, adjudged guilty on minor charges, drew either fines or suspension of sentences. Judge James L.

Webb is conducting the January term of Cabarrus Superior court. Lewis Henry Kirk, white youth of Concord went on trial today on a charge of second degree murder In connection with the death of little Mary Shinn, who was killed when struck by an automobile last July, Painting Escaping Modern Trend, Daingerfield Thinks (Special to Dally News) Concord. Jan. -Painting 1s escaping the bonds of modernism, cording to Elllott Daingerfield, of New York. Internationally known painter of landscapes, who, together with his wife, are guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles. A. Cannon at their palatial Concord home. Following the world war, quality of both French and English art suffered a lamentable setback, Mr.

Daingerfield opines. Three North Carolina Boy Scouts Included In Awards New York, Jan. 11-(AP) --Fiftytwo Boy scouts of Eagle scout rank from all over the United States, have been awarded scholarships totaling $5,200 from the Harmon Foundation Scout scholarship award, it was announced today. Four scouts from each of the 12 Boy scout regions, and four selected at large, were recipients of the scholarships. The awards included: At large Alton G.

Sadler, Rocky Mount, N. C. Region 6 George Shields. King, Columbia, 9. Ralph.

Brimley, Raleigh, N. Needham Bryan, Wilson, N. Jack Cubbedge, Savannah, Ga. Aberdeen Tobacco Market Is Re-Opened With Light Sales (Special to Aberdeen, Jan. bacco market opened ing sale the, Christmas, The average price dred.

Daily News) -The local toMonday followholidays with 3.000 pounds, was $18 per hun- Dam Work Progresses, (Special to Dally News) High Point, Jan. dam at Deep River lake 19 being provided High Point 28 part ply program here, and the engineers they would start within the next la being built just Point -Greensboro easily seen by highway. Work on the where a great by the city of of the water supIs fast progressing said today that catching water few days. The dam off the High highway and IN motorists using the Joins Asheboro Street Choir. Gullford College, Jan.

11- Max Noah, director of the school of muste at Guilford, has accepted the posttion of choir director and soloist at the Asheboro Street Friende church In Greensboro. Savannah Savannah, Turpentine firm ceipta 34; shipment 22710: rosin firm: 697: shipment none; Quote: 8.15: 8.40: 8.50-8.60: 8.70, 8.80: 10.10: WwX11.10. Naval Stores. Jan. sales 17; Tenone: stock sales 528; receipts stock 97,945.

8.20-8.25: 8.35- 8.60: If We New York Copper. New York, Jan. -Copper steady: electrolytic spot and futures Tin steady: spot and futures Iron firmer; No. 2 FOB Eastern Pennaylvania 19.00 4 19.50. New York spot 6.50; East Lead quiet; Louls spot 6.30.

Zine St Louis spot and futures steady; 5.60 East 0 St. 3.10. Antimhony, 11.00. spot Baltimore 1 By Leased Baltimore, Jan. 1,237 native rent receipts free strictly fresh dozen Butter, good to pound 48053: prints 054; ladles 374 store packed 32 0 23: procees 42 0 43.

Produce. Wire.) receipts and nearby curcases dozen 37 6 40; 42043. fancy 13 blocks 38: rolls 34 36: dairy prints 34 New York Silver. New York, Jan. -Bar silver Mexican dollars PUP ASSISTS OFFICERS TO CATCH RUM MAKERS Chases His Masters When They Take to Their Heels as Dry Agents Arrive TWO MEN ARE ARRESTED (Special to Dally News) Wilmington, Jan.

pups, notwithstanding how friendly they often appear, sometimes turn on their masters. This was the case today when federal agents executed raid on a 100- gallon capacity still deep in the woods near Leland, Brunswick county. The officers arrived in time to find two white men preparing to build a fire under the plant. They ordered, the instend alleged they took operators to their to heels. A brindle pup, with bridle attached, who had come into the opening with the operators, remained still until the officers gave chase, He trailed the men through the thicket, guiding the officers onward through the woods.

Within a few minutes an opening appeared and to their surprise the officers found their men. The offenders were overtaken and brought to the city. They gave their names as Happy Murrell and E. L. Holdferd.

Murrell was arraigned before United States Commissioner Louis Goodman and bound over for trial at tie next term of Superior court. He is being held under $500 bond. Holdferd was taken. In hand by Officers Sullivan and Edge, Brunswick county, who accompanied the federal raiders, and was taken to Southport, where he will be given hearing in recorder's on charges of violatine, the Tuesday prohibition afternoon law. federal officers, accompanied by Captain W.

T. Willis on the coast guard boat, captured three 50-gallon capacity stills along the banks of the Cape Fear river, about seven miles from the elty. Mrs. Mary A. Wade Passes At Statesville At Age 89 (Special to Datly News) Statesville, Jan.

Mary A. Wade, 89, widow of Edward, Wade, of Iredell county, died tonight at the home Sharpe, of on her North daughter, Center Mira. M. street, following a brief illness of Funeral and interment will paralysis. take place Thursday afternoon at three o'clock at Trinity Methodist church.

Mrs. Wade is survived by three daughters-Mrs. M. L. Sharpe, Statesville, and Mrs.

W. Massee and Mrs. C. L. Shook, of the county.

Good Postoffice Year At Henderson. (Special to Daily News) Henderson, Jan. 11-Postoffice receipts for Henderson during the year 1937 showed a healthy increase the preceding and over year, would have been much more than the total turned out to be but for falling off In receipts a alight for December, according to statistics announeed by Postmaster V. total W. Faris.

The figure for 1927 was as compared with $41,809.98. $41,137.29 In 1926. Series of Dairy Meetings. (Special to Daily News) E. S.

Asheboro, Jan. Agent Millsaps, announces that beginning next Monday, and January 16, 20th, continuing through Friday the a series of to dairy meetings in regard cattle problems, will be held throughout Randolph county, A. C. Kimrey, state extension dairy cialist, will be apewith Mr. Millsape through the meetings.

MUCH LIQUOR POURED OUT AT ROCKY MOUNT Fifty-Two Quarts of Bottled In Bond and 54 Gallons of "White Mule" Go Down Sewer Rocky Mount, Jan. 11-City ager H. G. Otis, Chief of Police 0. P.

Hedgepeth and, City Clerk L. B. Ayeock. aided abetted by the Janitorial of the city hall, this afternoon relleved the city of 52 quarts of bottled in bond whisky, captured recently at the local express office, and 54 gallons of white mule. 1t all went in one direction--down the sewer line -and the fIsh, I they can stand the pace, are due a somewhat belated but none the less wet Christmas.

Farm Home Destroyed. Concord, Jan. Cabarrus farmer, lost its contents by fire loss being estimated bed was the only which was saved from 18 NAVAL PLANES STOP AT SOUTHPORT Enroute to Guantanamo to Participate In Annual Winter euvers of American Fleet (Special to Daily Newel Wilmington, Jan. naval seaplanes, en route from Norfolk to Guantanamo to participate in nual winter fleet maneuvers, stopped nt Southport today for refueling. They are of 1-9 type.

Nine of the planes hopped off shortly after refueling but the remainder moored opposite the U. S. 8. Sandpiper In Southport harbor. They are expected to take the air tomorTOW morning headed directly for the southern target grounds.

The planes are flying in squadrons of three. first the ocean "They shortly before group arrived in 10 o'clock and within an hour's time the harbor was full of planes. Raspberry production in the United States has shown a steady decline during the past 30 years. -J. C.

Mullie, his home and Tuesday, the at $1,000. A household Item the flames. The Woman With The Cash Gets The Bargains The question how to get cash is answered here. You know the bargains offered in the big January Sales when you see them. These sales come but once a year.

They offer useful necessities that help make life better for you. Come in for our advice and help in putting through a loan for the purchase you are planning. The Morris Plan Industrial. Bank Greensboro, N. C.

Paid THE Paid Quarterly MORRIS Quarterly On Savings On Savings W. A. HEWITT, Fresident E. C. McLEAN, Cashier Save Where You Can Borrow Am Am A A Atl Atl Atl Balt Balt Balt Balt Balt Balt Bell Beth Beth Beth Beth Bkin Bkin Bkin Bkin Bkin Bkin Bkin Buf Can By Cal Cal Can Can Can Can Can Caro Cent Cent Cent Cent Central Cent Ches Ches Ches Chic Chic Chi Chie Chi Chic Ch Chic Chic Ch Chic Chic Chicago Ch Bond Yields Declining For many months the average bond yield has been declining and the trend is still unchanged.

The investor in bonds today can not only get safety and a good hancement yield, but in all probability an appreciable enin the value of his securities. We will be glad to present a list of current offerings. Caldwell Company Southern Securities 401 Jefferson Building Greensboro, North Carolina Offices in Principal Cities Statement Of Condition Of The American Exchange National Bank GREENSBORO, N. C. At the Close of Business December (Condensed from Official Report to the 31, 1927 Comptroller of the Currency) Resources Loans and Discounts 7,598,279.36 United States Bonds Other Stocks, Bonds and Securities 1,529,251.52 147,637.06 Banking Houses (3) New Building Addition 803,343.35 Other Real Estate 614,526.26 77.648.27 Furniture and Fixtures 92,784.47 Cash on hand and in Banks 2,963,119.57 $13,826,589.86 Liabilities Stock 1,000,000.00 Surplus Undivided Profits 500,000.00 69,807.29 Circulation 732,700.00 Deposits 11,524,082.57 $13,826.589.86 Deposits December 31, 1926 $10,399,808.95 Deposits December 31, 1927 $11,524,082.57 Deposits Increased $1,124,273.62.

News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.