Ready or Not - Chapter 1 - Lucille_StClare (2024)

Chapter Text

“Good evening, gentlemen. Right this way.” An elegant woman in a long slinky red dress that contrasted against her blue scales and hair bowed respectively, then beckoned the group to follow her. She escorted the group of rough looking men through the dark club. The sea of people seemed to part instantly for them all the way to the spiral staircase leading upstairs. The setting seemed both perfect and inappropriate for such dirty dealings, but they weren’t at liberty to choose the location.

It took convincing to be seen at all.

At the top of the stairs awaited the VIP section. It was an open floor plan, yet somehow the music and the bodies were writhing to on the floor below was muted enough for light whispering, so the meeting about to commence would allow them to talk at a normal volume.

The woman brought them to a cluster of couches and tables where another group was waiting, except only one of them was seated.

“Gentleman, please. Have a seat.” The demon on the couch gestured across from him, “Aqua, why don’t you take their drink order?” Red wings stretched out as the Overlord leaned back with an arm across the back of the couch.

“Three fingers of rum.” The wasp demon said before sitting at one end of the couch.

“Make it two.” The thresher loan shark plopped on the opposite end of the same couch.

“Three.” The cannibal sat in the center, showing off a set of jagged teeth, “With a touch of O negative if you got it.” He eyed the hostess up and down.

“Is O positive ok?”

“Depends, what’s your blood type, angelfish?”

“Bring him the O positive.” Golden eyes glared at the cannibal from across the way.

“Right away. Can I bring you another one, Mr. Husk?” Aqua kept her face neutral even when she was reeling from he cannibal eyeing her hungrily. The gambling demon liked to have his employees' faces either smiling or blank, but she felt the ghost of relief form on her face from her overlord defending her. It may have been an image thing, after all; disrespecting the Gambling Demon’s employees is disrespecting his property, and the gambling demon was very protective of his things. But still, she was grateful for it. She’d seen other overlords allow their souls to be treated like expendable toys. At least hers valued her service to a degree.

“No need. It’s taken care of.”

Aqua nodded and went off to retrieve the drinks.

“Thank you for hosting us, Husker.” The cannibal said coolly, playing the part.

“Caleb.” Husk nodded. He looked over to the shark, “Change of staff?”

“Yeah, Gravel didn’t sober up fast enough to take cover for extermination day.”

“Rest in peace.” The wasp took his hat off, holding it to his chest, then placed it back on his head.

“Sorry about your brother, Zizz.” Husk gave a curt nod.

“Thank you, Mr. Husk.” Zizz sniffled a bit.

“So I have to say, I’m surprised you three asked to meet on such short notice. Especially after being told dozens of times I was busy tonight.” The overlord’s eyes flashed red to show his annoyance, but his voice remained even, bored almost. It gave a very mixed vibe that the three men across from him couldn’t tell if they should feel relaxed, or scared.

Husk was not known for his patience, so probably the latter.

“It’s an urgent matter, Husker, I can assure you.” Caleb used his nervousness to sound grave.

“I should hope so.” Husk finished the last of his glass of rum.

“We wouldn’t interrupt your night out clubbing for nothing.”

“Actually I’m out on a date.” The cat sounded the same, but the three couldn’t help but notice his claws were out now, “So it’s more than ‘a night out clubbing’.”

“Oh! M-my apologies sir,” Caleb’s façade broke a little. Husk snorted at his sh*t poker face, “I heard you got engaged, congratulations!”

“Thank you. This night marks a year from the first night we met.” Husk allowed himself to show a hint of his contempt for these men, he was rewarded with a shiver of fear from all three, "At this very club."

“Oh! Wow. And here you are getting us drinks? Let us get you a bottle of champagne si-er-Husk!” Caleb tried to put his tough guy persona back on.


“Unnecessary. I don’t pay for drinks here, I know the owner.”

“Well, we’ll still be more than happy to send a gift to you and the lucky-”

“Oh baby, come to daddy!” The shark suddenly shot up, gawking at the direction of the stairs.

Chaz.” Caleb hissed, looking at him like he wanted to shoot him.

“Er-sorry.” The shark laughed nervously but couldn’t tear his eyes away from where he was looking.

Of course they had to look, and all their jaws dropped.

A tall spider sinner with white and pink fur sauntered toward them in a dress that would make anyone gawk like an idiot.

The eyes immediately went to the legs. The dress seemed conservative at first by being floor length. But two slits went completely up the leg to the upper thigh, showing completely bare and beautiful thighs. Thin gold chains attached the dress together, stopping the dress from opening too much while still looking impossibly sexy. The black dress showed off every curve beautifully, splitting at the chest where more delicate golden chains kept it from falling open for too much of an eyeful.

If sex had an incarnation, it wouldn’t be Ausmodeous, it would be this creature!

“f*ck.” The other two said under their breath.

“Hey, Baby,” It was a surprise the spider with an amazing rack was a man, but not a deterrent at all. The spider gave a sultry look with his lovely pink eyes and pouty lips.

All three men held their breath, could this stunning creature be addressing one of them?

“Angel, our guests are here.” Husk’s tone immediately brightened to a purr.

“Oh, that was quick.” Angel’s lips curved as he slid onto Husk’s lap, taking a sip from a martini glass while handing Husk a glass of amber liquid. Of course. A stunning creature like this would be with the richest and most powerful demon in the room. Aqua came a moment later with a tray and passed out whiskeys, “So these are the date night crashers, hmm?” He winked at them.

“Sorry to ruin your night, Sexy.” Chaz shot out his hand. Angel giggled and slowly slipped his hand into it, letting Chaz lift his delicate hand respectfully, but the spider yanked it back before the shark tried to kiss his hand.

“Sorry Sugar, only one mouth touches me from now on.” Angel said with a slight moan to his voice and a wiggle of his hips. He presented said hand and brandished a sizable pear shaped diamond with smaller pear shaped rubies decorating the sides. It glimmered and looked almost oversized on Angel’s finger. Husk’s ear twitched and he shifted Angel in his lap ever so slightly, bringing him closer as he kept his eyes trained on the shark.

“No disrespect, of course!” Chaz shook his head, “I was merely taught to always kiss royalty.”

Angel giggled, “Well ain't you sweet?”

“I try.” Chaz flirted, “Since I’m Sugar and all.” He waggled his brows.

Husk wrapped another arm around Angel’s waist possessively, pulling him against his chest , “Gentlemen, this is Angel Dust, my fiancé.” His gaze was becoming a glare. Angel smiled sweetly and wiggled again in the cat’s lap, eyes looking playfully at him,

“Chaz is right.” Caleb grabbed his drink quickly and held it up, “You two make quite the king and queen of the gambling world. A toast to your upcoming nuptials!” He gave his men a look that prompted them all to raise their cups.

Nice save.

“We can’t not drink to that.” Angel ran his hand over Husk’s chest. Husk’s expression softened at Angel, and he reluctantly raised his glass at the spider’s call. They all toasted.

“Well, we don’t want to keep you all night, why don’t we get right to it?” Caleb set his drink down.

“This isn’t going to be very fun, Beautiful, you wanna go dance while I take care of this?” Husk gave Angel’s hips a squeeze. Angel grinned and wiggled once more.

“Nah, I’m comfy here. You said this wasn’t all that important anyway, right Babe? So I can stay?”

“That’s right.” Husk ran a hand up Angel’s thigh, “Ok. Stay if you like, Beautiful, but if you get bored and wanna go do something more interesting, just go. Text me where you end up. I’ll find you when we’re done.”

“I won’t. I will, but I won’t.” Angel sighed and wrapped all four of his arms around Husk.

It was so sickeningly sweet.

“Alright then.” Husk let his arm wrap tighter around Angel protectively, “Get on with it.” Husk’s purr turned to a bark upon turning his attention back to the three, who have been watching and listening to the two tell each other how not important they found them.

Caleb inhaled slowly and sat up straight.

“You see Husk, I know we agreed a set price for the products you ordered, and I have every intention on delivering it-”

“-So much so, that you dragged me to a meeting on my night out with my fiancé, to tell me there was nothing to tell me?” Husk looked unamused.

“You see, Caputo raised his prices, we tried negotiating but things fell through and…..I’m not able to get your order on time, but I’ll be damned if I pass that cost onto you! Caputo’s got bite, but only cuz we ain’t the largest organization. We thought perhaps if you’d be so kind as to send Caputo a message for us, seeing as we do business and all, so we can maintain the status quo.”

Husk stared with an unchanging expression.

Angel started to laugh.


“Are you high, Caleb?” Husk asked as he held up a laughing Angel, who began to nearly double over from laughing so hard.

“Don’t you go blaming those pretty drugs for that brainless proposal, Husky,” Angel patted his chest to catch his breath, “If sh*t is in there," He tapped his temple, "the drugs just bring em’ out. They don’t plant them’,” He gave Caleb a bemused expression, “Though surely they’re joking. That wasn’t a serious approach to ask you for your help, was it? Because they’re making it sound like this would be doing you a favor.” Angel batted his eyelashes at the men across from them and snuggled up to the overlord, “Instead of the other way around.”

“Well, Caleb, was that really your pitch?” Husk asked after Angel finished.

Caleb took a slow breath, “Husker-” His calm demeanor flickered with an eye twitch and it made Husk scoff.

“I’ve got two ways of how I could spend my night. Tell me, Caleb, if you were me, would you spend your night taking care of someone else’s problems....or.... ” Husk reached down to run a hand down Angel’s thigh, digging his nails ever so slightly into the exposed skin, causing the spider to make a heavenly little noise, “...would you rather spend your night taking care of him? What sounds like a better night, Caleb? What would you do? What do you think I’d rather do?”

“I’m not sayin’ this has to be done tonight-”

“It doesn’t have to be done at all!” Husk finally dropped his calm demeanor with a narrowing of his eyes and a raise of his voice, “We are business associates, not partners. You are a vendor. I am a customer. You and I came to an agreement of a price and a timeframe for delivery. If there’s any sort of problem, that’s yours to deal with. I don’t have to do jacksh*t. If you’re coming to me asking for some muscle rental then fine, I got offer you some at a reasonable price or give recommendations, but there’s zero reason this had to happen right now. So, if for some motherf*cking reason you’ve gotten it into your head you can point at a problem and tell me to take care of it for you because I purchase some product I can get anywhere else from you, well, you’re f*cking delusional.”

Husk got out a cigar and stuck it in his mouth. As he reached into his shirt pocket to fish out a lighter, Angel reached into his fluff and took out a silver cigarette case that looked brand new, but somehow also right out of the 1940s. He placed a cigarette between his lips then placed the box back from where he took it from. Husk flipped the zippo on, allowing the couple to light their smokes at the same time.

No one had the guts to say anything to the couple.

Caleb exchanged looks with his colleagues, who all looked equally frazzled.

Angel smoked slowly, the rest of his arms held or caressed Husk in some way, while his eyes were fixed on Chaz. The shark was rotating between shuffling and adjusting his pants, to eye-f*cking Angel.

Chaz flashed his teeth, nervousness taking a backseat over his horniness now that Angel was looking at him. Angel ran his eyes down the shark’s body, raising a brow and giving a little smirk. Chaz licked his lips and nodded his head toward downstairs where the sex rooms were.

Angel gave a demure expression with an ever so slight lick of his lips that only Chaz noticed.

And he jumped on it.

“You know boss,” Chaz sprung up, grinning like an idiot, “I know I’m new, but I can tell that this is all just one big communication problem! I think we all should take a moment to put a hold the business talk, and try to get to know each other on a more intimate level instead. And you know what they say…about…drinking and people and" The idiot fell all over his words, "…f*ck…I’m saying we should do shots to loosen up!”

“Chaz-” Caleb looked at him like he was crazy.

“Angel, why don’t you come help me carry the shots, seeing as you’re the only one here with multiple hands,” Chaz took a few steps toward the spider, “If you wouldn’t mind being of service of course!” The shark said pointedly, holding out an arm.

“Not at all.” Angel scratched behind Husk’s ear and planted a light kiss on it, not bothering to point out Zizz also had two sets of arms. Husk reluctantly let Angel untangle himself from him to stand up. Angel snuffed out his cigarette in the crystal ashtray on the table in the center of the couches.

“Trust me boss, this is the move.” Chaz waggled his brows and took a few steps to get closer to Angel.

“Alright.” Caleb narrowed his eyes, “We’ll try it your way.”

“Excellent! Shall we?” The shark gave a smug look.

Angel placed his arms around Chaz’s still outstretched arm.

“Let’s.” Angel purred, “Chaz, was it?”

“That’s right, Beautiful. Sounds even better coming out your mouth.” The spider’s lip twitched hearing his future husband’s nickname for him coming out of the shark’s mouth. They started walking toward the stairs.

“Well, Chaz,” Angel said his name slowly, “Is that a weapon in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?” Angel’s purr turned into a hiss.


This asshole!” Angel yanked Chaz’s arm behind his back, shoving him to the center table where he slammed him down, took a knife from a strap on his thigh, and sliced the knife against the fabric of the shark’s right pant leg, ripping it open instantly and dropping a revolver to the floor. Angel picked it up and clicked the chamber open, then closed it again. He aimed it right at the shark’s head and fired. The shark screamed, only to hear an empty click, “This sh*tty gun that won’t be able to fire the angelic bullets you shoved in there, you dumb piece of sh*t.” Angel grabbed a handful of Chaz’s hair right at the top of his head and leaned in close to the shark’s ear, “What were you planning on doing with angelic bullets, Sugar? Were you going to try to…take out an overlord?”

Angel’s beautiful face contorted into a deranged and deadly one, all while maintaining his lovely features. He lifted a leg to dig a knee into Chaz’s arm that he had behind his back, pushing upward past where the arm could go, threatening to break it with a shift of his weight. The shark started screaming in agony.

“No!” Chaz gulped, trembling, face contorted into pain, “I-uh- that’s just my regular gun.”

“You brought angelic bullets to meet up with an overlord…a meet up that you and these motherf*ckers insisted we have…right now…when we are out of the safety of our casino….interesting. Very interesting.” Angel turned to look at the other two men, grin getting wider and eyes slowly glowing purple.

“W-whoa Husker! This f*cker’s new! I didn’t know he had that sh*t!” Caleb threw his hands up.

“I'm tellin ya this is all just a big misunderstanding!” Chaz screamed, "I swear that's just my regular gun! I- I didn't even know those were angelic bullets!"

Caleb and Zizz started to shout and were about to stand up when a bullet ripping right next to Chaz’s head stopped everyone.

“I don’t remember asking anyone to f*cking stand up.” Angel growled, demonic voice ringing out as he held a small angelic handgun in a third set of arms he produced during the arguing. He really was a spider.

A dark, low chuckle echoed through the commotion, filling the room and somehow causing the lights to flicker.

The men all looked at Husk, who sat relaxed on the couch, slowly drinking his rum, tail swaying back and forth leisurely. His pupils were dilated and even though Angel couldn’t hear it, he knew he was purring.

“I think you boys better sit.” Husk chuckled, “My Angel can be a real devil when he’s mad.” His eyes dimly radiated red with gold sparks flashing around them.

“Husker, you don’t seriously think so little of me, that you’d think I’d try anything against you, do ya?” Caleb kept his hands up, voice stripped of all bravado. He was now showing his true colors, a sniveling coward.

“To be honest, Caleb,” Husk took a few puffs of his cigar, “I don’t really think of you.” He exhaled wisps of smoke.

Angel giggled, “Oh baby, that’s cold.” He watched, feeling himself starting to get turned on at the sight of Husk getting turned on by him taking care of business. He knew this would be fun and hot. He was glad Husk was indulging him in this little roleplay, “But more than deserved if you were trying to f*cking kill the man I love.” Angel pressed the knife to Chaz’s throat while keeping the gun trained on Caleb.

“No! N-no way! I w-would never I-”

“And if you were going to try to take down The Gambling Demon, you could’ve at least had the courtesy to do your f*cking research before such a piss poor attempt. You oughta learn a little more about angelic steel if you wanna play with it so badly. Here’s a free lesson, angelic bullets require angelic steel to shoot out of. Holy bullets wouldn’t have been as effective for an overlord, but they would’ve probably gotten the job done with enough of 'em, and at least they would’ve shot out of your worthless gun.”

Angel brought the knife to Chaz’s throat, “On hellborn though, even regular knives can-”

“-w-wait!” Chaz screamed.

“-rip right through!” Angel ran the knife across the shark’s throat, reducing his screams to a struggling gurgle and spraying the table with blood. Caleb and Zizz screamed as Angel let out a terrifying laugh. Angel’s laughing faded to a giggle as shook the excess blood off his arm before letting the shark’s body fall with a loud thud. Angel’s eyes slowly turned to look where he had two more playthings waiting for him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Husker, let’s talk about this!” Caleb pressed further back into the couch, “We don’t got to escalate things like this!”

“Yeah! Get your bitch under control!” Zizz shouted. A quiet shot rang out. Zizz was on the floor, dead. Caleb screamed again, looking at Angel's gun, but it was still co*cked and aimed at him. He looked at Husk. The cat had a semiautomatic angelic pistol that was smoking from the tip.

“There is no second warning to those who insult my Angel, remember that for however long you have left.” Husk snapped his fingers, summoning hell hounds who grabbed Caleb and pulled him up roughly by his arms, “I want him silenced. But he can stand to scream a bit before that.” Husk stood up then gestured their dismissal while Caleb pleaded.

“Husk, wait! Please! I’m begging you! We go way back, you and me! That has to mean something!”

“Wait.” Husk snapped his fingers. Caleb looked hopefully at him.

“Angel, baby,” Husk turned to look at the spider who was putting his gun away, “Did you still want to play with this one?”

“Nah.” Angel fixed his hair and smoothed out his dress, “The doggies can have him.” Angel sashayed away from the pool of blood forming on the slick floor.

Caleb’s face fell while the hellhounds dragged him off kicking and screaming, both of their tails wagging in anticipation of ripping apart their new plaything over and over with their teeth.

Husk and Angel stood there alone in a brief silence, but not uncomfortable in the slightest.

“See? Wasn’t that fun?” Angel had to stop himself from jumping Husk then and there for shooting Zizz when he called him a bitch. And now, after putting on the whole Mafia Boss Overlord Daddy show, Angel could hardly stand how horny he was.

He felt his body ache for Husk, remembering the red eyes and large canines when he gave Caleb the warning. Angel thought back to being called Husk’s queen. The pathetic cannibal may have been the one to come up with it, but it had a nice ring to it.

Husk looked to Angel in a way that made Angel quiver in excitement.

“Get the f*ck over here.” Husk growled, tail twitching, one of the biggest signs that he had a royal flush….or that he was horrendously horny. Angel toyed with the idea of doing the opposite. Husk was already riled up, proved by the sparks of gold electrifying the air. This could be a real fun night if he were to provoke that inner overlord a little more.

Angel took a few steps then stopped just out of reach. He placed a set of hands on his hips and crossed another, giving Husk a mischievous brow raise. Husk’s tail swayed sharply to the side, the way it does when he’s after something….getting ready to hunt.

“Yes?” Angel practically sang out, daring Husk to make the next move.

Husk could pull Angel the rest of the way in, and they could have some quick fun before heading back home. But that would be an admission of defeat on his part. Angel knew Husk expected him to jump his bones, and Angel definitely wanted to, but now that Husk went all dom on him, he wanted more. The scenario they planned, played out went even better than he imagined. Too much better really, because even though Angel was ready to be f*cked, he still wanted to play. So as much as he’d love to jump Husk and ride an org*sm out of both of them, he knew they could build it up even more for an even better release.

Husk had been so kind as to allow Angel to play with three dumbasses that he knew very well were going to try some ridiculous plot to kill him, so he’d let Husk decide how far he’d let him take this.

If he wanted to start their night celebrating their anniversary....or start a new little game.

Husk’s eyes narrowed, “I said get the f*ck over here.” he growled, eyes darkening and golden sparks flying thick.

What told Angel that Husk was being playful, and not actually impatient, was the continuous sway of the tail and the sugar syrup in his dark smooth whiskey voice.

Yes, kitty wanted to hunt.

“I am here.” Angel said cooly, resisting the urge to lick his lips.

“You know what I mean.” Husk started to get slightly taller, indicating Angel’s plan was producing the fruit he wanted.

“No, I think you should explain it to me.” Angel felt his own voice lower, he was already turned all the way on, but this was the best kind of foreplay. And the best part about sex with Husk; the foreplay went as long as he wanted it.

Husk got impatient sure, but one word from Angel and it would all pause or slow down or stop. Angel had all the power. And there was nothing that Angel had come to find sexier than how much Husk respected his boundaries, even when going feral.

“Careful, Legs. I’m riled up. If you wanna keep teasing, I might have to bite you.” Husk remained planted, knowing that any move he made would determine how their night played out. Angel had to grapple with whether or not he should give up and kiss Husk right there for asking for permission in such a sexy way, or…..

“Try it.” Angel grinned, taking a step back.

Let the games begin.

Husk’s lips curved upward and parted, revealing sharp teeth and growing canines. Angel sunk his own teeth in his bottom lip, getting ready to book it. Husk’s wings gave a small flap, stretching out.

“I’ll give you ten seconds. Ten-”

Angel booked it, laugh echoing off the walls until he fled the room, through the pulsing bodies of the club, and out the club into the night.










Husk flapped his wings and crashed out the glass ceiling with a clean cut so glass wouldn't shatter over those below. He felt himself launch high into the air. He opened his wings right as he started to descend down.

"Ready or not, here I come!"

Ready or Not - Chapter 1 - Lucille_StClare (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.