Sesame-Brown Butter Udon Noodles Recipe (2024)



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did anyone add fish sauce at the end? To round out the flavor?

Fishy sauce user

I added some oyster sauce at the end and it made the flavour sort of oval?

Fish sauce skeptic

After reading the comments and contemplating the roundness of the udon, my deep, round noodle bowl, and my general suspicion of fish sauce, I thought I would ignore the growing clamor for fish sauce. But I was wrong. That stuff is magical. Complimented with little pork meatballs (in lieu of egg) . . . a perfect sphere!


Dear Josh,I added some fish sauce at the end, but found the flavor rather angular. I prefer to make it the way my grandmother made it, which is just actually an entirely different recipe. Try it.


Cut the amount of butter in half and add some sesame oil.

Amy Friedman

Here's what I did for this recipe... I boiled the udon noodes, browned the butter in another pot, added some sage (which I removed later and added to the udon water). To the browned butter, I added oyster mushrooms and onions, let those cook up, then added the spinach and black sesame seeds to that along with some of the pasta water. After letting that hang out for a while, I added the udon noodles, some of the water and soy sauce. I must say, this is one of the best things I've ever made!


No fish sauce! Sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, pepper (black, white, or red flakes) vegetables= dreamyUdon noodles = so delicious


Delicious! I added fish sauce at the end to round the flavor.


Miyoko’s has worked well for me in a similar application. I find it’s just like dairy butter.


I'm surprised at all the nattering on about adding fish sauce. The recipe makes it quite clear that this is buttery - you know: Sesame Brown Butter noodles. Made the recipe exactly as is, cutting it down to one serving and it was perfect. Nice and tasty, smooth, butter compliments the spinach, with the sesame adding a gentle touch of flavor. I'd go so far as to say sublime in both texture and flavor. The hit-your-head-with-a-board flavor of fish sauce is not necessary here.

John G

Maybe fish sauce is what I needed. That and lime and cilantro and whatever else would change this recipe . Too buttery... and I used only 5 tbl spoons of butter. Used the whole 1/4 cup of pasta water hoping it would dilute it some, as well as additional soy sauce after it was served, but to no avail. My family and I all disliked it.


I added a tablespoon of miso when I added the pepper. It was wonderful. I’m thinking of adding shrimp next time for a little protein.

Fish Sauce Curious

How is this with fish sauce at the end? Does it round out the flavor?


Ghee is not at all like browned butter. It has no milk solids and thus will not brown. Completely different flavor profile, although in ghee’s favor, it has a much higher smoke point. I’d go for the nutty flavor of brown butter in this recipe, which relies on just a few ingredients.


Has anyone tried this with Vegan butter? Like Miyoko’s?

Rachael R.

I added garlic and shallot to my browned butter and fish sauce at the end. Topped with crunchy chili oil. Divine.


Followed the recipe exactly. Very disappointing, greasy and bland.


I chopped up the baby spinach that I had and added some chopped garlic. Really good and really easy--going into regular rotation!

great concept; add miso and use less butter

Very easy to accompany seared salmon. I added a teaspoon of miso and swirled it in at the end. Next time, I might use 3-4Tbsp of butter instead. Not sure pinch of sugar is necessary; depends on the soy sauce and miso.

Claire Gunter

This was EXCELLENT! I doubled it for my family of 4 and will triple it next time as everyone wanted more. I put a little white miso on my serve and that gave it a great depth.


I added red pepper flakes and did not use the sugar. Love this recipe!!!


It was under-flavored for me.

Uh Yum

Very butter forward. Tried it because it sounded tasty but agree with other comments. Rounded this out with some bok choi grilled with a garlic ginger soy marinade.


Subbed Mirin for the sugar and cut the butter and added some sesame oil. Still bland. added some oyster sauce on my own plate, which helped. Added shrimp for some protein. Meh.


I doubled the udon (used same butter amount and it worked out well with 2x noodles) and also added sautéed mushrooms and garlic chili sauce for heat. The spinach clumped together when strained with the noodles; next time I’ll add to butter instead. Overall, very delicious and will make again!


I added a little sesame oil to the boiling water and a clove of garlic to the browning butter and pepper. Substituted half the pepper for ‘lemon pepper’ blend. It took a really good recipe to fantastic.


Subbed gochujang paste for the black pepper and it turned out great.

Kate W.

This was good! Simple, but it really hit the spot after a long day and cold weather. I made a half batch. It needed more soy sauce, and I added a little toasted sesame oil at the end. Yum.

Carla in California

Made this. Butter no bueno.

Kate T

I wanted to love this. Doubled the soy sauce and pepper and added some red pepper flakes — and still found it to be bland. Happy to have made, likely won’t revisit.

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Sesame-Brown Butter Udon Noodles Recipe (2024)


How to cook Costco udon noodles? ›

Pulmuone Teriyaki Stir-fry Udon is available at Costco. Add 1 tbsp of oil, 4 tbsp of water, vegetable topping and Udon Noodles into a sauce pan. Then turn on the heat and stir fry 1-2 minutes over hight heat 2. Add Teriyaki Seasoning and stir fry for another minute over low heat.

How to cook dry packaged udon noodles? ›


If cooking semi-dried (slightly flexible, shelf stable) udon, boil for 6-7 minutes before testing for tenderness; if cooking dried (brittle, shelf stable) udon, boil for 9-10 minutes. Test by plucking a noodle from the pot, plunging it in cold water, then biting.

How long do you cook frozen udon noodles? ›

Take the Frozen Udon noodle directly from the freezer, do not defrost, and place the noodle in the boiling water. Cook on medium heat for approximately 40-60 seconds or until al dente. Stir-fry: Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a large wok or skillet and stir-fry with desired meat or vegetables. Product from Japan.

Are udon noodles healthy? ›

Health Benefits of Udon Noodles

The high fiber content of udon noodles also serves to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, and the high amount of B vitamins contained in the noodles helps to keep you energized.

Do you rinse udon noodles after cooking? ›

Once the noodles are done, turn off the heat and carefully drain the water using a colander or strainer. Rinse the noodles under cold running water to stop the cooking process and remove any excess starch. This step is important, as it will prevent the noodles from becoming gummy or sticky.

Is packaged udon already cooked? ›

This pack contains three individual servings of pre-cooked udon noodles in vacuum-sealed packets. Simply heat up on the hob or in the microwave and serve with tsuyu soup stock and your favourite toppings!

How to tell if udon noodles are cooked? ›

Noodles are not really “cooked” but rather boiled, I will usually leave them in boiling water for about two minutes. The best way to tell is to pick one up with a fork or chopsticks, if its too soft it will break off or crumble between the chopsticks or have a leathery texture to it.

How to cook ready made udon noodles? ›

Easy to use and big on value, all you need to do is boil these noodles for 2-3 mins each, drain the udon noodles, and serve with your favourite dipping sauce or noodle broth and toppings.

Why are my udon noodles soggy? ›

The fresh noodles should be cooked right away for the best texture. Use the largest pot filled with a large amount of water to cook the noodles. Since the noodles are starchy and covered with a lot of flour during the dusting and cutting, cooking them in too little amount of water will make them gummy and mushy.

Why is frozen udon better? ›

They look like the pleasantly thick, square-edged noodles we're familiar with here in the States; but unlike vacuum-sealed refrigerated or shelf-stable udon, frozen sanuki udon are a bit less doughy and white after cooking. When sanuki udon are cooked, they take on a beautiful translucence.

Can you overcook udon noodles? ›

Udon noodles are thick and made with wheat flour. This means that they have gluten in them and can be prone to getting sticky, or even mushy when not cooked properly. If you want slurpable noodles with a nice bite and smooth texture, then you have to be careful not to overcook them.

Does frozen udon go bad? ›

Fresh udon noodles, on the other hand, come with a use-by date on the package which is usually within 2 weeks from the manufacturing date. Once opened, fresh udon noodles should be consumed as soon as possible, ideally within 2-3 days. Freezing is an option for fresh noodles which extends the life for up to 2 months.

Which is healthier ramen or udon? ›

What's the healthiest? While both dishes brim with flavor, Udon could be considered the healthier of the two noodle type dishes as it tends to have cleaner, simpler toppings and has lower sodium as it doesn't use kansui (the alkaline solution that gives ramen its unique flavor).

What does udon do to your body? ›

Complex Carbohydrates for Weight Loss and Chronic Disease Prevention. If you consume udon noodles made from a high-quality whole wheat flour, you get a significant dose of complex carbohydrates, which are higher in fiber and digested more slowly by the body than simple carbohydrates.

What is the healthiest noodle to eat? ›

Try one of these healthy noodle options to add more variety and nutrients to your next meal!
  • Squash noodles. You can make your own noodles out of squash as a healthy, nutritious alternative to dried noodles from the store. ...
  • Black bean noodles. ...
  • Whole grain noodles. ...
  • Quinoa noodles. ...
  • Buckwheat noodles.

Are you supposed to heat up the udon noodle salad from Costco? ›

Introducing the brand new Costco deli item - Udon Noodle Salad Kit! Quick tip: Enjoy it fresh as the noodles tend to become hardened and dry if left in the fridge. Plus, udon noodles taste best when heated up!

How do you heat up packaged udon noodles? ›

When reheating, you can briefly blanch the noodles in boiling water or heat them in the microwave until warmed through. It's important to note that reheated udon noodles may lose some of their original texture but can still be enjoyed.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.