Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (2024)

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Slow cooker fudge (or crockpot fudge), with only 4 ingredients, is so easy to make and even more delicious to eat!

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (1)

Slow cooker fudge is our new favourite treat. With only 4 ingredients, it’s so easy to make and cooking it in a slow cooker makes sure it’s smooth and delicious!

We’ve tried to make tablet (a Scottish treat a wee bit like fudge) a few times but with limited success. Trying to get it to the right temperature, for the right amount of time, even with the help of a digital thermometer seemed to defeat us. It’s also not a great thing to try and make with children, as boiling sugar and small hands don’t go well together.

This slow cooker fudge made with condensed milk and chocolate seems to solve all those problems. It’s so easy, you don’t have to worry about getting it to the right temperature and as you’re not doing it on the hob or boiling any sugar it’s safe enough for children to help with.

This recipe makes a simple milk chocolate fudge but you can experiment and add different flavours – try white chocolate instead of milk or add a little dark chocolate to make it less sweet. You can also add sweets like M&Ms or sprinkles on top to add a little crunch.

How can kids help to make slow cooker fudge?

This is a really easy recipe, so children of any age should be able to help make it. Kids can help to break up the chocolate, add the condensed milk and stir it all together. If you trust your little one around a slow cooker they can do almost all of this themselves.

Could I use a microwave?

Yes. I like melting everything together really gently in a slow cooker or even on a double boiler but if you prefer you can use a microwave.
Simply pop everything into a microwavable bowl and heat it at 80% power in 30 second intervals. Stir it in between each microwave blast and stop when everything has melted and come together.

You can also make fudge in a double boiler. To do it this way, simply add all the ingredients to a heatproof bowl, then place it on top of a pan of simmering water. Keep stirring until all the ingredients have melted then pour it into your baking tin to set.

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (2)

How long does the fudge keep?

This fudge will keep for a week or two in an airtight container. This makes it ideal as a homemade gift for friends and family.

If you want to keep the fudge for longer, you can freeze it for a few months. Simply wrap it well in cling film, and pop it in a freezer bag or airtight container. Thaw it thoroughly at room temperature overnight before serving it.

Other fudge recipes

If you liked this fudge you’ll love our other fudge recipes:

Biscoff fudge
Maltesers fudge
Rocky road fudge
Mint chocolate fudge
Easter fudge
Chocolate chip fudge
Maple fudge
Nutella fudge
Strawberry fudge
White chocolate fudge
Oreo fudge

Useful equipment

You might need the following baking tools/gadgets to make this slow cooker fudge

Digital scales
Slow cooker
Mixing bowl
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Baking tin

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Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (3)

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 10 minutes plus 2 hours cooking and 2 hours setting

Serves: 30+ pieces


500g (3 cups) milk chocolate
1 tsp vanilla extract
A large knob of butter
1 can (395g or 14oz) sweetened condensed milk

how to make slow cooker fudge

Break the chocolate up

Get your children to help you break up the chocolate into small pieces. Once we’d done that we also chopped the pieces a little more with a knife to help it melt a bit quicker.

Add it to your slow cooker or crockpot.

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (4) Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (5)

Add everything to your slow cooker

Get your kids to help you add the vanilla extract, butter and condensed milk to your slow cooker.

Give everything a good mix.

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (6) Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (7) Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (8)

Cook the condensed milk fudge

Pop the lid on your slow cooker and leave the fudge to cook on a low heat for around 2 hours. Stir it with a non stick spoon every 15 minutes or so.

Leave the fudge to set

Line an 8 inch baking tray with baking paper. You can use a larger or smaller tin if you want thicker or thinner fudge.

Put the fudge in the fridge for a few hours until it has set.

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (9) Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (10) Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (11)

Cut into small squares with a sharp knife (this isn’t a job for the kids). We cut it into six pieces one way and six the other to get 36 pieces in total, but you could make them smaller or larger to get more/less.

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (12)

Serve and enjoy.

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (13)

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (14)

Condensed milk fudge

Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (15)cookingwithmykids

Slow cooker fudge or crockpot fudge, with 4 ingredients, is so easy to make. Simply melt chocolate, condensed milk, butter and vanilla extract in your slow cooker for a few hours, stirring every 15 minutes, then leave to set. Yum

4.75 from 4 votes

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 2 hours hrs

Setting time 2 hours hrs

Total Time 2 hours hrs 10 minutes mins

Course Dessert

Cuisine British

Servings 30 pieces

Calories 93 kcal


  • 500 g milk chocolate
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • A large knob of butter
  • 1 can 395g sweetened condensed milk


Add everything to your slow cooker

  • Break the chocolate up and add it to your slow cooker. Add the vanilla extract, butter and condensed milk to your slow cooker.

  • Give everything a good mix.

Cook the slow cooker fudge

  • Pop the lid on your slow cooker and leave the fudge to cook on a low heat for around 2 hours. Stir it with a non stick spoon every 15 minutes or so.

Leave the fudge to set

  • Line an 8 inch baking tray with baking paper. You can use a larger or smaller tin if you want thicker or thinner fudge.

  • Put the fudge in the fridge for a few hours until it has set.

  • Cut into small squares and enjoy.


Keyword chocolate, treat

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Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (16)

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Slow cooker fudge | Easy recipe | Cooking with my kids (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.