Soups for Babies - 20 Delicious Recipes - Mummy to Dex (2024)

Soup is one of my favourite meals to create for babies. Not only can you pack it full of nutritious veggies, but it’s a great way for babies to practise using spoons or dipping bread into the bowl before bringing it to their mouths. Soups for babies are the best kind of meal!

Don’t get me wrong, soup can be a MESSY business, but with the right baby led weaning equipment, like a good coverall bib and a splash mat, soup needn’t be avoided.

Here are 21 of my favourite soups for babies…all of which are simple to make, can be batch prepared and will make a healthy and nutritious baby led weaning lunch or supper for Mama too.

1. Minestrone Soup for Babies

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Fellow baby led weaning Mama Hayley created this yummy minestrone soup for her two littles and it’s full of healthy veg whilst tasting delicious! Even my toddler can’t get enough of this soup!

Get the full recipe here

2. Vegetarian Lentil Soup

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Rich in iron and an excellent source of protein, lentils are a must-have food to offer babies. We love this vegetarian lentil soup for babies as it is so easy to make and a great way to up baby’s iron levels once they hit six months old.

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3. Baby’s First Chicken Noodle Soup

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This chunky soup if a great way to introduce soup to your baby. As long as it is cool enough, you can offer it to baby as it is and they can simply pick the chunks out to feed themselves!

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4. Broccoli Soup for Babies

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Nothing tastes better than broccoli and a strong cheese. This soup combines these two yummy ingredients to create a thick and luxurious soup which is perfect for the whole family.

Get the full recipe here

Read next: 100 Baby Led Weaning Starter Foods

5. Creamy Chicken Pasta Soup

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This yummy soup is another chunky option for baby who can pick bits out and practise using their pincer grip.

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6. Carrot Tomato Soup

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Another batch making favourite which is perfect for babies who can’t use a spoon yet whilst combating the baby led weaning mess that quinoa makes if you serve it as is. The gooey cheese makes these quinoa cups super mouthwatering too!

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7. Butternut Squash and Apple Soup

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The apple in this soup for babies, adds sweetness to the butternut squash and creates a yummy, yet healthy meal for your baby!

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8. Leek and Potato Soups for Babies

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I love this recipe as the potato really thickens the soup making it perfect for babies. If you have an older baby who is starting to use cutlery, this is a great one to begin with! (We love use Doddl cutlery!)

Get the full recipe here

Read next: 11 Must Have Baby Led Weaning Products

9. Roasted Cauliflower Cheese Soups for Babies

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There’s something about cauliflower cheese that always gets me salivating, so getting the two ingredients together in a soup? I’m sold!

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10. Dahl Spinach Soup for Babies

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A delicious and flavourful Indian soup for babies which will leave you wanting more!

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11. One Pot Chicken Soup for Babies

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I always hate how much mess I make in the kitchen whenever I get down to cooking for the baby, so when I find one pot recipes, I always jump for joy! This soup is delicious to boot!

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12. Roasted Parsnip Soup

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Got some parsnips left over from your roast dinner? Whizz them up into this parsnip soup and reduce your food waste whilst feeding baby a delicious, healthy soup!

Get the full recipe here

Read next: 100 Baby Led Weaning Starter Foods

13. Carrot Ginger Soups for Babies

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Ginger and carrot go together perfectly, as demonstrated by this delicious recipe. One of the finest soups for babies out there!

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14. Curried Lentil Coconut Soup

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Adding lentils to soups is a fab way of getting more protein into baby’s diet and we love this curried lentil coconut soup. It’s simply a taste explosion!

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15. Quick Carrot & Coriander Soup

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This carrot and coriander soup is SO quick to prepare and makes the perfect baby led weaning lunch. The best part? There’ll be plenty for Mum to enjoy too!

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16. Creamy Spinach Soup

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Spinach is definitely one of our favourite ingredients – we use it in pancakes, waffles, burgers and smoothies. Why not add it to your baby’s soup? It’s FULL of iron and super, duper healthy!

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17. Easy Pumpkin Soups for Babies

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Perfect if you’re weaning during the fall and an excellent way to save waste when you’ve been carving Jack O’ Lanterns. This recipe promises it is easy and it really is!

Get the full recipe here

Read next: 50 Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas

18. Pea and Mint Soup

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Not a huge fan of peas in this household, but the mint gives this pea soup a real kick. A great way to whizz up a quick meal with peas from the freezer too!

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19. Healthy Sweetcorn Soups for Babies

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Sweetcorn is another freezer staple for us, so this sweetcorn soup is yet another quick and easy meal for the kids.

Get the full recipe here

20. Clear Veg Soups for Babies

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We couldn’t leave out clear soup from our list of soups for babies. It just wouldn’t be right!

Get the full recipe here

21. Mixed Veg Soups for Babies

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The perfect recipe for a healthy and veg rich soup for your baby. Watch out for the orange stains though!

Get the full recipe here

Where next?

  • 100 Baby Led Weaning Starter Foods
  • 50 Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas
  • Baby Led Weaning – What You Need to Know Before You Start
  • 8 Foods to Avoid When Baby Led Weaning this Christmas
  • A Collection of Baby Led Weaning Snack Ideas
  • The Best Baby Led Weaning Spoons
  • 11 Must Buy Essential Baby Led Weaning Products

I hope you enjoyed this post of our favourite soups for babies. What is your favourite baby friendly soup to offer at meal time? Do let me know in the comments and be sure to let me know if you try any of these delicious recipes!

Soups for Babies - 20 Delicious Recipes - Mummy to Dex (22)

Soups for Babies - 20 Delicious Recipes - Mummy to Dex (2024)


How do I give my 12 month old soup? ›

Soups via Spoon

For babies six to nine months, you can offer a preloaded spoon. For babies 9 to 12 months, you can let baby start to dip and scoop thick soup by themselves! The ezpz Tiny Spoon is a perfect size for infants developing mouths and hands, making baby-led spoon-feeding ezpz!

Are soups good for babies? ›

Soups are a nutritious and comforting option for babies and young children, especially during periods of illness or lack of appetite. Their soft, easily digestible texture makes them ideal for little ones who may have difficulty chewing or swallowing solid foods.

Can babies have canned tomato soup? ›

You bet! “Babies can safely consume tomatoes as soon as they are ready for solids, which is generally around 6 months of age,” says pediatric dietitian Amy Chow, RDN. Just keep in mind that first foods should be rich in iron and protein.

How to make soup formula? ›

A basic soup formula
  1. Add fat to a large Dutch oven or stock pot. I use olive oil. ...
  2. Sauté an onion. ...
  3. Add fresh herbs. ...
  4. Sauté sliced mushrooms if you have them. ...
  5. If you're adding tomatoes, add them now. ...
  6. Add tomato paste if you have any. ...
  7. Add cheese rinds if desired. ...
  8. If you soaked beans, drain, rinse and add them to the pot.
Oct 14, 2020

Can a 1 year old eat chicken noodle soup? ›

This Baby's First Chicken Noodle Soup is a simple and comforting meal for any baby or toddler! Great for ages 9 months and up.

Can 12 month old have chicken broth? ›

Low-sodium broths and stocks made from meat or poultry may be introduced in meals or as a drink as soon as baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age.

Is soup too salty for babies? ›

Those 7–12-months-old are able to meet their needs from breastmilk or formula and the small amounts of sodium naturally present in unprocessed complementary foods. As such, experts recommend that you don't add salt to your baby's food during their first 12 months ( 2 , 4 , 5 ).

Can babies have garlic in soup? ›

You can start to introduce cooked garlic and onion once baby is around 8 months old. It is better to use them cooked because they will have a milder taste than when raw.

Can babies have milk in soup? ›

As mentioned above, babies can't drink cow's milk prior to 12 months, all the experts and AAP note. But, before this age, they can have it cooked in foods (i.e. soups, baked goods, etc.) once they start solids, Bandier says.

When can a baby eat grilled cheese? ›

Can babies over 12 months old eat cheese? Definitely! Many babies over 12 months really enjoy cheese. Eating skills are typically more developed at this age, so you can serve cheese in mixed dishes such as grilled cheese or a quesadilla.

Can 10 month old have canned soup? ›

Remember – babies still need breast milk or formula as their main nutrition source, so keep broth or liquids other than baby's milk to no more than 1-2 ounces a day around 6 months and 3-4 oz a day around 9 months. Once baby is about a year you can liberalize their soup/broth intake.

Can babies have stock in soup? ›

Using stock in your baby's food will make your purées, soups, stews, curries and risottos taste much better. They are particularly important for giving a good flavour base when using little or no salt.

What's the secret to a good soup? ›

To make sure that every spoonful of soup is richly flavored, with juicy meat and/or tender vegetables, follow these kitchen-tested tips.
  • Use a Sturdy Pot. ...
  • Sauté the Aromatics. ...
  • Start with Good Broth. ...
  • Cut Vegetables to the Right Size. ...
  • Stagger the Addition of Vegetables. ...
  • Keep Liquid at a Simmer. ...
  • Season Just Before Serving.
Oct 9, 2022

What is the secret ingredient in soup? ›

It may sound a bit strange and unusual for some, but vinegar is a common ingredient in some soup recipes, and there is a good reason for it. If you think about it, vinegar is really a flavor-enhancer (umami). That's why it is so often used in cooking, sauces, and salad dressings. The same is true with soups.

How do you thicken baby soup? ›

Add flour or cornflour

Put a tablespoon of either into a small bowl and stir in 2-3 tbsp of the soup until you have a smooth mixture. Stir this back into the soup and bring it to a simmer. Cook for a few minutes to allow the starch granules to burst to thicken, and to cook out any flour flavour.

Can babies have soup made with milk? ›

Once your little one is weaning onto solid foods at six months old, it's fine to mix small amounts of cow's milk with your baby's food. However, you shouldn't give your baby cow's milk any earlier than this.

How do I give my 12 month old a sandwich? ›

Your 1-year-old can try eating a quarter (or two quarters, if she's really hungry) of a sandwich on soft or lightly toasted bread. Try hummus with finely shredded carrot or diced tomato; cream cheese with very thinly sliced and peeled cucumber; or a very thin layer of smooth peanut butter with sliced banana.

Can 1 year old eat green bean soup? ›

Green beans are one of the first veggies many spoon-fed babies try. You can introduce them whenever your child starts solids, usually around 6 months.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.