Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (2024)

Home > Recipes > Top 10 Immune System Boosting Foods For Kids (with ideas and recipes!)

Use these immune system boosting foods for kids to keep your children healthy all year long!

Does Your Child Have A Cold? Check out our 10 Natural Cold Remedies for Your Child

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (1)It’s that time of year. Where ever you go, you see sick people. You watch your kids, participating in their activities, along side other kids with runny noses and coughs. You watch helplessly as your child puts his fingers in his mouth or rubs his eyes, and you have to wonder if getting sick is just the inevitable outcome of the season.

I can’t promise you that you can totally shield your kids from getting sick. That doesn’t mean you have to cross your fingers and hope for the best, either. You can build up your children’s immune systems with nutrient-dense foods. Certain foods have the exact nutrients that can help your kids’ immune systems be as strong as possible, so when they are exposed to the inevitable germs, they are ready to fight.

These are the foods and recipes you want to be serving your kids all year long so they are constantly building their immune systems.

1) Almonds

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (2)Why they Help:

Almonds are packed with vitamin E and manganese, a strong immune-boosting duo that both enhance natural killer cell activity.

Ideas for Eating:

My kids both love to eat almonds by themselves as a snack, but there are a lot of different ways to incorporate them into your kids’ diets. Check out this Maple Almond Breakfast Smoothie (pictured above) or Berrylicious Oatmeal.

2) Berries

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (3)Why they Help:

Berries are full of antioxidants, which help your body fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This helps keep our immune system fighting! There are many different berries you should try to include in your children’s diet: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, and blackberries, to name a few. Don’t worry; when berries aren’t in season frozen berries are just as nutritious.

Ideas for Eating:

Your kids will be sure to love this Triple Berry Baked Oatmeal (pictured above). More great ways to eat berries include this Berries N Cream Chia Puddingor these Frozen Yogurt Raspberries.

3) Yogurt

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (4)Why it Helps:

The probiotics in yogurt stimulate your immune system. Just be sure you are using a low-sugar or no-added sugar yogurt, as sugar has the opposite effect on our immune systems!

Ideas for Eating:

For a lower sugar yogurt, try mixing plain yogurt with a small amount of maple syrup and vanilla extract. My kids love this and it has much lower sugar than the vanilla yogurt you buy in stores. For a fun treat, try this Healthy Instant Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt(pictured above). If your kids love to dip their veggies, try this Yogurt Ranch Dip, too!

4) Salmon

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (5)

Why it Helps:

Salmon is rich in omega 3 fats. Not only are these fats essential for developing brains, they also reduce inflammation, which increases airflow and protects the lungs from colds and respiratory infections. The latest research also indicates that these fatty acids may boost your immune system by enhancing the function of immune cells.

Ideas for Eating:

My daughter’s favorite way to eat salmon is Salmon Cakes or Nuggets (pictured above). Kids seem to love salmon with a sweet twist, like this Maple Apple Caramelized Salmon. These Salmon Meltsare also great because they make a fast and easy lunch.

5) Eggs

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (6)Why they Help:

Research has shown that when a person is low in vitamin D, they are more susceptible to illness. Eggs are one of the only foods with naturally occurring vitamin D. They alsoinclude a number of other immune-boosting nutrients, such as B vitamins and selenium.

Ideas for Eating:

Hard boiled eggs make an easy and quick lunch or snack, which both of my kids like. Breakfast Egg Cups (pictured above) are a great make-ahead breakfast.For something different, try this Breakfast Macaroni and Cheese with eggs!

6) Broccoli

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (7)

Why it Helps:

It’s no secret that broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s got a number of immune system boosters, including vitamins C, A, and E and a number of antioxidants.

Ideas for Eating:

Broccoli is most nutritious when it’s raw, so if your kids won’t eat it alone, have them try it with their favorite dip. These Cheesy Broccoli Bites (pictured above) are sure to be a hit or try these Broccoli Poppers.

7) Spinach

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (8)Why it Helps:

Spinach is full of many of the vitamins and minerals that boost our immune systems. It has vitamin A, E, C, and K, folate, manganese, zinc, selenium, and iron. All of these nutrients work in different ways to enhance immune system function. Spinach gives you a great bang for its buck!

Ideas for Eating:

Spinach is a mild green that works well in smoothies. Check out this template for the perfect green smoothie. These spinach nuggets(pictured above)are another way to get your kids eating greens!

8) Sweet Potatoes

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (9)

Why they Help:

Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which studies have shown to increase the number of white blood cells and increase the activity of killer cells. Sweet potatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, which is another immune system enhancer.

Ideas for Eating:

We love these 2-ingredient Sweet Potato Pancakes as a great way to get both eggs and sweet potatoes in our diets regularly. Try a Sweet Potato Bar as a way to let your kids add their favorite toppings to a nutritious sweet potato! More great ideas include these Flourless Sweet Potato Blender Muffins or this Sweet Potato and Apple Soup.

9) Seeds

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (10)

Why they Help:

Serve your kids a variety of seeds, such as pumpkin, sunflower, and flax seeds, to boost their immune systems. By eating a wide variety of seeds, you’ll be getting vitamin E, zinc, and omega 3 fatty acids, all of which help your immune system.

Ideas for Eating: Trail mix is always a great snack that includes seeds. Check out these 7 Trail Mix Recipes and find a new favorite! You can also sprinkle seeds on salads, use ground flaxseed meal in smoothies, or try these Sweet and Salty Pumpkin Seed Bites.

10) Oats

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (11)

Why they Help:

Oats contain beta glucans, a component of fiber that activates killer cells. These are the cells that fight bacteria, viruses, and other intruders in our bodies.

Ideas for Eating:

Add oats to your kids’ diet by serving them Apple and Almond Butter Overnight Oats(pictured above). You can also try these Blueberry Oat Breakfast Bars, Berry Coconut Steel Cut Oats, or Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal Cups.

Variety is key in keeping our immune systems strong as many different nutrients work to strengthen our immunity. These are top foods for keeping your kids’ immune systems strong. I hope these ideas help you find ways to include these immune system boosting foods for kids in their diets as much as possible!

Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (12)

Maryea is the mama behind the healthy lifestyle blog,Happy Healthy Mama, where she shares simple, real food recipes and inspiration for raising healthy kids in a natural home. You can follow her by signing up for her newsletter here.

An informative post with great tips. Thanks for sharing it.
Let me try to implement these ideas for my daughter.


It is okay to put kids on such a high protein food?


HI Alina, I am a dietitian here at Super Healthy Kids. I can understand your concerns but with these recipes there is a wide variety of all necessary macronutrients. If our children eat a variety of these foods often, without added supplements, their needs are truly met. If there is a specific food here you are concerned about, please feel free to send a message via our contact page. Enjoy the day!


Thank you . Those are some valuable suggestions.


I like the article. My sons only like junk food. I will try this to make their food quality better. Thanks for sharing this article.


I like it . Keep it up


Awesome article. Very helpful


Maryea, Thanks for the ideas, but how to get the children to eat spinach)


Maryea, Thanks for help!


I like the article. My sons only like junk food. I will try this to make their food quality better. Thanks for sharing this article.


Well, I think, it’s really good for kids health as they growing. They can get all the essential vitamins they need.


Instead of fresh or frozen berries can i give dried berries to my kid? Also, how about elderberry juice syrup. Someone told me to give my son. I’m giving over a month but still he got cough n cold ?


Hi Monika! Sorry to hear your son is still not feeling well. You can certainly give him dried berries, although they may not pack the same nutritional punch as fresh or frozen berries. (For example, drying fruit drastically reduces the amount of Vitamin C in the fruit.) Elderberry syrup can be effective too, but if you feel it’s been a long time and he’s still not back to his usual self, we do recommend a trip to your son’s pediatrician. I hope he feels better soon!


Hi Natalie, The Jambalaya recipe is one pot meal that can be eaten anytime of the day. All your recipes are amazing, easy to follow. Kids and even adults will enjoy your recipes. It looks tempting and delicious.


Here are some tips to improve immunity in kids:

– Make your kid eat more fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies like carrots, beans, strawberries and oranges contain phytonutrients that help increasing immunity.
– Sleep deprivation can weaken immunity and make kids more prone to illness. So make sure your kids get enough sleep everyday.
– Babies should be breastfeed till they are 1 year old (or at least for the first 3 months). Breast milk contains colostrum which helps in improving immunity.
– Encourage your kids to exercise everyday. You can be a role model for them and indulge in exercise your self. It will benefit both of you.
– Make it a habit of following healthy habits like washing hands after play, changing toothbrush every 2-3 months to fight off infection.
– If any of your family smoke cigarettes, then try to stop smoking completely for the sake of your kids or smoke outside. Cigarette smoke can also reduce immunity power and make your kids ill.


Nice list of immune system boosting kids recipe. Will definitely make one of this at home.


Thank you ,

Very helpfull


That’s quite informative thanks for your post! Baby immunity is nowadays a bigger concern.


Excellent & Really useful information , Really like by heart.


Good contents and information!liked it!great job!


An informative post with great tips. Thanks for sharing it. I will try your ways to improve my family immunity and build resistance to disease.


All the world facing the pandemic disease named COVID-19, in this condition, it is essential to increase the immunity. Thanks for the amazing article of great food along with the recipe that how they help to enhance immunity level.


My son is three years old and I always struggle for eat to him I have done all the efforts to eat him his favorite things but he eat small bite and then enough finally I grind food and fill up feeder with big hole nipple and open his mouth and put sip by sip ,this is the only way I have .I read online many things about it but nothing work now I have giveup .


Check out our tips for helping picky eaters eat healthy food- it can definitely be a challenge!


Thanks for sharing awesome ideas and recipes for boosting kids immune system. Really helpful


The article is great, these foods are great for strengthening immunity.


Thanks for sharing the valuable suggestion. Is it ok to give broccoli to a child?


Yes! Broccoli is a great source of nutrition for kids.


Thanks for the detailed information that is sure to help parents with growing kids.


I always had a weakend immune system as a kid. Never knew yogurt and eggs could boost immunity too. I’m definitely making my kid eat these!


My daughter eats yogurt everyday but need to add sugar otherwise she will not eat what we supposed to do in that case


Wow, nice article and very useful information on this pandemic situation. Thank you


An informative post with great tips. Thanks for sharing it. these foods are great for strengthening immunity.


This blog is fantastic, and I enjoy reading your articles. Continue to do a fantastic job! Many people are looking for this information, and you may tremendously help them.


This Article is Awesome. It’s help me a lot. Please keep up your good work. I always with you and Waiting for your new interesting articles.


This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing websites that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free.


Thank you for providing this information.


Use these ideas and recipes with immune system boosting foods to keep your kids healthy! (2024)


How can I boost my immune system in childcare? ›

That said, there are things you can do to help strengthen your child's immune system and keep them healthy at daycare and beyond. Focus on hand washing. “Encourage kids to wash their hands before and after they eat, after using the bathroom or changing their diaper, and after touching anything in a public place,” Dr.

How to increase the immunity of a child? ›

Serve healthy foods

One of the best ways to boost immunity and strengthen your white blood cells is to eat a balanced diet. For children ages 5 to 18, this means: Lots of fruits and veggies: Experts recommend children eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

What are the best vitamins for immune system for kids? ›

Vitamin C, D and iron are super helpful in maintaining immune system function. Zinc plays a key role in supporting your child's immune system while probiotics promote a healthy gut, which leads to improvements in your child's immune system.

Is banana good for the immune system? ›

Bananas are not only a prebiotic food – supporting gut health – they are high in vitamin B6. This vitamin is needed to keep the immune system functioning properly. Bananas are an excellent base for your next smoothie! Other foods high in vitamin B6 include cold-water fish, lean chicken breast, chickpeas and potatoes.

What is the best fast for the immune system? ›

New research on intermittent fasting is encouraging because much of the effects of a three-day fast on the immune system are found with much shorter periods like the 16 to 20 hours of fasting typically associated with intermittent fasting.

What improves the immune system? ›

Here are six science-backed ways to build and maintain a strong, healthy immune system:
  • Stay up-to-date on recommended vaccines. ...
  • Maintain a healthy diet. ...
  • Exercise regularly. ...
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. ...
  • Get plenty of sleep. ...
  • Minimize stress. ...
  • One last word on supplements.
Oct 21, 2022

What weakens a child's immune system? ›

Your child's immune system can be temporarily weakened by certain drugs, such as chemotherapy or other drugs used to treat cancer, or medication to prevent organ rejection following transplant. Also, infections like the flu virus, mononucleosis (mono) and measles can weaken the immune system for a brief time.

Which can provide a child with active immunity? ›

Vaccines contribute to active immunity by providing us with a controlled way to create an immune response. When a vaccine is introduced, our immune system treats it like any other exposure. It works to stop the “assault” and, in the process, immunologic memory develops.

How do you help a child with a low immune system? ›

Boosting your child's immune system
  1. Give them a healthy diet. ...
  2. Make sure they get enough sleep. ...
  3. Get them active. ...
  4. Manage stress. ...
  5. Make sure they are up to date on important vaccines. ...
  6. Don't forget the simple precautions.
Jul 17, 2023

What foods are good for kids immune system? ›

Which foods boost immunity in children? Foods that lift immunity in kids include berries, yogurt, citrus fruits, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, nuts and seeds, lean protein, dark leafy green vegetables, garlic, ginger, and turmeric.

What foods improve immunity? ›

Immunity-Boosting Foods
  • 1: Green leafy vegetables. Spinach? ...
  • 2: Dry fruits and nuts. The powerful antioxidant is a key to a healthy immune system. ...
  • 3: Ginger and Garlic. ...
  • 4: Turmeric and other Indian spices. ...
  • 5: Dairy products. ...
  • 6: Mushrooms. ...
  • 7: Meat and fish. ...
  • 8: Eggs.
May 6, 2024

How to build strong immunity? ›

Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as these:
  1. Don't smoke.
  2. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. Maintain a healthy weight.
Mar 28, 2024

Which fruit is best for immunity in kids? ›

To help your immune system, McDaniel suggests aiming for ones that are high in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, and sweet potatoes. Experts aren't entirely sure how much vitamin C helps colds and flu.

What age do kids immune systems get stronger? ›

Your child's immune system is not fully developed until they're around 8 years old. Until then it can feel as though they catch every cough, cold and infection they encounter.

What will boost my immune system fast? ›

Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as you can, every day. The micronutrients they provide ensure you aren't missing key nutritional components, like zinc and vitamin A, that your immune system needs to fight off invading microbes. Note that most supplements are not superior to the nutrients you can get from food.

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.