WWE Raw Results 6/3/24 (2024)

WWE Raw Results 6/3/24
Giant Center
Hershey, Pennsylvania

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Pat McAfee)

Ring Announcer: Samantha Irvin

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Liv Morgan & Dominik Mysterio Segment

Liv Morgan:Welcome to the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour. They say that revenge is never as sweet as you think it’s going to be when you finally get it, but not for me. First, I did what no other woman in this division could do, and that is take out Rhea Ripley. But then I became your new Women’s World Champion. But that’s not all, because then I put Becky Lynch into early retirement. Do you want to know what the cherry on top of it all is? Kissing, Dominik Mysterio. You guys know what I’m talking about. Last week, you all saw the video, over 40 million views in less than 24 hours.

Dominik Mysterio: Liv, I don’t know what kind of game you’re trying to play. Let me say my peace. I don’t know what kind of game you’re trying to play, but Mami isn’t playing the same game. And when she comes back, she’s going to kill you.

Liv Morgan: Well, maybe, because she’s probably going to kill you, too. Do you know what though? I promise, I’ll make it all worth it. Dom, how long are you going to keep on lying to yourself? You didn’t come out to the ring last week to help Becky. You came out so you can be closer to me. And that’s okay, because I meant what I said when I said, that I want to take everything away from Rhea Ripley, and that includes you.

Finn Balor: Hey, back off. This has been enough. He doesn’t want anything to do with you. In fact, none of The Judgment Day do.

Liv Morgan: Well, what if I don’t want to go? But most importantly, what if he doesn’t want me to go? Well, okay, I’ll go for now.

Liv plays around with Dominik’s hair as she exits the ring to close the segment.

Sheamus Backstage Interview

Jackie Redmond: Cole, thank you so much. Sheamus, after what happened last week, how pumped are you to get inside the ring with one, Ludwig Kaiser?

Sheamus: How pumped am I? I’m very pumped. I mean, you obviously saw what transpired last week, right, when Ludwig attacked me in the back. He came at me out of nowhere, dropping real bombs. Crazy, right. And here I was, thinking this whole time, that he was just GUNTHER’s big mouth announcer, which his sole purpose was to carry his coat. And yeah, sure, he looks like a living breathing Ken-Doll. He’s annoying. He’s arrogant. But maybe GUNTHER has been holding him back. Maybe there’s more bite to his bark. Tonight, he gets a chance to see if he could go toe-to-toe with The Celtic Warrior. Now, see, I’m on the cusp of 15 years in the WWE, and I stood in the ring with the best of the best. And for me, it’s always been, can the fella across the ring from me gained my respect. And there’s only one way to gain my respect. You got to put on banger after banger.

First Match: Sheamus vs. Ludwig Kaiser

Kaiser delivers a chop block as Sheamus was making his entrance. Kaiser had to be restrained by the referees and producers. Sheamus with clubbing blows to Kaiser’s back. Sheamus slams Kaiser’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Sheamus uppercuts Kaiser. Chop Exchange. Sheamus with an european uppercut. Sheamus with a gut punch. Sheamus follows that with a Vertical Suplex. Kaiser scores the ankle pick. Kaiser hyperextends the right leg of Sheamus. Kaiser kicks the left shoulder of Sheamus. Second Chop Exchange. Sheamus with forearm shivers. Sheamus is choking Kaiser with his boot. Kaiser kicks the right knee of Sheamus. Kaiser dropkicks the right knee of Sheamus. Kaiser repeatedly kicks Sheamus in the back. Kaiser spits at Sheamus. Kaiser with clubbing blows to Sheamus back. Kaiser slaps Sheamus in the chest. Sheamus clotheslines Kaiser. Sheamus spits at Kaiser.

Sheamus kicks Kaiser in the face. Sheamus with another uppercut. Sheamus fish hooks Kaiser. Sheamus kicks Kaiser in the gut. Sheamus drives his knee into the midsection of Kaiser. Kaiser ducks a clothesline from Sheamus. Kaiser continues to target the right leg of Sheamus. Kaiser is choking Sheamus with his boot. Sheamus blocks The PK. Sheamus with clubbing hamstring kicks. Sheamus uppercuts Kaiser. Sheamus clotheslines Kaiser over the top rope. Kaiser slams the right leg of Sheamus on the ring apron. Chop/Haymaker Exchange. Sheamus whips Kaiser into the ringside barricade. Sheamus rolls Kaiser back into the ring. Kaiser blocks The Ten Beats Of The Bodhran. Kaiser with a Top Rope Stunner. Kaiser with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Kaiser drives Sheamus face first into the steel ring post. Kaiser delivers The Wrap Around Dropkick. Kaiser has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Kaiser mocks Sheamus. Sheamus slams Kaiser’s head on the top rope. Sheamus with a Running Lariat. Sheamus with two running axe handle strikes. Kaiser rakes the eyes of Sheamus. Kaiser kicks the back of Sheamus right knee. Kaiser with two short-arm lariats. Sheamus responds with a Tilt-A-Whirl Powerslam for a two count. Sheamus goes for The Celtic Cross, but Kaiser ducks out of the way. Kaiser avoids The Pump Knee Strike. Kaiser with a Leaping Double Foot Stomp. Sheamus starts favoring his right knee in the corner. Sheamus refuses to quit. Third Chop Exchange. Sheamus sends Kaiser to the corner. Kaiser kicks Sheamus in the face. Sheamus is throwing haymakers at Kaiser. Kaiser goes back to the right knee of Sheamus. Kaiser hammers down on the back of Sheamus neck. Sheamus drops Kaiser with a Pump Knee Strike. Sheamus goes for The Brogue Kick, but his knee gives out. Kaiser rolls Sheamus over for a two count. Sheamus decks Kaiser with a back elbow smash. Sheamus launches Kaiser over the top rope. Thirteen Beats Of The Bodhran. Kaiser denies The Avalanche White Noise. Kaiser connects with The Running Enzuigiri to pickup the victory.

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser via Pinfall

– Back inside The Judgment Day’s Clubhouse, Finn Balor tells Dominik Mysterio if he continues to play with fire, he’s going to get burnt. Balor tells Priest that the situation is taken care of. Does Rhea Ripley believe that the situation is taken care of? Dominik says that he’s giving Mami some space, but everything is fine. Priest has to deal with Dominik’s father tonight. Balor has a match with Dragon Lee later on. How about they settle some scores and remind the world that The Judgment Day runs Monday Night Raw.

– Ilja Dragunov walks up to Ricochet in the trainer’s room. He’s not here to stop Ricochet from fighting. Fighters like them need the spirit of competition to push them forward, so he understands where Ricochet is coming from. Ricochet agrees with Dragunov. However, Ricochet did almost beat him last week. Dragunov tells Ricochet to be cautious because people like Bron Breakker are wired differently. Ricochet says that he’s wired differently. They’re both wired differently, and Bron has forgotten that fact. Ricochet is ready to finish the score with Dragunov, but it will have to be after he’s done with Bron Breakker tonight. Dragunov wishes Ricochet the best of luck.

Dragon Lee Promo

Those who say it can’t be done, are usually interrupted by others who do achieve it. Every match, every opportunity, to step into that ring, I’m going to show the WWE Universe there is no one like me. Fate seldom announces its arrival. I will be ready I’m going to do what I’ve always done. And the rest will follow. I will be a legend. There is only one Dragon Lee. And I will set the world on fire.

Second Match: Finn Balor w/JD McDonagh vs. Dragon Lee

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Balor with forearm shivers across the back of Lee. Balor applies a wrist lock. Lee drives his knee into the midsection of Balor. Lee grabs a side wrist lock. Lee slaps Balor in the chest. Lee with two arm-drags. Lee applies an arm-bar. Balor backs Lee into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Balor with a gut punch. Balor stomps on Lee’s back. Balor slams Lee’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Balor with a knife edge chop. Balor with clubbing shoulder blocks. Balor hammers down on the back of Lee’s neck. Balor whips Lee across the ring. Lee ducks a clothesline from Balor. Lee with a Headscissors Takeover. Lee lands The Suicide Dive. Lee is fired up. Balor regains control of the match during the commercial break. Balor applies a rear chin lock. Balor pulls Lee down to the mat. Balor toys around with Lee.

Balor slaps Lee in the chest. Lee is throwing haymakers at Balor. Balor reverses out of the irish whip from Lee. Lee holds onto the ropes. Lee with a Rebound German Suplex. Lee with a Corner Dropkick. Lee sweeps out the legs of Balor. Combination Cabron. McDonagh runs interference. Balor rolls Lee over for a two count. Lee flips over a clothesline from Balor. Lee with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Lee puts Balor on his shoulders. Lee with a Rolling Senton. Lee knocks McDonagh off the ring apron. Carlito attacks Lee behind the referee’s back. Lee blocks The SuperPlex. Lee HeadButts Balor. Lee wipes out Carlito with a Flying Crossbody Block. Lee transitions into a ground and pound attack. Lee SuperKicks McDonagh. Balor blasts Lee with The Shotgun Dropkick. Balor connects with The Coupe De Grace to pickup the victory. After the match, Judgment Day and Carlito gangs up on Lee. Braun Strowman and Rey Mysterio storms into the ring to make the save. Strowman with a double shoulder tackle. Strowman drops McDonagh with The Big Boot. Judgment Day wisely runs away from Strowman.

Winner: Finn Balor via Pinfall

– Damian Priest tells Carlito if he still wants to become a member of The Judgment Day, he should go to Adam Pearce, and challenge Braun Strowman to a match, tonight. Carlito says that’s not cool. R-Truth feels Carlito’s pain. Being in The Judgment Day is like riding a roller coaster. When you’re down, they keep kicking you. When you’re up, they still kick you. Truth says that being The Judgment Day were the best days of his life. The Miz can’t believe that Truth just said that especially since they just became the World Tag Team Champions. Truth tells Miz to stop being obsessed with The Judgment Day, it’s starting to get weird.

Sami Zayn & The Alpha Academy Segment

Sami Zayn:Welcome to Pennsylvania, huh? Pretty good to be back. Last time I was here was for WrestleMania, and I think we know how that went. The truth is though, I haven’t really had a lot of time to enjoy the Intercontinental Championship, because this entire time, there’s been one thorn on my side, and that is Chad Gable. Chad, you’ve tried to make this about everyone and everything else. You said it was about GUNTHER, it was about family, it was about The Alpha Academy. The truth is, this is about you and me. And after these past couple of weeks, I have decided that it has gone on for long enough, so here is what I’m proposing. I am proposing that, Chad Gable, come out here, right now. Leave The Alpha Academy behind. You come and face me, man-to-man, and we put an end to all of this, right here and right now.

Maxxine Dupri:I’m sorry, Sami. Chad told us that you don’t deserve his time or respect, tonight. He also said that we need to redeem ourselves. And that starts with delivering this message from Chad Gable, himself.

Sami Zayn: Maxxine, listen to me, you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to do this.

Maxxine Dupri:From Master Gable, Sami, you really think you can turn my students against me? Ha-Ha. Sami, you are living proof that my teachings can take a pathetic excuse of a human being and make them a champion. Without my help, this ring would be filled with a failure, hanging around backstage, pretending to be a ninja. A child who couldn’t even hang on to his own Money In The Bank Briefcase. A knockoff barbie no one wanted. And a whiny disheveled mess that GUNTHER would have squashed. I already wiped the mat with you the last time we met one-on-one, Sami. So, the only way this ends, is with you giving me, my Intercontinental Championship Match.

Sami Zayn:Maxxine, you tell Chad Gable, if that’s what’s going to take to put an end to this, tell him, he’s got it. I will defend the Intercontinental Championship against Chad Gable at Clash At The Castle. But you know what, it’s not about this, right now. And I don’t want to talk to Chad Gable, I want to talk to the three of you. Haven’t you had enough of this? Getting berated, every single week out here, getting humiliated by Chad Gable, week in and week out. You’re better than that. I know you’re all better than that. And these people know that you’re better than that. Chad Gable doesn’t get to decide what you are worth. Now, listen, I understand, I have been in your shoes before. Take it from me, you need to set yourselves free from Chad Gable, once and for all.

Gable proceeds to attack Sami Zayn from behind. Gable delivers clubbing crossfaces. Gable with a Release German Suplex. Gable tells Otis to hit Sami. Gable slaps Otis in the face. Tozawa pulls Gable away from Otis. Gable starts pushing around Tozawa. Maxxine tries to intervene. Gable tells Maxxine and Tozawa to leave the ring. Otis gets up in Gable’s grill. Sami tees off on Gable. Gable shoves Sami into Otis. Maxxine inadvertently falls off the apron. Gable starts blaming Sami for what happened. Otis nails Sami with The World’s Strongest Slam. Gable poses with the IC Title to close the segment.

– Bron Breakker tells Adam Pearce that he would break Sami Zayn in half. Who doesn’t Bron have an issue with these days? Pearce wants to know what Breakker wants. He’s giving Pearce props for finally putting him in the ring with real competition. Pearce says that the only thing Breakker deserves is another fine. Breakker doesn’t understand the meaning of respect. His issue with Pearce still stems from not being allowed in the KOTR Tournament. Therefore, nobody will be holding Breakker back going forward.

– Chad Gable loves the method acting from Maxxine Dupri and Akira Tozawa. He’s so proud of Otis, he’s still his number one guy. He gives Otis a kiss on the cheek. At Clash At The Castle, Gable is going to become the Intercontinental Champion. Gable tells Alpha Academy to keep up the great work.

Third Match: Ricochet vs. Bron Breakker

Ricochet slaps Breakker in the face. Ricochet ducks a clothesline from Breakker. Ricochet is throwing haymakers at Breakker. Breakker shoves Ricochet. Breakkergoes for a Bodyslam, but Ricochet lands back on his feet. Ricochet kicks Breakker in the gut. Ricochet with a chop/haymaker combination. Breakker reverses out of the irish whip from Ricochet. Ricochet dives over Breakker. Ricochet thrust kicks the midsection of Breakker. Ricochet uppercuts Breakker. Ricochet with a forearm smash. Ricochet slips over Breakker’sback. Ricochet rolls under a clothesline from Breakker. Ricochet with a Headscissors Takeover. Ricochet dropkicks Breakker. Breakkerlaunches Ricochet over the top rope. Ricochet with The Apron Enzuigiri. Ricochet showcases his agility. Breakker starts running the ropes. Breakker with an Inside Out Lariat. Breakker kicks Ricochet out of the ring. Breakker dumps Ricochet ribs first on the ringside barricade.

Breakkerhas complete control of the match during the commercial break. Breakker repeatedly drives his knee into the midsection of Ricochet. Breakker whips Ricochet across the ring. Breakker catches Ricochet in mid-air. Breakker goes for The Press Slam, but Ricochet counters with a DDT. Ricochet with a running shoulder block. Ricochet with a Springboard Clothesline. Ricochet follows that with The Springboard MoonSault for a two count. Ricochet drags Breakker to the corner. Breakker avoids The 630 Senton Splash. Breakkergoes for The Spear, but Ricochet counters with a SuperKick. Ricochet hits The Recoil for a two count. Breakker has Ricochet perched on the top turnbuckle. Ricochet repeatedly kicks Breakker in the face. Breakker delivers The Super FrankenSteiner. Breakker connects with The Spear to pickup the victory. After the match, Breakkerdrives Ricochet ribs first into the steel ring steps. Breakker grabs one of the ring steps. Ilja Dragunov rocks Breakker with a forearm smash. The referees and producers had to get in between both guys.

Winner: Bron Breakker via Pinfall

– We see Rey Mysterio giving Dragon Lee some encouragement in the backstage area. Rey promises Lee that he will get his opportunity at revenge very soon. Tonight, he plans to send a big message to Damian Priest.

– Cathy Kelley had a backstage interview with The New Day. In recent weeks, Karrion Kross has been trying to destroy The New Day as we know it, so does that bring any added pressure to their match with The Authors Of Pain? People have been trying to drive wedges in The New Day for years, and it won’t work this time. Kofi says that they are the best to ever do it. AOP and The Final Testament are the next crew that fail in trying to break up their brotherhood. And do you know why? New Day Rocks! Kross loves that chant, but it doesn’t hit the same anymore. The Power Of Positivity is dead. Kofi says that Karrion’s boys are going to find out how hard they can still hit. Kross tells Woods that after the match, he’ll no longer have to follow Kofi around. He wants Woods to trust him.

Fourth Match: Kiana James vs. Natalya

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Natalya with a side headlock takeover. Wrist Lock Exchange. Natalya with a Wrist Lock Suplex for a one count. Standing Switch Exchange. Natalya grabs a side headlock. James sends Natalya to the corner. Natalya dives over James. Natalya with The O’Connor Roll for a two count. James drops down on the canvas. James reverses out of the irishwhip from Natalya. James leapfrogs over Natalya. Natalya lunges over James. James with a quick rollup for a one count. Natalya applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. James rolls Natalya over for a two count. James regroups in the corner. James with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad.

James repeatedly stomps on Natalya’s chest. James with clubbing shoulder blocks. James with The Corner Spear. James with a reverse hammer throw. Natalya drops James with The Discus Lariat. Natalya is throwing haymakers at James. Natalya ducks a clothesline from James. Natalya blocks a boot from James. Natalya sends James face first into the canvas. Natalya runs over James back. Natalya with a running basem*nt dropkick for a two count. Natalya goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but James lands back on her feet. James decks Natalya with a back elbow smash. Natalya with a Release German Suplex. James denies The Sharpshooter. James kicks the left knee of Natalya. James with The Double Up Kick. James connects with The 401K to pickup the victory.

Winner: Kiana James via Pinfall

– Natalya runs into Sonya Deville in the backstage area. Natalya says that enough is enough and it’s time for a change. Sonya is looking forward to having deeper chats with Natalya, but she has business to attend to with Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark. Zoey says that she doesn’t care what Sonya has to say. They know that Bianca BelAir and Jade Cargill are here because they invited them to the show last week. They are about to show the world who the real best tag team in the world is. Sonya tells Zoey and Shayna to not make any rash decisions. Shayna wants Sonya to leave them alone.

Fifth Match: Braun Strowman vs. Carlito

Strowman charges towards Carlito before the bell rings. Carlito slams Strowman’s head on the top rope. Carlito with rapid fire bodyshots. Carlito ducks a clothesline from Strowman. Carlito kicks Strowman in the gut. Carlito with a running knee lift. Strowman launches Carlito to the corner. Carlito side steps Strowman into the turnbuckles. Carlito dropkicks Strowman. Carlito taunts Strowman. Strowman delivers The Pounce. Strowman dropsCarlito with The Concrete Sledge. Strowman plays to the crowd. Strowman punches Carlito in the chest. Strowman witha Biel Throw. Strowman blasts JD McDonagh off the ring apron.

Strowman grabs Finn Balor by his throat. Carlito attacks Strowman from behind. Strowman denies The BackStabber. Strowman connects with The Reverse Chokeslam to pickup the victory. After the match, The Judgment Day gangs up on Strowman. Strowman delivers a double clothesline. Dominik Mysterio responds with a chop block. Strowman throws Mysterio out of the ring. Strowman swats a steel chair out of Dominik’s hands. Dominik starts back peddling away from Strowman. Liv Morgan stops Strowman in his tracks. The numbers game catches up to Strowman. All hell is breaking loose in Hershey. McDonagh unloads a series of chair shots. Liv continues to flirt with Dominik on the outside. Balor had to step in before another makeout session began.

Winner: Braun Strowman via Pinfall

Bianca BelAir, Jade Cargill, Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark Segment

Bianca BelAir:Monday Night Raw. Man, it’s been a minute since the EST has been back on the raw brand. But now that I’m representing one half of the Women’s Tag Team Championships, oh, we’re going to show up and show out. We’re going to defend these titles no matter what brand. Whether it’s SmackDown or right here on Raw.

Jade Cargill: And which we got a special invitation to Raw, tonight. And we’ve come to collect. So, Shayna, Zoey, since you want to be so loud, and run your mouth, why don’t you come out here and say it to our face?

Bianca BelAir: Bring them out.

Zoey Stark: Well, well, well. Shayna, look who it finally is, it’s Bianca and Jade. I’m actually shocked that they came. You know, I don’t even remember the last time that those titles were on Raw. Do you? No, not at all. In fact, the two of us thought that you two were trying to, you know, duck and dodge.

Bianca BelAir: Duck and dodge? Girl, ain’t nobody scared of y’all, because y’all can’t whoop us. But maybe if you had the titles, then it would be here on Raw.

Shayna Baszler: Listen, you should be scared of us. Because as soon as we get our title match, we’re going to take those championships, send you packing back to SmackDown, where you can continue to dodge us, the top team in WWE.

Jade Cargill: So, why wait? I mean, B, since they’re so confident, why don’t we give these people what they want, right here, and right now?

Shayna Baszler: Oh, you got it, you’re on.

Adam Pearce: Hold on, hold on. Hold on, ladies, just one second. I just want to make sure that we’re all on the same page, because I wouldn’t normally just put the titles on the line, on the fly, but it sounds like you four want the match? Hershey, do you want this match? Well, hell, who am I to stand in the way. Get me a referee out here, because we’re going to have this match, right now. And the Women’s Tag Team Titles are on the line, and that is official.

Sixth Match: Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill (c) vs. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark For The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship

Bianca BelAir and Shayna Baszler will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Baszler drop steps into a side headlock. Baszler bends the left elbow of BelAir. BelAir bodyslams Baszler. BelAir drops Baszler with a shoulder tackle. BelAir tells Baszler to get up. Baszler side steps BelAir into the turnbuckles. Baszler repeatedly stomps on BelAir’s chest. Baszler poses for thecrowd. Baszler sends BelAir to the corner. BelAir dives over Baszler. BelAir drives Baszler back first into the turnbuckles. BelAir with clubbing shoulder blocks. Cargill tags herself in. Assisted Stinger Splash. Cargill tags in BelAir. Cargill bodyslams Baszler. Assisted Splash for a two count. Baszler whips BelAir across the ring. Baszler ducks a clothesline from BelAir. Stark tags herself in. Baszler applies a waist lock. Stark with The Missile Dropkick. BelAir tags in Cargill.

Cargill ducks a clothesline from Stark. Cargill with The Gourdbuster. Cargill uppercuts Stark. Cargill kicks Stark in the gut. Cargill goes for a PowerBomb, but Stark lands back on her feet. Cargill SuperKicks Stark. Stark side steps Cargill into the turnbuckles. Cargill launches Stark over the top rope. Stark with The Apron Enzuigiri. Stark ascends to the top turnbuckle. Cargill rocks Stark with a forearm smash. Cargill goes for The Delayed Vertical Suplex, but Baszler gets in the way. Uppercut/Forearm Combination. Stereo Delayed Vertical Suplexe’s. Stereo Kip Ups. Baszler regains control of the match during the commercial break. Cargill creates distance with The Fallaway Slam. BelAir and Stark are tagged in.

BelAir with two shoulder tackles. BelAir dropkicks Stark. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Baszler. BelAir with a Belly to Back Suplex. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Stark. BelAir with a Vertical Suplex. BelAir pops back on her feet. BelAir with a Corner Spear. BelAir transitions into a corner mount. BelAir with a Tilt-A-Whirl Gutbuster to Baszler. BelAir drops Stark with The SpineBuster. BelAir with The Handspring MoonSault for a two count. BelAir dumps Baszler out of the ring. Stark SuperKicks BelAir. Stark tags in Baszler. Baszler with a Running Knee Strike for a two count. Baszler tags in Stark. BelAir with a Back Body Drop. Cargill pulls Baszler out of the ring. Cargill throws Baszler into the steel ring steps. Cargill goes for a Running Hip Attack, but Baszler ducks out of the way. Stark rolls BelAir over for a two count. Stark decks BelAir with a back elbow smash. BelAir connects with The KOD. The Unholy Union attacks BelAir which forces the disqualification. After the match, The Unholy Union, Baszler and Stark lays out BelAir and Cargill.

Winner: Still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill via Disqualification

– Cathy Kelley had a backstage interview with Damian Priest. The Judgment Day have had a pretty successful night so far, how does he plan to continue that momentum in his match with Rey Mysterio? Priest says that it feels good. Rey has been a thorn on their side for a long time, so tonight, as much as respect his fighting spirit, Priest has to put an end to this problem. Priest doesn’t want to talk about the Liv Morgan stuff. Drew McIntyre joins the conversation. Priest wants to know how McIntyre is doing. McIntyre says that his life will be better in two weeks’ time. McIntyre tells Priest to live it up, because this is the ceiling that he’ll reach in WWE. He really wanted to help Priest, but he made it personal. McIntyre tells Priest that he’ll see him very soon.

– Cathy Kelley had another interview with Lyra Valkyria. Lyra says that Becky is disappointed, but she more than anybody knows that she’ll get back on her feet and conquer any doubt that comes her way. Lyra doesn’t have the time or patience to watch Liv Morgan as the Women’s World Champion. Lyra has her eyes set on becoming Ms. Money In The Bank. Iyo Sky viciously attacks Lyra to conclude this interview.

Jey Uso Promo

Hey, if you’re ready for the summertime, let me hear you say, YEET! Little man, I like your shirt. Check it out though, your boy still got big plans this year for himself, right. Last summer, at Money In The Bank, we had The Bloodline: Civil War, do y’all remember that? Yeah, that was tough on your boy, for real. I lost my brothers. I lost my cousin. I lost my family though. Real talk though, I stood in the fight because I knew one day, uce, I could possibly fight on my own. I’m serious, I wasn’t just a right-hand man to anybody. That one day, uce, I can finally be “Main Event” Jey Uso now. So, with that begin said though, I want to take this time to thank every single one of y’all for yeeting with me throughout this entire journey. That’s what I’m saying, uce. Y’all been rocking with me, yeeting with me, now it’s time for me to deliver for y’all, one time. I got one more plan for the summer. Do you want to hear it? I’m going to climb to the ladder, climb to the top of the ladder, snatch that briefcase, and become Mr. Money In The Bank.

Seventh Match: The New Day vs. The Authors Of Pain w/The Final Testament

Xavier Woods and Rezar will start things off. Woods with a running dropkick. Woods is throwinghaymakers at Rezar. Woods transitions into a corner mount. Woods thrust kicks the midsection of Rezar. Woods applies a side headlock. Rezar whips Woods across the ring. Woods ducks under two clotheslines from Rezar. Rezar drops Woods with The Big Boot. Rezar starts raining down hammerfists. Rezar applies a front face lock. Rezar tags in Akam. Akam with The Kitchen Sink for a two count. Akam transitions into a ground and pound attack. Akam drags Woods to the corner. Akam tags in Rezar.

Rezar stomps on Woods’ chest. Rezar applies the cravate. Woods with heavy bodyshots. Rezar drives his knee into the midsection of Woods. Rezar goes for a Bodyslam, but Woods lands back on his feet. Woods with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Akam tags himself in. Akam stops Woods in his tracks. Akam goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Woods lands back on his feet. Woods SuperKicks Akam. The referee gets distracted by Scarlett. Kross begs Kofi to hit him. Woods rolls under a clothesline from Akam. Woods goes for the hot tag, but Kofi is still bickering with Kross. Akam attacks Woods from behind. Akam knocks Kofi off the ring apron. Akam with a corner clothesline. Akam tags in Rezar. AOP connects with What A Rush to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Authors Of Pain via Pinfall

– The Unholy Union tells Jackie Redmond that they attacked Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill because they are not going to wait around for opportunities. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark never beat them, yet they get a title shot before them. Isla Dawn points out that Clash At The Castle is right around the corner, and it would be a shame for them to not be on that card. They plan on taking those tag team titles away from Bianca and Jade very soon.

– Next week on Raw, Iyo Sky battles Lyra Valkyria. Sami Zayn collides with Otis. Plus, Bron Breakker clashes with Ilja Dragunov.

Eight Match: Damian Priest vs. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio ducks a clothesline from Priest. Mysterio kicks the left hamstringof Priest. Mystrio with a straight right hand. Mysterio slides under Priest’s legs. Priest drops Mysterio with The Big Boot. Priest with a leaping back elbow smash. Priest with The Broken Arrow for a one count. Mysterio with heavy bodyshots. Mysterio kicks Priest in the chest. Mysterio with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Mysterio with The Quebrada. Mysterio rolls Priest back into the ring. Mysterio with a shoulder block. Mysterio rocks Priest with a forearm smash. Priest catches Mysterio in mid-air. Priest with The Lifting Flatliner. Priest with a big forearm smash. Priest repeatedly stomps on Mysterio’s chest. Priest poses for the crowd. Priest has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Mysterio fights from underneath. Priest punches Mysterio in the back. Priest whips Mysterio back first into the turnbuckles. Priest with a Sidewalk Slam for a two count. Priest talks smack to Mysterio. Priest uncorks another big forearm smash. Mysterio regroups on the outside.

Priest tells Mysterio to stay down. Mysterio gets back in the ring at the count of eight. Priest sends Mysterio to the corner. Priest goes for a Bodyslam, but Mysterio lands back on his feet. Mysterio with a Spinning Heel Kick. Mysterio with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Mysterio with a chop/hamstring kick combination. Priest reverses out of the irish whip from Mysterio. Priest goes for The Stinger Splash, but Mysterio ducks out of the way. Mysterio sends Priest face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Priest launches Mysterio over the top rope. Priest SuperKicks Mysterio in mid-air. Mysterio blocks The Chokeslam. Mysterio with The Apron Enzuigiri. Mysterio with a Flying Seated Senton. Mysterio ducks a clothesline from Priest. Mysterio with The Springboard Seated Senton for a two count. Mysterio buries his shoulder into the midsection of Priest. Mysterio transitions into a corner mount. Mysterio kicks Priest in the face. Mysterio drops Priest with The Spinning DDT for a two count.

Mysterio dropkicks Priest into the middle rope. Mysterio dodges The Leg Lariat. Priest delivers The Snake Eyes. Priest with an Inside Out Lariat for a two count. Priest puts Mysterio on the top turnbuckle. Priest punches Mysterio in the back. Mysterio is displaying his fighting spirit. Priest nails Mysterio with The Bell Clap. Priest goes for The Avalanche Razor’s Edge, but Mysterio blocks it. Mysterio with clubbing blows to Priest’s back. Mysterio with The FrankenSteiner. Mysterio dropkicks Priest into the middle rope. Mysterio hits The 619. Mysterio drops the dime for a two count. The referee gets distracted by Carlito. Dragon Lee pulls Carlito off the ring apron. Lee with a flying forearm smash off the steel ring steps. Lee tees off on Carlito. The Judgment Day jumps Lee from behind. Mysterio with The Corkscrew Plancha. Priest connects with The South Of Heaven Chokeslam to pickup the victory. After the match, Drew McIntyre attacks Priest from behind. McIntyre drops Priest with The Future Shock DDT. McIntyre pops back on his feet. McIntyre poses with the World Heavyweight Title. McIntyre clotheslines Balor. McIntyre HeadButts Carlito. McIntyre with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex to McDonagh. McIntyre clears the announce table. McIntyre talks smack to Michael Cole. Priest Chokeslams McIntyre through the announce table to close the show.

Winner: Damian Priest via Pinfall

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.