Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (2024)

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It’s here! Your Guide To Tomatillos has arrived!

Tomatillos can be a very foreign piece of produce if you’ve never even held one. I know, because that was my predicament. But I really wanted to try my hand at a homemade verde sauce (tomatillo salsa), so off to the store I marched.

I came home with 2 pounds of fresh tomatillos, and made that verde sauce the very next day. But I had to do my research to know exactly how to choose them, and what to do with them once I got them home. This is a collection of the information I found which I bundled up for you in this guide to tomatillos!


Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (1)


Tomatillos have a thin, papery layer called a husk, over the fruit. Once that layer is peeled back, it’s just like a tomato, only green.

Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (2)

When cut open, they have white flesh with small, yellowish seeds.

Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (3)


Tomatillos are used heavily in Mexican recipes. They are used for Salsa Verde recipes, they can be fried and served with dipping sauce, or even used in curry, soups or jam, sweet sauce or margaritas!


They are tart and remind me a lot of a lemon, but with far less pucker.


This was the part that stumped me the most. But it turned out to be very, very simple. When you select your tomatillos, feel through the huskto be sure the fruit underneath is firm and smooth all around. You can peel back the huskjust slightly to see the color of the tomatillo as well. Be respectful of people who may want to purchase a tomatillo that you don’t by peeling just a tiny bit, enough to see the color underneath. You want it to be bright green.If you feel bumps through the husk, put it back because this sort of thing is most likely what you will end up with.

Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (4)

Make sure the husk is a nice green color and that the tomatillo fills most of it. If there is a lot of air between the husk and the fruit inside, pass it up for another. Basically, the husk should be a nice, easy fit over the fruit. If it seems like the fruit is much smaller than the husk, it’s probably not a good option. You may have to feel a few of these to get an understanding of what feels right.

And lastly, when you take a peak underthe husk, be sure you don’t see any cracks. Small onesaren’t the end of the world, but you really want a nice, smooth and unbroken skin.

Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (5)


First and foremost, do not peel the huskoff until you are ready to use the tomatillos. With that layer in tact, they can last a couple of weeks. Some people say you can keep them on the countertop, but I vote for the fridge. Most thingsseem to last longer and stay safer in the fridge.


When you are ready to use them, simply peel back the papery layer. It’s easiest to start peeling at the bottom end.

Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (6)

Peel it completely off…

Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (7)

… then pull the stem off along with the paperyhusk.

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You will notice that there is some stickiness involved. You’ll feel it on your fingers. Simply wash the tomatillos in water or a produce cleaner. If you find that water isn’t doing the trick, you can also wipe them down with a little white vinegar and it will come right off. You don’t want to eat that sticky stuff.

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What you do with them at this point will depend on your intended recipe. They can be enjoyed raw or broiled/roasted. If you want to broil them, place them on a baking sheet (no oil) and roast them under the broiler, making sure that the shelf you set them on is about 4 inches from the broiler flame. You will broil them for approximately 4-5 minutes on one side, turn them over and roast them for 3-4 minutes on the other side. You want them to blister. Some of them may collapse if they get too much heat. If that happens, simply scoop up the tomatillo and the juices for your recipe.

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As I mentioned above, this was my first time using them. So the only recipe I have so far is for Salsa Verde. But D.A.N.G. was that good salsa verde!!!


If you grow them or somehow end up with a large amount of tomatillos, follow the steps for cleaning them, make sure they are dry and then simply freeze them. It’s best to freeze them on a cookie sheet first so they don’t stick together. But if you don’t have room for that, you can put them in a zipper-top storage bag, be sure to squeeze the air out as much as possible, and store in the freezer for up to 10-12 months.

I hope this guide to tomatillos was helpful! If you know of something I didn’t include here, please feel free to share in a comment below.

Source 1 | Source 2

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Your Guide To Tomatillos | The Gracious Pantry | Clean Eating Recipes (2024)


Are tomatillos anti-inflammatory? ›

Tomatillo contains antibacterial qualities that may destroy Streptococcus bacteria, and its anti-inflammatory characteristics help reduce throat inflammation. Tomatillos are abundant in Vitamin A, a nutrient essential for maintaining eye health. Beta-carotene, a vitamin A derivative, is also present in them.

What is the sticky stuff on tomatillos? ›

If any insects get through the papery husk, the tomatillo's first line of defense, they encounter the sticky film. This film contains chemical compounds called withanolides that insects find bad tasting. So voila, they leave the tomatillos alone! Luckily for us tomatillo eaters, the sticky film rinses off quite easily.

How healthy are tomatillos? ›

Tomatillos are a great addition to a high-antioxidant diet that could aid the prevention of cancer. May support weight loss. At just 21 calories in a half-cup serving, tomatillos are a great addition to weight loss diets. Due to their high water content, you can eat a lot of tomatillos without taking in many calories.

Is tomatillo high in potassium? ›

Since tomatillos are high in potassium like tomatoes, your renal dietitian may adjust your portion size and frequency so you may enjoy them.

Are tomatillos healthier than tomatoes? ›

The Difference Between Tomato and Tomatillo

While tomatillo is high in vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and manganese, tomatoes are a great source of Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, Potassium, and manganese. Both, are nutritious though, so feel free to add them to your diet unless otherwise indicated by your doctor.

Are tomatillos good for blood pressure? ›

Tomatillos have the lowest sodium to potassium ratio of all the vegetables. Potassium helps to lower blood pressure as it has vasodilatory functions. It relaxes blood vessels, reduces strain on the cardiovascular system and thus ensures that blood is circulated properly to vital areas of our body.

What happens if you don't wash tomatillos? ›

Sticky Fingers: Once you peel off that outer layer, tomatillos are sticky with sap. While you don't need to wash that off until you plan to use your tomatillos -- it helps protect them while being stored in the refrigerator -- it should be washed off before you start cooking. Just a light scrub with water will do it.

Is it okay to eat raw tomatillos? ›

You can eat tomatillos raw or cooked -- I prefer cooking them to tone down their distinctly sour flavor. The tomatillos you find at the supermarket are mostly imported from Mexico. You may be able find some at your local farmers' market from late July through September.

What are the worms eating my tomatillos? ›

If you start seeing fruitworms in tomatoes or tomatillos, start applying spinosad every five to seven days through harvest. Focus on fruits higher up and on the outside of the plant where females prefer to lay eggs. Spinosad may be applied up to one day before harvest.

Are tomatillos high in sugar? ›

Tomatillos are low in carbohydrates with just 2 grams per medium fruit. 1 Of this, 0.7 grams come from fiber and 1.3 grams are natural sugars.

Are canned tomatillos OK? ›

Canning — Tomatillos may be canned following the instructions for canning tomatoes. Because of the firmness of the fruit, it is recommended that the hot pack method be used. Remove the husks, wash well. They do not have to be peeled or seeded.

Are tomatillos high in iron? ›

Tomatillos are an excellent source of vitamins C and K, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and copper.

Can kidney patients eat green tomatoes? ›

Most people with early-stage CKD or a kidney transplant do not have to limit tomatoes because of potassium. If your laboratory results show higher levels of potassium, your doctor or kidney dietitian may talk with you about how much to eat. Potassium can be a concern depending on the amount you eat.

Do bananas have more potassium than tomatoes? ›

A medium fresh tomato has about 290 milligrams. One cup of cooked squash has 640 milligrams of potassium, which is about 15% of your daily requirement. As a medium banana contains 422 milligrams of potassium, this fruit should be avoided in a low-potassium diet.

What is the best vegetable for inflammation? ›

Broccoli: Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, arugula and kale are rich in sulforaphane, an antioxidant that helps decrease inflammation. They also contain soluble fiber, which keeps digestion on track.

Which vegetable is rich in anti-inflammatory? ›

Anti-inflammatory foods

green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards. nuts like almonds and walnuts. fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines. fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges.

What peppers are best for anti-inflammatory? ›

Bell peppers also provide the antioxidant quercetin, which may reduce inflammation associated with chronic diseases like diabetes ( 36 , 37 ). Chili peppers contain sinapic acid and ferulic acid, which may reduce inflammation and support healthier aging ( 38 , 39 ).

What vegetables are not good for inflammation? ›

Eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes are all members of the nightshade family. These vegetables contain the chemical solanine, which some people claim aggravates arthritis pain and inflammation.

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