The Holland Evening Sentinel from Holland, Michigan (2024)

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THURSDAY AUGUST 12 1954 PAGE TWO THE HOLLAND MICHIGAN EVENING SENTINEL trrlCWCMI THURSDAY Angus! 12 TV Schedule Wllion Beebe Company Mt Vernon NY Atl rights reserved 1612 Polio Cases Reported in Week WHTC Construction Jobs Pay Highest Wages According to MESC THIS PROGRAM COURTESY OF THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS I WOOD (8) I WKZO 43) I WGN (91 Eost Standard Time East Standard Time Cent Dayllte Saving 'It---- HOLLAND BROADCASTING COMPANY I SPECIAL MCUf00T AMANA A CLOSE OUT $28995 FREEZER HOLLAND OIL CO 17th Si Phene Holland Michigan Newspaper Plants Rated Second Wages Listed by Areas' 2928 500 RADIO AND TV SALES AND SERVICE 1450 Thursday Aug 12 pT-so'CCAtr-i! WASHINGTON The Pub-lie Health Service said today that 1612 new cases of polio were reported in the nation last week on increase over the 1498 reported in the preceding week Ohio reported 304 new cases compared! with 60 for the preceding week California listed 211 new polio cases last week 84 of them in Los Angeles County So far this year the service said California has had 1736 polio cases compared with 948 last year and 1446 in 1952 The polio total this year stands at 10797 cases compared with 11710 for the corresponding period of last year Michigan during April The average hourly wage of $279 for construction workers was high for non-manufacturing industries and 5270 for newspaper production workers was tops for manufacturing industries The textile workers' 51-41 average was low for manufseturing industries and hotel employes 91 cents was low in non-manufac-uring (The additional value oT board room and lips was not Included in the Litter) Genesee County's 5224 hourly wage average was high for Michi-gan's 83 counties in April the coum-il said The Upper Peninsula average wage of 51-57 was low for the stale Other area averages: Bay and Midland counties 5201 Berrien Cbunty 51-90 Calhoun County 5202 Detroit I Wayne Oakland and Macomb counties) $222 Ingham County 5222 Jack-son County 5209 Kent County $198 Muskegon County 52 08 St Clair County 51-93 Saginaw County 5204 remainder of the lower half of the Lower Peninsula $195 upper half of the Lower Peninsula $162 The above wages tabulated for manufacturing industries only are for gross amounts before EVENING eje tris if- Eld VT ttn so i'ij ir 'tp LANSING Like to make money? Then become a construction worker or a newspaper production worker Figures released today by the Michigan Employment Security Council show that construction Jobs and backshops of newspaper plants brought the highest hourly wage average to workers mtit jif ottu waosu Mtjncstttiusvta Democrats Accuse GOPs Of to Business Barber Bargains World la Brio! Bonttaal Now Michigan Now Fialiian Sport Notebook Sammy Xayo Waathar Man Blog Cimby Nows Summary Broadway llaviow Juno Chrtetl Lot's Go To Town Navy Band 14S0 Chib Final Nows Sign Oil Tint Now SiOO SDS SilO Si30 :50 Ii5l 7KXJ 7:11 7:30 1:00 11 DO Protest Strike Stymies Mediterranean Island power utilities corporation! and their shareholders mortgage bankers chemical companies the whole Industrial complex that stands behind the Republican Party "These enormous governmental favors explain why the Republican Party was able to raise literally tens of millions of dollars in its quest for control of the government in the article said WASHINGTON (UP) Democrats accused the Eisenhower administration of staging a payoff" to wealthy business Interests in return for 1952 campaign contributions An article in the Democratic Digest official party publication charged that "hundreds of millions of dollars in special benefits have been quietly handed out to bankers Friday Aug 13 Os UJ XI between Holloed nl Seugatack Ph 4S279 More than 200 species of birds live in Yellowstone park NICOSIA Cyprus (UP) Ibis strategic British Mediterranean island stronghold was virtually paralyzed today by a 24-hour general strike protesting British press censorship Cypriots ranging from members of the Greek Orthodox church to the Communist Party which controls practically all labor on Cyprus backed the walkout called when the British colonial government banned pro-Greek stories from the Cyprus press demanding union with Greece Even the London press Joined in the criticism of the order Naoy Auction Slated GREAT LAKES AIL Material ranging in size from a railroad boxcar down to tiny nuts and bolts will be sold at the Navy's $2 million auction here Aug 25 and 26 Further information may be obtained from Disposal Division Naval Supply Depot Great Lakes 111 Thursday August 12 'THE BEAST FROM 20000 FATHOMS" Also "PECOS BILL" FOLLOW THE CROWD to MURPHY'S LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING COAST TO COAST SERVICE STORAGE TRANSFER CRATING 63 18th St NEW FIREPROOF STORAGE PHONE 2081 4J4 Miles South of Grand Haven US May Start Paying For Army Chow Lone Wotr Lone Wolf Boiton Blackle Boeton Blackle 4 IX) 019 0:30 9:49 Dollar a Second Dollar a Second City Detective City Dciacilve The Marriage The Marriage Favorite Story Favorite Story DAYTIME iDl Firm! Nows BD5 Clock Watchor DO Local Now D5 Clock Watchor Continued Newa 7:00 Clock Watchor Continued Morning Meditation Bov Hanry Baioma HudsonvUle Immanuel Chr Bo I Church YDS Organ Mo Indio DO Now DS Hymn oi Tho Morning 1:15 Family Worship DO Coiloo Capon 1:55 Michigan Now 9D1 Howdy Mtuae 10:00 World Now 10D5 Adventure In Music 10D0 lory land 11:00 Zealand Hour 12 DO Noon How 12DS Sentlnol Hi 12:10 Michigan Luncheon Now Note 12D0 Shop with Mary Emma Young Music To Dream By IDO Now 1D5 Basball Warmup IDS Da troll at Chicago 4D0 Sunuysido UPHOLSTERING BY POPULAR DEMAND Stock Sabin JOHN SCHROTENBOER 186 32nd St CALL US PHONE 2826 FINAL CLEARANCE 1000 10:19 10:30 10:43 Mr Pecpere Mr Pee pen Open House Open House Big Town Big Town Vletory at Sea Victory at Scd Picture Academy Pleture Academy Picture Academy Picture Academy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY PLEASE and his orchestra PLAYING FRIDAY SATURDAY NIGHTS TAIPEH Formosa (UP) Chinese Nationalist newspapers said today that the United States may shortly be picking up the tab for feeding Generalissimo Chiang Kai 600000-man army These reports said negotiations now are underway cm the matter and that the Nationalists expect agreement in the near future which will provide direct US cash grants to feed the Nationalist soldiers Such payments they said would be in addition to other US min tary and economic aid schemes PEERB0LTS HEATING SHEET METAL AIR CONDITIONING 19 6th Sr PHONE 9728 Women's Dress WEDGIES CASUALS CANVAS OXFORDS Values to $695 SHOWS CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1:30 PM 11:00 11:19 11:30 11:49 Weatherman Placn lha Face Place the Face News and Sign Off Picture Academy Pleture Academy Late New Weather New Newi Roundup Rocky King Rocky King Merry-Co-Itound rgfts LAST DAY! FEATURE AT 130 4:25 7:20 10-10 Children's WEDGIES SANDALS Values to 399 HOT WATER STEAM HEATING WE SERVICE ONLY WHAT WE SELL BERT REIMINK PLUMBING HEATING Phene 9647 13 Eighteenth A I S' 1 I Questions in Census DETROIT Special questions on part-time workers will be asked in addition to the usual inquiries on employment and unemployment in the August Current Population Survey that will be conducted in the Holland area during the week of Aug 16 according to Edward St Arnold district supervisor of the Census district office here JOHN WAYNE in Cinemascope HIGH AND THE FRIDAY AUGUST 13 1954 WOOD-TV (I) East Standard Time WKZO-TV (3) East Standard Time WGN-TV (9) Cent Daylight Saving Days Starting Friday! SI NOW SEE THIS GREAT DRAMA IN NEWLY IMPROVED CINEMASCOPE FEATURE TIME 1:40 3:45 5:50 7:55 1000 per foot This is the Final Clearance! Your Extra Sayings Green Stamps SnydshA hom*o off Wsotharbird Sheas 12 W- 8 Hi St Holland HUB SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Die Rnt motion picture photographed with Ifie newly perfected Anomcrphk camera leniei la enmphk camera lenei la Batting Practice Baseball Tenth Inning Bandeland Captain Video Allen Kewe World la Youre The Stranger At! Star Football Nichols Newa Weather Newa 1:00 1J0 315 4:00 6:00 7 DO 8:00 8:30 It 80 1:00 3:00 230 3:00 3:30 400 4:30 900 0:00 700 7:30 8:30 900 10:00 11:00 100 130 300 4-00 3 30 543 (UX) 0:30 7:00 7:30 8 00 SSO 11:00 11:05 TV Playhauee Big rayorr Flril Love Hawklne Fall Belly While Chic Chat Howdy Doody Cartuona Potpourri Life with Liz Cirt Box Margie Roundelaga Cavalcade Room for Dadds Weatherman Robert Lewie llouicparty Big Payor Brighter Daye Movie Matinee Film Feature Newe Jamboree CBS Mewa Pantomlne Quiz Tapper Stnre Playhauee All Star Football New Roundup Wmtllng ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY The personal saga of a father and his four sons-rislng out of the might end magnitude of America in the making Sago Droning Cranberry Sauce Whipped Potatoes Fresh Vegetable Hot Homemade Rolls Vanf to Cool off? MERCHANTS Are Demanding The NEW PERSONALIZED MAEROSE GLASS Ph 6-8152 KAWNEER DOOR PRODUCTS CO trs NEW AND INVITING DAILY SPECIALS THURSDAY ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF Whipped Fate roes Fresh rFozan Poo 85e Cool Canadian Air Chills Northern Sections of US Airborne Officers Put Stop to Sunbathers FRIDAY BROILED LAKE MICHIGAN TROUT French Fried Potatoes Cabbage and Pineapple Soled Sc SATURDAY BAKED SAVORY SWISS STEAK Hub Stylo Whipped Potatoes Blue taka Groan Boons 85c MONDAY GRILLED HAM STEAK Pineapple Ring Candied Sweat Potatoes Fresh Asparagus 95e SPENCER TRACY TUESDAY BABY BEEF LIVER AND ONIONS Swissed Hub Style Hashed Browned Potatoes Fresh Carrots TOLEDO Ohio Sheriff deputies put the "Rruin Sun rtnthing Club" buck on the inactive list when they spoiled five of it members envorting below their plane and arrested them The airborne officers saw two nude couples and a nude tnnn in a wnndcd area nenr Whilchnuse Ohio 20 miles southwest of here Wednesday- The pilot alerted other deputies on the ground and they rrepl up on the sunbathers through the underbrush to make the arrest 85c ROBERT JEAN RICHARD KATY WAGNER PETERS WIDMARK-JURADO By Vnltrd Cool Canadian nir pushed southward today dropping temperatures ns much 21 dcgircs from South Dakota and Cnlorndo to the Atlantic Const But elsewhere heal wave tempera tin cs shot up a few degrees Temperatures of 100 degrees or grentrr were registered in central Texas southern Kansas Oklahoma Aiknnsas Mississippi and Alabama and 306 was reported at Lillie Ruck Ark The heal wave in Iowa was hlnmcd for the death of Harold Scott 75 director of the Sihicy State Bnnk He died Wednesday after suffering heart attack WEDNESDAY BRAISED SHORT RIBS OF BEEF Jardinera Oven Browned Potato as Baked Squash SSc THE HUB RESTAURANT ance Your Hosts Paul and Edna Van Realto PHONE 3298 ZEELAND Sneeze Season Comes to State sme-nueanua-MLeouHMLc wushu Meeii IraMIr law Flat SOL C9EGEL- EDWARD Dim-RtCHARD MURPHT LANSING Ragweed is In bloom tight on srhedule the Michigiin Depot tmcnl of Health reported today After Aug 13 ragweed pollen will constitute 93 per rent of the total eounl of pollen in the nir over Michigan the department warned State mediril authorities offered no cure for hnyfcvrr sniffles only this advice "Relief from the effect of ragweed pollen enn usually be found inthe I'pper Peninsula anil the northern half of the Lower Peninsula For thovc who rnn't get away there is only temporary relief through medication until the first killing frost of fall" 8-OZ PINCH- BOTTLE rarrn NOW PLAYING! Also FRI SAT TROPICAL ADVENTURE! DOUBLE FEATURE! Russian Government Criticizes Ministers HIS FUNNIEST YET! never forget NU thirst quenching flavor a taste treat been a family favorite for over 30 years Ask your dealer for NU GRAPE in the familiar 8 ounce pinch-bottle today I Mjll CjjjlEY others outsell 90TTLB IN DETIOIT AXD HAND NATOS IT JAMAICA Goa MgrbyTECHNICOipR PflBC KNOWLES LADRA ElUOT LONDON (UP) Two Ruskitn government ministers wore sharply rritieued today for failing to get harvesting machinery into the fields on time after Soviet farmers were coaxed into raising big crops The Central Committee of Soviet Communist Pnty revealed a massive foul-up in the movement of trucks and combines into the tremendous grain fields of Si-hetia and KiLikhtan at the start of the harvest It censured the Soviet ministers of agriculture and railway's severely and publicly for an "irresponsible attitude" Bob hope Joan Fontaine FOOD PRODUCTS fmmmm hr Qvmlily Since IS9S SATURDAY GUEST FEATURE IN COLOR Elizabeth Taylor "GIRL WHO HAD EVERYTHING" Herrud Frankfurts outsell all other brands and are sold by twice as many food stores because they are finer-flavored Made fresh daily of choice beef and pork superbly blended and seasoned by Herrud Meat Masters in outstate Michigan's largest meat processing plant No 1 Picnic Favorite In a blindfold test Herrud Frankfurts were picked by 22 out of 25 persons over 3 other leading brands for better taste and flavor 'LIVING IT UP' fc Lewie Dealers in Holland Serviced By Nykamp Distributing Company SOS Weil 20th Street AUG 23 'CAINE MUTINY" AUG 30 Disney' LIVING DESERT" Sept 6 WITH THEWIND" About seventy per rent of the working people in Mexico earn leu than 525 a month.

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The Holland Evening Sentinel from Holland, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.