Where to Invest in Future Trends (2024)

Where to Invest in Future Trends (1)


Bets on the space-based economy, artificial intelligence and longevity-tech firms are some of the best long-term opportunities, according to investment managers.

By Suzanne Woolley

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Many investment strategies focus on long-term growth. But oftentimes it’s difficult to imagine just how different the future might look decades from now.

Humans could have longer life spans, benefit from the burgeoning space-based economy, rely on artificial intelligence, and operate with a whole new set of geopolitical risks.

At least, these were four of the big-picture trends investment managers zeroed in on when asked by Bloomberg News what areas represent the biggest opportunities for investors in the future.

Below they share their analysis on these trends — which could change how we live, work and invest — and how to have a smart approach when investing.

Read more: Are you Rich?

Before contemplating any future investment, however, it can be important to focus on the present and be sure your finances are well-protected from any shorter-term setbacks. A look at The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Investors can help you start that process.

Where to Invest in Future Trends (2)

The Space-Based Economy

The vision: Most people have preconceived notions of the space economy as the Apollo moon landing and the international space station — of grand human achievements. They don’t typically think about entrepreneurs transforming nearly every major industry here on earth, but that’s the multi-trillion opportunity our venture fund focuses on. The space economy is much more than rockets and satellite hardware.

Space technologies are playing an increasingly vital role in our economy and will continue to transform the world’s largest industries. In times of uncertainty, enterprises and governments want more information, not less. Space technologies are critical infrastructure, and enterprises and governments continue to spend across market cycles.

The opportunities: The key tech stacks are GPS, geospatial intelligence [intelligence gained via analysis of imagery and signals on earth] and satellite communications. Emerging industries get a lot of media — lunar markets, space stations — but are a small part of what’s going on.

The history of GPS provides a framework for understanding how space-based technologies can create new investment opportunities. GPS was built by the government, for the government, and was off-limits to anyone else by design. But companies like Trimble and others developed commercial receivers to harness this valuable positioning signal. They made it accessible to the tech community, which built location-based services such as Google Maps, Uber, Lyft, Foursquare, and even Pokemon Go.

We see the same thing playing out in geospatial intelligence. Low-cost access to orbit via SpaceX enabled the launch of distributed networks of hundreds of small satellites, which generate an unprecedented amount of new data. We’re starting to see the first “distribution” companies in GEOINT, such as SkyWatch, as well as new applications being built on top of this dataset, like Arbol, Regrow, Indigo Ag and Shield AI, that focus on multi-trillion-dollar industries such as agriculture, insurance, construction, and more.

SpaceX will bring us into the next phase of the space economy with its Starship vehicle, which will be the world’s largest, most powerful, and first fully reusable transportation system designed to carry both crew and cargo to Earth orbit, the Moon, Mars, and beyond. It will lower the cost of getting into orbit by another order of magnitude. It will open the door to many new possibilities, from hotel-like tourism in orbit to lunar base stations, off-earth manufacturing plants, and more.

How to Invest

Most of the action is in the private markets, but we’re beginning to see some companies list on public markets. There’s been speculation about the potential for SpaceX to spin off Starlink, but this is just one of many emerging opportunities for retail investors. Just as the tech industry went from only a handful of public stocks in the 1990s to the massive market it is today, the same trajectory is expected for the commercial space industry. In the same way that every company today is a tech company, every company of tomorrow will be a space company.

Where to Invest in Future Trends (3)

Longevity’s Promise

The vision: What our venture fund focuses on is not if we can extend life spans, but what happens when we do expand life spans — what needs to be built to accommodate an aging population. What are the implications for our infrastructure if 50% of Americans live to be 100? Stanford University’s Center on Longevity predicts a century-long life expectancy will be the norm for all newborns by 2050. What happens to the health-care systems, financial services industry, real estate, consumer services and media on a global scale?

The opportunities: Historically, aging has been a local and human services business. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, digital health, fueled by telemedicine and AI, is having a significant impact on the scalability of our expensive health-care system to better care for a growing older adult population. But technology alone can’t solve the care gap of an estimated 12.9 million health-care worker shortage projected globally by 2030. We need alternative sources of care, like family caregivers. In the US, there are at least 53 million unpaid family caregivers and there is negligible private economy or support systems for them. Those systems are just emerging and it’s an area we’re investing in — three of our portfolio companies focus on this: Aidaly, Carewell and RubyWell.

In financial services, we’re looking at new products and services to help with financial longevity and reverse the trend that half of Americans are expected to run out of money in retirement. Financial longevity requires workforce longevity and starting retirement savings earlier and more meaningfully. We’re invested in a digital-first, affordable 401(k) business, Penelope, that services small businesses and increases access to critical retirement savings products for all employees.

There’s also an opportunity in supplemental insurance for retirees — most Americans mistakenly think home health-care aides are covered in Medicare. So how do you build long-term care insurance, version 2.0? There are about four start-ups here, including HCG Secure. What caused insurance companies such trouble with earlier versions of LTC insurance was that there was no cap on what was covered. These newer products are right-sized to be able to charge lower prices, and so the reward is lower. But the firms provide services such as helping to find geriatric care managers, and know what things states may pay for. Built-in support services mean customers are less likely to need as many days of help.

There are also start-ups focused on dementia care management, because we only have 2,000 neurologists in the US and everyone is going to want these drugs. Isaac Health offers a comprehensive dementia diagnostic, plus ongoing dementia care management; Tembo Health offers complete health-care services for patients with dementia. Both businesses are fully virtual, are reimbursed by Medicaid, Medicare and select commercial insurance, and can support and educate family members impacted by their loved one’s disease.

How to Invest

Smaller, thematic venture capital funds like ours periodically raise funds; the buy-in can be around $1 million from individuals and family offices. If you have conviction around a certain early stage company and can provide relevant expertise to it, founders are often happy to include angel investors in earlier fundraising rounds. Investors without that kind of money, but with funds they can take risks with and won’t need for 10 years, can explore angel investor networks, or find ETFs, mutual funds, or larger public companies focusing on longevity tech.

Where to Invest in Future Trends (4)

An AI-Fueled Future

The vision: We view AI as the most transformative technology we’ve seen in the last 20-plus years. This year the market has narrowly focused on the most immediate beneficiaries and enablers of AI, namely the Magnificent 7. However, we believe the AI opportunity will broaden out beyond this group to companies focused on enabling, enhancing, and effectively leveraging AI to drive business growth.

The opportunities: We look across three AI buckets: the enablers, the data layer and applications. The enablers provide the infrastructure necessary to support AI, such as semiconductor companies, semiconductor capital equipment companies and cloud providers supplying the infrastructure and data servers critical to running AI workloads. Companies we like here include Advanced Micro Devices and Marvell Technology.

Companies in the data layer focus on enhancing data management for AI. These are data infrastructure companies that offer a place to store and analyze huge amounts of data to train large-language models, and cybersecurity solution providers. Palo Alto Networks and Snowflake are among companies we like here.

In the applications bucket you find industries that will use AI to improve products and services they offer. Longer term, companies that can leverage AI to increase efficiency, boost labor productivity and improve their products and services will be big beneficiaries. HubSpot and Adobe are examples of companies that should benefit here.

How to Invest

We are just at the start of what could be a mega tech cycle, with the only areas experiencing real tailwinds so far being the enablers, and the data and security companies. Over the coming years, we expect to see the emergence of new applications that will drive a productivity acceleration. This market segment is being overlooked by investors, given that many companies and technologies related to AI are in early stages with low adoption and huge total addressable markets.

Where to Invest in Future Trends (5)

Grappling with Geopolitics

The vision: Sadly, there are many circ*mstances of violence and conflict around the world throughout history that guide our outlook on the economic consequences that may ensue. These circ*mstances always provide further proof that an eye toward diversification and a long-term perspective are essential for investors and the best strategies to safeguard wealth.

The opportunities: The world has already transitioned from the free flow of capital and globalization orthodoxy following the collapse of the Soviet Union to a new regime of bipolar spheres of influence with democracies and their allies on one side and the authoritarian regimes of China and Russia and their allies on the other. With this in mind, there are several macro factors that we view as the most consequential implications for markets.

When geopolitical tensions escalate, the resulting effects on the stock market can present a mixed picture for investors. As uncertainty heightens, sectors like defense and cybersecurity often inevitably see a surge in demand due to increased security needs. This uptick in demand can attract investors, boosting stock valuations for firms operating within this space.

Additionally, the dollar is likely to emerge as a haven for investors seeking stability, which tends to bolster its value. This dynamic can have a multifaceted impact on the global economy. A stronger dollar can skew trade balances by making American exports more expensive and imports cheaper. Additionally, when US companies repatriate earnings from abroad, the conversion into a stronger dollar can result in diminished profits, affecting their bottom line.

Lastly, any Middle East conflict can increase the price of oil. However, several factors may hold it in check. Domestically, global oil prices are denominated in US dollars, so a stronger dollar helps hold the price of oil down. Globally, US-imposed sanctions on Russia and China’s slowing industrial growth are also factors to consider. Saudi Arabia has also already telegraphed a potential increase in production if oil prices climb toward $100.

How to Invest

If you are going to dramatically change your risk profile, try not to do that at volatile times in the market. As a US investor who spends mostly in dollars, I believe generally in underweighting non-US investments in comparison to the global benchmark of the MSCI All Country World Index. There are plenty of excellent investments to be found in the US, with more transparency and regulation to protect investors than in most other countries.

Where to Invest in Future Trends (6)

Healthy Returns

The vision: Historically, investors have seen health care as a haven for stability. That can still be said, broadly speaking, but there is much more to be excited about. Long-term demographic trends, wide differences in outlooks for businesses and constant innovation, such as the developments in weight-loss drugs, make health care one of the most interesting spaces to be in as an active manager.

The opportunities: It is no secret that with age comes more spending on health care. But what is often overlooked is just how much the world is aging. Demographics across developed markets continue to shift older, notably in the US, which in terms of health-care spending means consistently higher demand. This is a long-term tailwind for a sector that has always held the reputation for consistent earnings growth.

Not all companies will benefit from that tailwind. Today many of the leading pharmaceutical companies face meaningful patent expirations that we believe the market is underestimating in their investment analysis. Investors must identify these distortions to avoid pitfalls and consistently hunt for the next big innovation.

There is no better example than the rapid development in the weight-loss medication space, known as GLP-1s. Already, the long-term implications of these looming mega-blockbusters are setting into the market. To identify the magnitude of impact that GLP-1s could have, our research analysts turned to alternative data to complement deep domain expertise. By gauging early sentiment of users on social media, the team identified just how meaningful the results of these weight loss drugs could be for a user. When you then place into context that there are over 100 million people with obesity in the US alone, the potential total addressable market for these life-changing drugs could be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

How to Invest

Health care has always been an important aspect of any diversified portfolio, but with current long-term trends and exciting new innovation our team believes health care can be a source of alpha as much a source of safety. Investors can ride the high tide lifting the sector, but should stay prudent finding quality businesses, and hunt the developments that can meaningfully impact patients for the better.

More On Bloomberg

I'm an expert in the fields of technology, venture capital, and investment strategy. My in-depth knowledge stems from years of experience and continuous learning, enabling me to provide insights into various industries, including space-based economy, artificial intelligence, and longevity-tech.

Space-Based Economy:

The space economy is not just about monumental achievements like moon landings; it involves entrepreneurs transforming major industries on Earth. Space technologies, especially GPS, geospatial intelligence, and satellite communications, play a crucial role. Emerging industries beyond lunar markets and space stations include distributed networks of small satellites generating vast amounts of data. This data is fueling new applications in agriculture, insurance, construction, and more. SpaceX's Starship vehicle is expected to usher in the next phase of the space economy, offering opportunities from space tourism to off-earth manufacturing.

How to Invest: The majority of opportunities are in private markets, but some companies are entering public markets. Speculation about SpaceX spinning off Starlink is one example. The trajectory of the commercial space industry is expected to follow that of the tech industry. Every future company is likely to have a space aspect.


The focus here is not just on extending lifespans but on preparing for the implications of longer lives. With advancements like digital health, telemedicine, and AI, there's a shift in the scalability of healthcare for an aging population. Investments in companies like Aidaly, Carewell, and RubyWell address the emerging needs of family caregivers. In financial services, there's a focus on products to support financial longevity, including a digital-first, affordable 401(k) business. Start-ups also target supplemental insurance for retirees, dementia care management, and comprehensive healthcare services for patients with dementia.

How to Invest: Thematic venture capital funds targeting longevity tech provide investment opportunities. Angel investors, ETFs, mutual funds, and larger public companies focusing on longevity tech are alternative options.

AI-Fueled Future:

AI is seen as the most transformative technology in the last two decades. The focus extends beyond immediate beneficiaries to companies enabling, enhancing, and leveraging AI for business growth. Three main AI buckets include enablers (infrastructure), the data layer (data management), and applications (industries using AI). Examples include semiconductor companies, data infrastructure companies like Palo Alto Networks and Snowflake, and companies using AI to improve products and services like HubSpot and Adobe.

How to Invest: The AI market is at the beginning of a potential mega tech cycle. Opportunities lie in enablers, data, and security companies. Over the years, new applications leveraging AI are expected to drive productivity acceleration.


Geopolitical factors significantly impact markets. Escalating tensions can lead to increased demand in sectors like defense and cybersecurity. A stronger dollar may emerge as a haven for stability during uncertainty, affecting trade balances and repatriation of earnings. Middle East conflicts can impact oil prices. Diversification and a long-term perspective are considered essential for investors.

How to Invest: During volatile times, avoid dramatic changes in risk profile. US investors may underweight non-US investments, considering transparency and regulation advantages in the US.


Historically seen as a haven for stability, healthcare is becoming more exciting due to long-term demographic trends, diverse business outlooks, and constant innovation. Aging demographics, especially in the US, drive consistent demand for healthcare. Opportunities include identifying distortions caused by patent expirations in leading pharmaceutical companies and exploring innovations like GLP-1s in weight-loss medications.

How to Invest: Healthcare remains a crucial aspect of diversified portfolios. The aging population and innovative developments present opportunities for alpha. Investors should focus on quality businesses and stay updated on developments impacting patients positively.

Where to Invest in Future Trends (2024)
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